Show ll ON UR t tt t f 1 01 U S1 I SUPPORT UrrO T r i Of lA U Chaos Will Result If IE i Plan Plan Fails He I Ir Declares I r I. I j By AssocIated Press WASHINGTON Feb President I told members of the congress s lional Iona foreign relations committees fast Jast night that unless the United States the league of nations the eague would fall faU and chaos and tur- tur noll oil beyond description would result n Europe Views of Republican mem- mem J league ers opposing the league constitution s s reported to the peace conference were not changed by the 9 conference Dining at the White House In ref re- re f to an invitation sent b by wire wire- ess from the steamer George Wash Wash- wire wire-I the members heard the good nd sufficient reason which the Ares pres- dent declared at that time existed for every article In the constitution and Which he asked to be permitted to ex- ex before general debate on It began n congress t g The president was said to have ha told the senators and representatives that the league constitution adopted was I by Great Britain but was I ot of the one drawn by General Smuts ne of the British authorities on the I league proposal Drafts presented by the United States France and Italy I ere rejected President Wilson denied that the I league plan would interfere with the doctrIne declaring that the I doctrine would be guaranteed by all the p member powers in the world so- so ciet The was said to have held that the in the constitution constitution con con- were not compulsory but required required re- re the consent of the nations to which the mandatory was assigned Senators said he expressed the th-e opinion that the United States would desire to bEcome a mandatory for Armenia On the question of American sovereignty the president was said to have taken the position that recession of American sovereignty was not a new precedent being an Incident of ever every treaty |