Show will WORD hot by not et t tally al county thornty diemon meion of amer cou count tit hen hert sunday in the inter cut of the collection department of 0 the wagon JL ha ll athine hinc company mr aemon was one on of the artt men to reach the icen of the shooting at enert IM rt lake jagt aa ack eek when hen bout horth ahot J W Itch ling in th neck mith u 22 caliber rifle according LordIng Ac to 0 beoni eson ift ervion erf ion of the affair the act aas wholly uncalled for and ai am elated stated in la lat t v w eek eck a adi ath ocate acate the quarrel arme er the tho pi ps w slon of rome articles of mall small alue IN V hen fl Ilch ehling lInK came to claim i them his right to take pos amilon of 0 them nam va nuci quei bout hurth flew into a rage and orti ordered cred both li henling ehling and him companion off the premiben premi 1 Aen 0 threatening lo 10 dhoot them thern chica mies loat no not time in 15 11 ing with the request lut lt 11 refused ta s without hir ht vr propel t w southworth fired battini lich bichling ling near the jugular eln not hi in the hed as ar at clr ft t re ig it I 1 h thou ishi ill rs cm r ae as tile wound vae attended to hut but a chort time after it had been inflicted land an d no ital parta parts era b the i little bullet |