Show fl FIGHTERS i A ON 3 TRANSPORTS T B. B Press AS GrON Feb Forty six Ulcers and 1000 men comprising the h headquarters ot of the tho l' l First and ThIrd I battalions Three Hundred Forty Forty- eighth infantry the headquarters sanitary company supply company detachment and companies A A. A B C D E EfI F and J I have lave sailed from Bordeaux arid aid will arrive at New York about March l 8 The transport Honolulu is due at Newport News about March R 8 with a I casual company ot of California troops and the advance school detachment of I I the Tenth field artillery brigade for Camp lunston Funston and three casual pf- pf THREE TRANSPORTS ARRIVE By Associated Press NEW NEV YORK Feb lieb The transports transports trans trans- ports WIlhelmina Ulua and Caserta arrived today from French ports with veterans ot of the h AmerIcan epe- epe forces t The Wilhelmina brought men from convalescent nt detachments at Bordeaux company M if Three Hundred Forty Forty- fifth Infantry and several medical and casual units On the Ulua were the hundred hun hun- I dred Seventeenth supply traIn the Three Hundred red Seventeenth trench mortar battery batter the Three d red Twenty fIrth field sIgnal battalion All these troopS are negroes The Caserta tr transported the Sixty Sixty- thIrd coast artillery regiment spade up ot of 39 offIcers and 1300 men of the ular army and 7 officers and nen from replacement units recruIted throughout hou t the country |