Show A teet test for mica mentally 1711 17 11 bull dull the allor II 11 cr blue klaff and inactive first tl ast shows itself in a mental state unhappy and critical never Is 1 there 0 joy O in n living as when the stomach and n yd liver aro doing their work keep your liver active and healthy by using uain dr kins kinsa a new life PUD pins they empty the bowels freely tone up our ach cure your constipation and purity the blood 1 aso at druK drusa Clet tilL Duc duckless klens arnica salvo excellent tor for adv ady koepli henry manager sora myar sm A treas HENRY MYRR MYER transfer co PURE abi tilled AND I 1 ICI glien our special Sec lul attention call lellow dray drays or phone e dellier armours Arro oure very ginev greats ab I 1 9 C it LIN LI N 0 I 1 this flour in made from the chelcea turkey cited hard wheat every sack guaranteed to give atiat cllon and liaa has a chemical tt t st t of t as per cent gluten sale saie by price commission co phone I 1 li 00 01 11 ill I 1 I 1 Is aged 8 full fial years in charred eak casks therefore it possesses 0 amble good ress its aging is is a 11 auble rea n why you bould ever insist on 0 n cedar A pook I 1 Dt dealers ulers name nante here the baer bros mer mori go wholesale buquor dealers salt lale cuy city MAIL 11 11 1 10 oil I 1 T 0 and ons half miles from price and three miles from acres of dairy land timoth wild hay hily red top und and alfalfa only i airy alry ranch in hartion count milk sells lie dmd readily fly tor for 10 cents a quart aini can run successfully during aumer firs t cla claa dairyman wanted nothing but cast i rental considered the fore coing facia facts guaranteed address SI W advocate HIA WATH A A ua 1 ars TITE IT DOES NOT IT DO not BAS we have several farms that must be sold NOW here I 1 is an an opportunity to get one of the best farms in the basin at half its value write us at once or come to f UINTAH BASIN REALTY ft C ROOSEVELT UTAH the duchesne stage sta 9 ay I 1 e ana transportation co autos leave colton and vernal daily and reach all important points anthe uinta reservation vows vs ws excellent accommodations along the entire route 1111 6 a 11 i boo 11 JO r ir capital til surplus and undivided profits should impress the depositors the pioneer bank of carbon county through webie web served merit has kept pace with the growth and of price and carbon county every fati facility lity for your business BE FIRST NATIONAL BARK BAR PRICE W we e buy U ay beef hides pelts aws wool anil and beesa KENTUCKY LIQUOR HOUSE phone hone PRICE UTAH topic bar MONOGRAM NO G 6 A SPECIALTY gna oab highest grade of domestic and imported goa handled over our bar and cigar Conn counter ter J M JAMES 47 prop KING electrical supplies wp we handle a complete line of globes and all kinds of electrical supplies KIN HORS r telephone L el ephone a many disorders come I 1 ro rot IM A ou juat just nt at adds I dawl with 70 do you yuu reg ulato living va yol der what alia ails you youa yoa eating regularly and f let et aonie thing li Is the pation headache berro bilious spells Ind lestO it tho tried amoy I 1 I 1 esa life bonfy buckler q arillia P F hollis IF 3 OV rante 84 te aj 0 do 0 13 |