Show I HERES HERE'S REASON FOR JOINING UTAH I I AUTO Exemption Allowed in Certain Certain tain Cases Described by Secretary of Body By W. W D D. Rishel Rishe Why should I as an automobile Owner jOin the automobile association ot of my state You should unless you II are exempt It If you were one of the persons fit for Cor military duty in the tho recent worlds world's war and by misrepresentation did not get in the game you are exempt from joining your states state's automobile association It If you had the thc I money and did not buy Liberty bonds and War ar Savings stamps again you I are exempt It If yoU are re one of those persons who stay at hom home at election time and do not take an Interest in the welfare ot of your OUr government yoU are arc exempt It If you ou do not take talo a pride or active part in the civic welfare of the community community com com- In which yOU live then you have no pl place ce as a member of the automobile automobile au- au association You are simply a slacker in that great mass ot of hu- hu inanity which floes does and or of necessity must work strive and fight Its way forward and upward toward the ultimate ulti- ulti I mate civilization of mankind ADVANTAGES I Every progressive step in the world always has and always will be surrounded sur- sur rounded by the deep mire or of prejudice We Ve who own and drive motorcars believe believe be- be lieve we are the pioneers In of the greatest movements in the worlds world's progress That movement Is the motorization motorization mo- mo of transportation To theman the tho thoman man who limits his view of the worlds world's affairs to the narrow confines of a aday's aday's days day's walk over dusty tads roads we offer the luxurious motorcar and paved highway To the producer whose market market mar mar- ket Is confined to his Immediate neighborhood we offer the motor truck with rail and sea connections bringing the marl markets ets of the world to his back door This development is being brought about by those who believe in inthe inthe the motorcar but there is still sUll need of great efforts before its final accomplishment BENEFITS The Individual can accomplish but little but organization can force its just demands upon the world The In- In car owner may rail against poor roads unjust taxation the curtailment curtailment cur cur- of his rights and profiteering of his necessities but they are as idle words Organization and the verY weight of numbers brings the mo most t powerful of the opposing forces quicklY to its knees The high court that stands for justice right and progress yin in the use of the motorcar is the automobile automobile au- au association Here the moral and financial force of the motoring community is welded together into one powerful army ready to strike for that which is right NOT A DREAM State automobile associations are not Idealistic dreams of a fe enthusiastic en- en motorists They are accomplished accomplished facts with years ot of accomplished deeds behind them Nearly I every state slate In the Union has Its state I automobile association which can with pride point to the tho results secured through Its efforts The importance of oC these results depends entirely upon the support given these associations b by the motorists of that particular state And If needed results are not quickly secured the blame lies entirely on the motorist who withholds his membership and hence his support Utah In common with other states has Its automobile association Perhaps Perhaps Per Per- haps a baby in age it is rapidly becoming becoming be- be coming a giant In accomplishments accomplishment Scarcely five months old Its 1000 members are proud of Its record And now lets let's get down to cold facts I i I I GASOLINE PRICE CUT I At this writing the Utah State Automobile Automobile Au- Au association has reduced the price of gasoline 4 cents a gallon or a aI I ot of about to the gasoI gasoline gaso- gaso line users of the state of Utah It was wasi the only organization that spent its own money and time to put over o the bond Issue In Salt La Lake e count county every dollar ot of which Is for roads It has erected traffic signs In the city of Salt Lake It has cut the loss due to stolen cars over one one- half In the tho city of Salt Lake It is fathering several bills now before the state legislature to give us better traffic traffic fic laws to secure conviction for car stealing to make it possible to prosecute prosecute prose prose- cute juveniles who steal cars for JOY joyriding riding to secure an additional state bond issue for for roads PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN It has started a nationwide publicity campaign to bring tourists to Utah but Its greatest g accomplishment Is that it has in a short five months made for it elf a name in the community community com com- In which It lives It stands as a monumental force with which politicians will reckon In spending the peoples people's money on roads Which the courts must recognize when prosecuting motorists with prejudice and which th the public at largo large now knows will not tolerate an infringement infringement infringe infringe- ment on the rights of the motorist ts gs peaceful and lawful citizen The work of the Utah State Automobile Automobile Auto Auto- mobile association has just started It I solicits and needs the membership of every motorist In the state Its membership membership mem- mem at present insures Its success Its accomplishments will be measured entirely by the number of motorcar owners who flock to Its standard |