Show nui it af ito bious 11 limmis N TO tin till MST sr pal I at I 1 L march 21 tall roade roads of this country he hale beets l awn driven to the wt ditch and 1 ar an no krilger nicer to compile compete with eai bah h other or anone clue else I 1 jamer james J hill if 11 railroad I 1 belld builder r told t 14 the railroads of the boure find oate late today at ft i joint hearing on oft the bill hill broft th the to the freurd part ier tu its this nato from train I 1 nt b lar 4 mil milt to ii cat W V lardner of or chicago arit 0 dent of the cht hi acu ago fc rail and edmund pennington I 1 cpr of th the minn apolla gt lit paul and baals at man i railroad also appeared before the antin quoting quotin taUt lc to substantiate nl mr JIM that a epe aped exhaustion of the railroad properties of the pu auntry paa en rates aie ate increased Inc reared its 1 I bat at a logical top tep en en more snore stringent conditioned condit ione will follow the conclusion of fit the this prent t browan war mr ur hill 1011 pr ald axt next year he bel lood s ald ald wee f fall in fort 0 of all farn product with v heat down to TO cents per jb n abnormal litter rt rate rates oa on 1 monc monr after ow tn 1 brolle st at ruggle gle 1 1 nde ads a hou were forecast fo recant ty by the st iut paul finan ter who eaid said the war III tie be t rong ht to a speedy clore cleire bec ausse of the thi ph hat and material exhaustion that will en aru and la is giuin ni uin it t oats mure more money pr per train mite kite to operate 41 neer enger train than the r railroad 11 d re eh for it mr ir kill raid paid in urging th the nelly for in creased revenue from pa menger traffic you know how loni long that condition can an embt eilf t and what ultima ultimately tel will come of it t legislA tIo n N 1 an ad antaK for any mate state but that Is to the railroad railroads it Is anfu to the keople of the plate for sooner or latr later the will have hae t to 0 put their necks under the soke oke and nd help share har the burdens the railroad of thi this country are stagg aing under too great a burden no now nd they ar at right at the laist ditch they are no longer ablo able to compete with ith each othet or anyone anone eixe elme they are too busy trying to we their financial problem problems that all sill enable a them to live awhile I 1 pr P r |