Show z U D 0 Is ira A in the he t twenty T wenty million dollar If lollar mystery IM AL AL y s t m r y by HAROLD MACGRATH copyright 1014 1914 nd and 1015 1013 by harold SYNOPSIS enlora ludora in lora in is irit left an nit orphan alt 41 an earl early ag age her father in killed in ili A irold mine udora and the th fortuni fortune from tift tu min 1 groa to be worth ai ill left in ili the til guardianship ruarda of frank I kic ic c i 21 mother moth tro k brother rother tj who lian nei bet himself up its a blindu matic ant an I 1 ii known as all tto ito that lu u ion fort mutt must dio die before ix fore bho she can have a abanto nance to come into of lier her avin miney ey do 0 o that it may be left to h rn tho the next of LI in i II asui all berm merm an all obstacle to lili tits theme scheme in the bermi of john a oung 14 lawer fr conr zu 40 li a t 1 as a inami it fancy aj a lie t tont the 14 to rut the man out of 0 he her mini min I 1 Insl Aits hat that if si cannot mury m ury stor 11 h w at any 1 y no ito ank mt M L t I ai weft ll 11 all rot of it 1 tt tanty ty came a it nl I 1 0 o 4 1511 all iri narry irry hani full fat I 1 in fit a 0 1 ibid you vu mu mut renounce I 1 ull in 1 u jora unravels urra urr vrle avels a I 1 j abery in irn i n I 1 wina wins her art ars t cape cara a casta ca in filkil julin MU nn rill ll 11 raved from front behia convicted of a bumler liy by u alt all himself udora anil and all visit babok shan houk house where allep outcomes otei come ir cry otte fabor attempts atten to inar ry a princess 1 storm seeking zudora Stu ilora Is binds a priti oner allom lore foil folli babok shall shau i it tile I 1 0 lier ier L l ciul lover anil lid 4 utonn ironi front death A makee of diamonds di amund tells af ml hie his ecret sooim inform informs andora that ill life 19 I 1 being belli attempted t morin suspects s ladam sain all at bonn Is nr reed for ste teune Laing the th diamond rui bere gem but zullia discover disc th the fal ai me thit thittap taa a pair mir of mice alie ecer help cloet et en on tather a farm are fleeing lw cause it areal eleton alt hand appears at nhat upon ta I 1 hill nearby to 1 bahmed 1 in ill ills his in ill but adoro learns thit th it hr her uncle baa boa emp oyed jim ny dolton a half rian thus i to annor St ornis par ente bujora ond opel atins a i lie big gajila 1 lantern and la Is 1 b hint storm appear appears and slid saves ave hr her i hasam all aaka asks udora 1 in I 1 a ani en loat lost by tso mysterious old mn men 4 adorn we a 41 vt ut the gem and it burn burnt in lier hand an oil house if to mined b bi 11 0 0 main al 1 a aej n ll 11 t clr I 1 to old nien wen storm a ani n I 1 zu zulara lora are lured jure d there ra f capt n hen the tits house blow blows up tip jol bolm 1 it I 1 to trapani kill georga george smith in killed hl an ani I 1 smith Is 14 charged with murder all conspire i to have john blomi meet the tile annis fat fate as a Mc Afe WInter and ha lie and storm are overcome by powerful pou erful fautne eudor mm avee es them proven tit eliat t mavin it lei t i 0 own trai ped and killed d him und tin ives 1 smith from a band of ot linc tiera an inventor blow blows up a submarine with a powerful heat ay vy which he lie senas benj I 1 through veater all studs udora t to 0 06 directly beix beti cath ath the in enties en tore lib oratorY and order the in i to kill 1111 her udom gets a naming and hr tier life lits Is ad amed tho the heat ray a n anz chin chins la 13 destro cd and wid the photographer after a quarrel with Ilas bain all ali I 1 found deal dead in the river 1 u chan pre ants adoma a a elopement with john storm by her and h he and all attempt to smuggle her hr 0 out u t 0 of t the countr this plot to 1 fru trus arte d b by y storm auld lla aiu all 14 a double falls 1 in love iv with udora baird and ammo du val kidnaps zudora and the ah an hicl child storm rescues them and all dies to 11 ith if aa all tit dead de ail eudora Is cd ed of 0 her pledze to dolve caw cases sh she cont confront mate hoat ho t r he the greatest ani nie 9 tery of all which Is I 1 the of her an life and the ambition to escure cure the th vat vast fortune 0 of 23 go let lefi to her this kibat photo ferial merial Is bine milion lioni 1 I in the leading movina picture the theater th eiter kiors by ill lie 11 corporation amo a n a th O 0 a a are or marguerite sno snow w ary 1 I 1 jamn james crump ia in the nt new role of reporter hero sidney leracey and anti frank on looking her undo a ire capen rapen ders zudora zu a or find that her father 1111 bt ahli i u 1 antero int erts in a mint and storm 1 taj I baird both fold in lit trains to learann for her pome posse n of thia this eat estate a to chwa Is I 1 betag 1 itel by rogues a und under er the leadership of mme du al at they plan to brighten zudora aa so that she ho w will I 1 11 run away failing t they her kidnap zudora ant olard ll the rnino and put tut ehm in n private I 1 nane a ailini I 1 um CHAPTER XII XIII A raid on a madhouse Madho uto john mu realized th hit it enlora mix gitle ab in lit lier tier r tit ont oab a toni fort ible to intfeld meld lit 1 from the cold lie ir wn 19 stun stull ami he find I 1 nt tit her tier foi fot her fo 1 itar nik filik iril V N in artil call I 1 haw done it U liiro t liae take ber harrt k iro re the climond people bat laik k of it IRS ns this move to f frighten or male an oil ni with her he ile x n is lu ili n state of 11 anil and 0 ot lulf 31 lulng to out tuu ind juat just hunt built for the tile 1 I anitia he lie lo 10 load tit ila ing li nor pinn phin of action it tho tile that shil tic tiled liani und that he lie must go to lier her then lila bu to fall full tk tj bloos when libere it rested upon nn en oil ho ito anil i ilk 1 I 1 it ill but f mahout glancing at the tile supera I 1 her they might inight tic ile hiir hurt iniz her tia might 1 ily and 1 h MW the he idam III bo ho was wag I 7 W V idly be loot 1001 til rd for tile he aina I 1 lecaine berame iril ril into life A afric frac t I 1 thin had been africa ila atily 11 be arev drev out tuo the am con tent dad M 4 it it vin rix rl nl liy loy bieno the tile of ilic diamond in this bittler howard flonard d that he lie bell belleree ered tha rightful heir beir wits being deprived of what wae tier hem an n I 1 0 abat bat I 1 r nn bilut ho tio further doubt in bid mind that ws IT for john the smugglers lud had realized bat that tiler food stood on thin ke lie lid hid struth the tile first ali t blow alta alint it mimi uilia u god alono knew know where subi 11 ct t to threats anil anti possibly poa poti sibly abuse oh shii should ply illy in ili blood john wore imore as 09 he be d thase tl 11 ins 1 in fit hn 1114 mind mil it Ilai uby y latue in lit hut halt N 1 ma it slip she noting the 14 wim ild a tiger in lii face it ite rj the the ve taken the tir tart t irek hut but flit me I 1 aliu lie 14 mild 11 mrs Ila isaure inci opening tier hand th 3 the ito W et t to the 11 lawr r but did not iva iok nt tit the tile lilt albitre lerp lt rp ahill ue put theiu mouldan it ti to better if MP lit debited delI ted at it b 11 tul I 1 I 1 wu IVI can call t 1 hit until we ITO haip balt pa i rm rig to t them lie rot got A fi I 1 10 k V 4 I 1 I 1 SK A 41 ho he wa was in a stati of collapse au life N e ell it little them in fit the tile phon oar ilij ma mabelline elline in ill one oc of the ho alcord files it f the anit pl u c iny one otte look 1001 fur for them a now I 1 ni 01 off to sea sc o hunt IOU ou ale Q hi ili 4 room rouin to night I 1 stift lie lilt aini bud to ha liuo a inethel IOL fir for tile ton t if any ally one enters bout tait t adv shoot ind hoot shoot to lill if 1 I ienir not shoot st mIght but I 1 II 11 dhoot 11 mica lien storm tiit t tit nl it 41 elmit it he found that filing av t it a LCT ler he ile paid no tt 0 moral until lie 1 iier I 1 nott notion lie I 1 lie the key to nil big 1 eair Zi doms been 1 I I thought ma anle be nhe i would otil 1 I be 1 anol ml oil wide it in diffort to pr loro N ent lt it t I 1 MS bo I 1 ull gnit ibea d start lilt 1 gune ie 14 tilso thea rr re no nola ive re ire tieni dent hig in mleh lilt M t the liaf liy they g git gt t the oner er ot it thu lilt lilan binl 1 I tile super now so white flint one pot got in otar liand IL letter I 1 found on wi me lour floor in fit vu dora s room conour its II 11 Idres ced to J 11 11 alej abid 11 6 alii I 1 clonard 11 M II ill tints wi mt it bo SO tarnce him elf un ns s tilt 1111 in fit it eh mint aki ful I 1 thu the liliah if to anle n rl 11 k liko like thia this limit until rend tit alir katir 11 II fill in this ili nun tit him arit lua 1 lr i malte in lie he 0 A k AL ar 4 two nurses had buffeted Buffi ted zudora without success Sue cc when lie he landed and tjipta alie to boxed I 1 lin in up and I 1 t be hinted nin ted if audam wa neit dolt door juat just keep liate on johy joho they will til not hurt her tier to any extent they acon t dare dire until they know they ate tafe cheer op or storm we 11 II im 1111 going P enon mj luri do you to do watt send sk nd jim mill baird to arim aarl to 1001 1001 uror tho tile whole bu oll dx atu u inputs the tile output pt and orcut all the lo 10 w enda of the jr imp line me mem in f try it I 1 aid said mme du V val time tillie u t 11 11 rl ml around for aldom ali v ino put plit tier iou lou can t tiep ike 1 11 13 li winal old ol d fr it hoy they 11 be julg mighty litY rot it il eck eel ii 01 xi 1 in 1 gollia in th hit thit it now ov I 1 knon whit ou bullit to do 0 o want tile to s g and arrest strut no 0 th thaita 1111 boti I 1 wint our fri frand rid bruce fied 11 f onie and po go 49 8 he I sooner boner later in hl 11 gain cot trige to ap anti see PC low 1 ow the fair 14 1 4 alint lug ing out ind ild ainu blell ell it learn arn smi ethIng 1 I 1 knon it A I 1 tough jol jill to 1111 C to til lt tilt in the tile ou it oc ole ll 11 in ili durni ice lilt bilut a 1111 gle falc fal c molt on oil mr part mirtic be o 0 fat it rhe io people tile rate I 1 it bel to gt kit t it 11 1 ot t that fact how anig lii will ili n bc title to 11 ailt thru a tit un in tile nir air my iny boy ion loll elin t null out iud ind do to tile lie work in ten tell minute it m nn 13 be i even ni oili but in ili the cud 11 II comboul come out on oil tt tip 1 lilt but I 1 ni ill gulig in to tit aask on on your aith math not to lit mike ike illy in move with ont luf lile il t t i 1 I promise nid form lav MI 1 1 1 e iti alu truo lR lust juel is in sotir in adin tin ui tam th broute or get titi thom them off aa the tose ia e m 13 i IK ile I 1 II 11 I 1 ink lit tit attili ni an a to bo be with tie utmost It tOt cale now IN att it 41 it tind 1 rout out inird 4 1 r 4 k I 1 k 34 14 ill the th while alaird s ey were at thy window we ucal 11 p ply ay lii hi oil benei with il it fat lax brt hus ard li it 11 got n ROOI gool ROO I li all in in lilt 10 s ailon more wa wal nith r litt unini wilin cited ene in it iipp dind that wax 1101 to tc le liy by flirt its at tin tho in tig altion if f dr slum two 4 arid adara without 1 fa ilie ille ti browell iud hill setu kati in ill tle tile aarl but blit bet liel hp 4 find llfra tel t I 1 hh ili nf linet to use ri little upon poll ud ire ro th threaten her tier bilth ith ileath b thi bifi 1111 fL tn it nid oil alme lu val if i know that girl slip 11 alingh ZIl in ii iii fact file yon biver nii oil tr alen bell 11 klo like that will lupik larik pall 11 ilu for giving ilea 0 11 trial fur for lion hon iril ii it t ill ailin rut whre be he 14 1 I 1 know tint thit breid brad my sty 14 1 4 A little liui cr I 1 hir hinr marc than that thre its aimi you evir been beell tair ty or with th c thin linion lt reatha me vell it tit that later the helle henchmen timen edme baick 1 I 1 liter ti sim mme du 4 un ha he and confess etl it tut lit be the ket 11 9 were in the flowerpot fower pot nut none of then realized Zed hajt ZI ail fili fil jn I had made quito en on pace pa eaven |