Show 1 1 IN EFFECT aune 15 of tool pi dl trie trici 4 cre itte ait I 1 lie it count dawon A the bill providing for the tion of count di drifts takes cf effect ninety las from the alth of 0 mar mor h 11 I 1 this nf new la common di districts and the of the of schools ar are e before tho the low t ken effect 1 Is 1 tile lie auti jut of the board of county orn to divide the into i the five e anil and at yint the members of the ward board of Lolu cation for uch such district to ree re e until their ors are duly elected and rhall have qualified the fir t Liec tion under the ait act Is fixed for december 1916 the county superintendent Is 1 appointed through the erard it edica tion hat has complete jurisdiction oer both hoth the element ele ir ani herh school i hool affairs |