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Show becomes a bone of contention among Nick. Ann and Schneider: Nick thinks Alex should do it alone, Ann Ihinks the boy could usea little more encouragement Irom his father, and Schneider is eager to lend a hand. 8:00 CD THE BIG EVENT The Sack-etts' Sack-etts' Stars:GlennFord, SamElliott. After the Civil War, three of the ' Sackatt brothers emigrate from" Tennessee to the New Mexico territory ter-ritory to seek their fortune amid the bitter struggles for ranch land and gold in the rough and tumble West (Part I of a two part presentation; 2 hrs.) (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) CD MOVIE -(MYSTERY) 4 "Lady Vanishes" 1979 Cybill Shepherd, Elliott Gould. A pho-. . tojournalist aids a glamorous, madcap Yank heiress as he toils a political conspiracy aboard a train traveling through pre-war Nazi Germany. (Rated PG) (99 mins ) CD ABC NOVEL FOR TELEVISION: TELEVI-SION: MASADA The story of Ma-sada'concernsadeterminedband Ma-sada'concernsadeterminedband of 960 men, women, and children, called Zealots, who make a final standagainsttyrannybyholdingan ancient fortress high atop Mount Masada, 1,300 feet above the treacherous Judean Deaert near the Dead Sea, from the Tenth Legion of the conquering Roman Army. (Pt. I of a tour-part presentation; presenta-tion; 2 hrs.) (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) O BYU DEVOTIONAL CD ONE DAY ATATIME The newly formed partnership of Romano and Handriahasagoodchanceof landing land-ing Its first big socount; if Ann and , Nick can only overlook their poten- . tial client's 'questionable' sales tactics. 33 MICHELOB LITE CUP SKIING Women's Slalom Competition (60 mins.) CD. COUSTEAU ODYSSEV 'Calypso's Search For Atlantis' Part I. In an attempt to unravel the mystery of the legendary island of Atlantis, Philippe Cousteau searches for clues in the Bahamas and other locations. Meanwhile, Jacques Cousteau focuses o Crete and its outlying island. Dia (60 mins) , (35) POPCLIPS 8:30 GD ALICE At Alice's urging. Mel asks Vera to a movie after both break oft their romantic relationships relation-ships and find themselves dateless 9:00 O SONG BY SONG Alan Jay Lerner' This tribute to one ol America's Amer-ica's greatest lyricists features performances by Gemma Craven. Millicenl Martin and Lena Home (60 mins ) (!) TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. Dr Jackpot Jackson isenjoyinganex-' isenjoyinganex-' citing time; he is about to take hia State Board medical exams snd he's (alien in love with s beautiful blind girl. When trouble begins brewing for him, Gonzo and Trapper Trap-per find themselves looking on helplessly hel-plessly (60 mins ) CD SPORTS CENTER CD MASTERPIECE THEATRE 'Danger UXB' Episode XIII. Brian's injuries have left him shstteredand doubtful of his ability to return to normal life (Closed-Captioned; USA ) (60 mins ) 12$ INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS . mins.) (2) WRESTLING 10:30 booby traps Nero's home, making mak-ing captives of the famous detec- . five, hia assistant and a beautiful , .. reporter. (60mins.) CD STANDING ROOM ONLY . Vanities' Fellow Texas Cheer- ' leaders througtulmeeotpomporrie - and pep rallies in this sensitive ; Broadway smash about growing , , up (StarrSnelleyHack.Mere Baxter Bimey. - , GD MOVIE -HORROR) '"Fang - 01 TheUvtngDead" 19M Anita Eckbarg. Ayoung woman mhoritsa , caetle which is hsunted by vsm-. vsm-. piree. (106 mins.) '' , U MOVIE -(MUSICAL) "Swoet Rosle O'Grady" 1943 Betty Grable, Robert Young. The story of the relationship between an ex-burtesque star and a newspaper new-spaper reporter. (2 hra.) 5 MOVIE-(DRAMA) ''Inner- ' . It Hie Wind'1 1960 Spencer Tracy. . Frodrlc March. A famous lawyer , .' ' ;' confronteanex-politicianinacour-'' troomtrialconcerningevolution.(2 . hra ). ' 10:40 CD THAT'S MV LINE A policeman who persuades hostage takers to ; . '.'. , release their victims, hospital , '; -Xti-: s) psychologist who helpfc Children . . !. : ''.,';.. overcometheirfearotiurgery ana) 4he losingest coach m basketbstf . '. H'v ' :. hjt rhraoolWr fascinating . ' i".V ' poople with unuaual occupations, v'j ! ,;!r- ':" (00 Mm.) ii ? ' ; 4 . , x jf i fS-'Zfr'Z&IMt!''!'?' fcl4a8ayVi ) ' -." . (Cfoood-Ca. aV; - V .V.ijipr - . f'.Mrt -. , 6W Rusfc,: au Mftj . 4 -Vt '" 'iewirftpwr if , -m :. Hnp w M,ii Hp -Uty, tt . , 4'-: W?$ly3&f$igi f$ZFii ,.4 W-e- .f :.?-Vf ) P". HoibooV.A boattut ieo .; , i , tyrnji away.ironviirirarai and , I " " ' drowhintMocemi. i00erlatoi' ; " ; - a fog comea'and gets reverige i (Ra,ed Ft) (omins,"' l..,:'-:is.v ' , S) MOVIE -(HORROR) "Indoa, -tructiblMsn"195BL0nChaney, Marian Carr. After an execution, a ' man returns from the deed snd . aweara vengeance ort the robbery cohorts who betrayed him. (90 . mina.) . . '' : 12:30 ; fJD SPORTS CENTER MOVIE -(DRAMA) "Picture of Dorian Gray" 1945 George Sanders, Donna Rood. Oscar Wilde's tale about a good looking man whose face never ages or reflects re-flects the evil he's done but whose portrait reveals all. (2 hrs.) 1:00 C2Q AMERICA'S TOP TEN GDNHLHOCKEYMinnesotaNorth Stara va St. Louis Blues (2 hrs., 30 mins.) 02 MOVIE -(SCIENCE FICTION) "Gammera the Invincible" 1966 ' Brian Donlevy, Albert Dekker. . V Atomic explosion i foloases ; , moaster-slzed turtle who terrorizes terror-izes the werMt. (2 hrs.) . (3D HBOSNEAKPReVteW: APRIL i JorrySimeroiio'ArmoMeaMhighV'iii'i 'y:- .light the upcomtng wovtes. seorta ! andepeciatsenHBOin Aprt. . : -' - 6B HEW';-V''v', ; . --. -,.,;-T.-.,(,-'m ,;A-,-iv,--r II QD ABC HEWS ' .-' pVvV. i . : . '; ;- 2.-09 ' ! - . r 3)M0Vte-0AMAr ''tordor- line" 1980 Charles Bronson. Man is on to a tight slave smuggling ring and must rescue Mexican aliens from the big city sweat-shoppers. (Rated PG) (104 mina.) . . 2:30 f MOVIE -(ADVENTURE-DRAMA) "The Enemy Below" 1967 Robert Mitchum, Curt JurgensAb- sorting adventure drama as men end machines attempt to ourman-euver ourman-euver each other in deadly . submarineduolatseaduringWWH. (2 hra.) v'' 3:00 ' 92) NEWS 3:30 - QD PROFESSIONAL TEAM . RODEO r.: C12) LIFE OF RILEY 3:45 -CD ' THE CANDID CANDID CAMERA Alan Funt travels all over trtecountrytocatch the unsuspecting unsuspect-ing in very precarioua aituations. ,v 4:00 . ,-. Oi! STRAIGHT TALK ' ' - 5:00 ' QD SPORTS CENTER Oil NEWS :' 6:30 ' 92 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP ((Sunday)) SUNDAY ' ! '' ''- V ;;wf" :- r -- f ' QD 8aENCEti'MiTMR6 -s ' CiJWAyt S . AfcLDriaion. . CamftnUtno -)t(2'br''ifi:'-. lit tjita-g 0MMmi iJt -kp5j'.: t""i T!i H 0. UFNSTUF ' ' Bp poatscenteiI.;',, i-' W SESAME StREEtV.:'" ': ' ' V ( SUNDAY MASS-" -V " Sil KENNETH COPELAND ' 8:30 ' CD KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO; , DEAR ALEX AND ANNIE CD ROBERT SCHULLER FROM CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL 02) POINT OF VIEW , 9:00 v ' - QD REXHUMBARD DAY OF DISCOVERY CD NCAALACROSSE JohnsHop-kins JohnsHop-kins vs Virginia (2 hrs, 30 mins.) CD MISTER ROGERS 92) LIFE OF RILEY - & JIMMY SWAGGART 9:30 Q) WORLD TOMORROW r 3) ANIMALS, ' ANIMALS, ANIMALS; SCHOOL. ROCK CfJ TABERNACLE CHOIR CD ELECTRIC COMPANY (2) REXHUMBARD 10:00 (X) ADAM 12 CT) ORAL ROBERTS O BYU . DEVOTIONAL ARCHIVES v CD "MORMON WORLD CONFERENCE i CD SESAMESTREET'.:jik... .. . ; 61 ROBERT SCMUU-ERFROM ,' ' crvstl CATHEDRAL i-: , s - ft OUTiRUMiTS -f : ; . .10:30 MEET THE PRESS, arris WRITTEN 11:00 . ' GD CAMP WILDERNESS -QD EL RANCHO GRANDE O MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN '' mono--. - . CD MATINEE AT THE BIJOU -"Wildcat' This action-packed oil adventure atara Richard Arlen and Larry 'Buster' Crabbe. The serial Zorro's Fighting Legion' con-' con-' eludes' (90 mins.) 92) GREATEST - SPORTS LEGENDS IS NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFF ' GAME Teams and site to be ,r announced. '.. 00 SHOPSMITK :'' ' : V V ' ISSUES AND ANSWERS 0 MORMON ARTS SPECIAL: EMMET SMITH STORY ' CD EXHIBITION BASEBALL New York Yankssa va North Carolina (3 ' hrs.) .,'... 92) NBA BASEBALL Atlanta Braves vs New York Mets (2 hrs., 30 mins.) . AFTERNOON 12:00 CD CLAIROL CROWN TENNIS Competing in this $200,000 tour-namentwillbedefendingchampion tour-namentwillbedefendingchampion . Tracy Auatin, U.S. Open champion Chris Evert Lloyd, Martina Navra-tilova, Navra-tilova, Andrea Jaeger and Hana Mandlikova. . ' TO BE ANNOUNCED v O SESAME STREET CD SEATTLE TEMPLE : W VIDEO COMICS : ' ' 12:30 " W FACE THE NATION QD ONCE UPON A CLASSIC The iTaliaman' . Part -V., (Cloaod- Captioned; U S A) v i - v.. . O OUSTY'8TREEH0USE ; " . . YSB WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN ' Q ONCE UPON A CLASSIC 'The . , HXtHmm'A Port. IV; (Closed-&ipliaM (Closed-&ipliaM ft.t. WW---jwa !' ' 2? tAJJENT SHOWCASE A' "'' "WASMttiaTDN WEEK m V .fW"J r:.,,vi-mrH:, .,;::, i v '$m- (4)rnboWtorttH' -.i: rfMr'MAj4oMaHiM tfttWoW.claneng A: Tltir ilo0frtimcor' ; 'rtrniMftKln''On;U i walsCaodirfMlntMNow '0jf. ry,tWliatjal6'ai tio.-iiw)ow;trttoar ,(f.?l ?T J.WN6UK-i ' -X, ? iawM.tSTSEEtWEEK-nMiaing gainsitboHord' Guest. GeorgoH. ;. r, Mocrraalra, vprsidont.-pf' Flwf r : Pacific Advisors. HeatLowia Rukoyser.-. A.-' , ! fi NBA BASKETBALL PLAYOFF ' AME Teams and aite to be 1 ' announced. -' 2:00 CD WILD KINGDOM Q HUMAN DIMENSION - CD MORMON WORLD CONFERENCE CD KENNED V CENTER TONIGHT ' 'A Copland Celebration' This historic commemorative birthday tribute to compoaer Aaron Co-plandwastapedintheConcertHall Co-plandwastapedintheConcertHall of the Kennedy Center on November 14, 1980. It weaves dcumentary, dance and movie material in and around the actual concert, with the highlight being a performance of the 'Lincoln Portrait', Por-trait', conducted by Leonard Bernstein Bern-stein andnarratedby Copland himself. him-self. (90 mins.) 9 WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT? 92) BONANZA 2:30 - - CD COLGATE-DINAH SHORE : GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP NBC j Sports provides live coverage of , ; the final round of this LPGA tour-r tour-r namOnt from tr)e'vMision Hrlla c Country Clubin Rincho Mirage, ' " California. (2 hrs T ? , " ' "CD WtoE WORLD OF SPORTS today' ahow will leature cover-' 'c 'ago ef.tho NatiOncU'Coljegiato f;.. Swimming and Diving Champion- ; ; - ships from' Austin, Texas, and the ' . World Team Moforcycles od Ice : '" Ctiainpionshipo ftom. West .Gee- tnMy.BmiMjr . S. 8 insight, Vf.- MARTM LUTHER KING J-, J-, OAMEStPINALft . .? y;y:-j::m y;y:-j::m FTtBOWFEATjjWf;;i .IMAGCR F.fceoTrlifM.itit;p M-i'' M-i'' itoVyofcui,iao A T.kmi1 colpfWj olorf rdy Cp.MOVie'MAjyvttjWwiiEii5 :, i, ; ' AiigloDMuiwBwOeM , - Rash day, young Jaoft London sotaout toatafcebjectoiej (of tor- runo.fletedPO)(lOnine.) - ' ' S WONDER WOMAN , ' MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN ". . WORD - - " '. '.'...'-. ; CD.CMCOANOTMEMAN ' -'i CD SONG OF THE PLAINS: . STORY OF MAM SANOOZ Native ' Nobraaknn ntr Cavolt hoot this documentary on the life of Nebraska Nebras-ka author, Mari Sandoz, who wrote twenty-one books about the American Amer-ican West.DorothyMcGuire.alsoa Nebraakan, narrates. (60 mins ) HOCUS FOCUS 39 BEST OF SULLIVAN 4:30 CD NBC NEWS (D CBS NEWS 5:00 CDmuppetshow ' c$ abc news q america sings cd wkrp in cincinnati cd vic br aden's tennis for THE FUTURE 'The Forehand' Baaed on Braden'abeat-aelling book, this episode seekatodispell the LOmmon myths about the for-ehandstroke. for-ehandstroke. (Closed-Captioned; U.S.A.) 95) VIDEO COMICS 92) " NHL HOCKEY DOUB-LEHEADERBuffaloSabreavsNew DOUB-LEHEADERBuffaloSabreavsNew York Islandera and New York Rangera va Philadelphia Flyers. Order of broadcast will be determined deter-mined at a later date. (5 hrs., 30 mina.) 28 ROCKFORD FILES 5:30 CD EXTRA 3) ALL IN THE FAMILY CD FLO Earl breaks a leg and becomes extremely upset at missing miss-ing a reunion with hie old bron-cobusting bron-cobusting buddy, B.J. Flo finds all this hard to undoratand until she discoversthat B.J, ia a very attractive attrac-tive lady rider. ' CD SPORTS CENTER ' -"e CD WITH OSSIE AND RUBY 'The Many-Face of Jmoa Baldwin Oasie and Ruby spend time with ; : i acclskned novelist james Bsld-I Bsld-I win Baldwin candidly tolls of his ;::,tainedlnanbrp wttb his I. inf up black n America and offers " ' ,jii$9efciSflnsiaMUiothefutureof ' scflonlrithUmidStaies ' . (. iFCfcpHm msM--1 J if) WrVTWtHEYTOIKOF -V M f?J 'ISNEY'S ;WiNDEff UL , .icW01LBiTa4OCtV A .ojiiiok f , yt iiempafooeiamoeoc! trial has , jy. . ' -proponriy foroaming tho noigh , vB'hod''ht:tumWeupon v-two bnk robber hiding out with . 4rtiir hoetge. (Cortclusien; 60 I .. -t'lnii.)" v .' (Cloa-Cptionod - --- -v, , K W ADOLF HITLENTFORTRAIT ! KJJyO A TYRANT With the help of ex cluiveTilmfootage,HBOpreents ' ' a powerful portrait of a power- . crazed man. Hal Holbrook boats , t- this faCinating documentary, '' CD ABC MOVIE SPECIAL 'The . Magic Of Lassie' 1978 Stara: James Stewart, Mickey Rooney. Lassie needs all of her intel-ligence, intel-ligence, devotion and bravery when she is separated from a comfortable com-fortable home with a loving family in California by a spiteful Colorado businessman who, on a phony claim, takes up ownership ot the collie. (2 hrs ) O CLASSIC COUNTRY Mike Wallace, Morley Safer, Dan Rather and Harry Rea-soner Rea-soner are the on-air editors of this weekly news magazine. (60 mins.) CD HORSESHOW JUMPING Anhauser Busch Invitational (2 . hrs.) CD MYSTERYI 'The Racing Game, Part I: Needle' A nervous horse trsinercsllsuponprivatedetective Sid Halley to keep an eye on hia . horse Top Boy, a favored con- : tender in the upcoming 8t.Leger. (Closed-Captioned; U.S. A.) i : ' 69 LIVCWIRE . , :. ,., ','' ', & MONTE CARLO SHOW ' 6:30 .- CD MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) v "Watorshlp Down " 1978 It's s i poignant animated tale of a email ', , band ol rabbits driven out ol their ' burrow by American progress and ; V . their struggle to find a new home. ' (Rated PG) (92 mina.) . Too .;. CD CHIP Officer Baricza needa -1 Jort andPonch's help when hi . , ,"" father's private airplane service is , v ', plagued by a kinetic vandal who is , 4 ' , fhreatenrng the lives of innocent v people (0 mins.) ' " ...-' fei.pOAJfHERTTAGE i !? ',UB ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE h " ;-ArcbJo Hod MtneeH en a date with v : .' -'."a ronfarrtictly metinod woman ', jf, ?,'whn bittoaipt to wmI talk $4 v ' . " Strfphknie's phorel teacher Into ' , ' jf Idttlngfci4ni'o'inotbohool '.'j J , -; choruabeektirea. , ' -i' - , . v., .' V V FAPER CNAStTh-Tbl , ' ( Owri&rfio'-r Jpno T'. Hrt, vi-. ' 4igtirgV4oiiltlM WrMMohll " -, i JV.; povla1( campus hangoul, "tearis ' f that1h6pfiortion.isheadedby ' ' C Prc!saer Kingetiold. (60 mina.) '. :.'--:., MOVIE : -(HtSTOROCAL-ajtOGRAPttlCAL) , .. ' - "Joon of Are" 1646 Ingrid ' V.;' Borgman, JoeoForror.Thestoryof , the French girt whqh4'vielon', load an rmy against France and evontuaJry burned at the atake. (2 :..':.hi) v 7:30 ' CD ONE DAY AT A TIME Alex'a ' long put off acience project V |