Show THIRD IG ARRIVES AT DIAMOND FORK D D. Jr II Gus Gustaveson eson president of the Gustaveson Oil company reports that the third drilling rig recently shipped from CalifornIa has arrived at Diamond I Fork ork switch and Is now being unloaded The drill belonging to the Gustaveson Gus Gus- Oil company is now being overhauled and will be taken Into the Diamond Fork along with the drilling machine belonging to a California syndicate as soon SOOIl its ls roads will permit Mr Musser who just came from the Diamond Fork switch states that at present the snow Is too deep to haul the machines Into the canyon Mr 11 Gustaveson who with associates associates ates is operating In the California and Texas fields reports that he sold one half interest In acres aCles for Mr Gustaveson left this afternoon for Los Angeles to meet with his people there with the purpose purpose pur- pur pose of forming a stronger syndicate which will deal in leases all over the country and particularly It Is expected expected ex- ex will take a acre lease in Utah It SALT LAKE CLEARING HOllE 1 Today's clearl clearings Same day last year United Tintic 02 03 Utah Con Con 02 02 Union Chief 02 06 Victor Con 03 05 Whirlwind 01 Ol 01 Wilbert Vilbert 05 07 West Toledo 03 03 Walker Mining 75 Woodlawn 30 Yankee Can Con 05 O 09 Zuma 11 OPENING SALES Columbus Rexall at Colorado 2000 at Crown Point 1000 at Empire Copper at lIe East Crown Point 1000 at Eureka Lilly 2000 at Eureka Bullion at Lehl Lehi Tintic 59 5 at May Day 1000 at New Kew Quincy 1000 at 5 e Neva 2500 at atc c 1000 at l c at at at at at at Provo 1000 at 6 c 6 c Tar Baby 1500 at 2 c Tintic Standard at at Woodlawn 00 at Yankee 00 at CLOSING OSING SALES Albion at Alta Tunnel 1000 at 1000 at 6 c Big Cottonwood 1 1600 at c c Columbus Rexall at Crown Point 2000 at 6 c Cottonwood King at ie c Eureka Lilly at 2100 at c Iron Blossom 80 at at at at Iron King at Lehl Lehi Tintic 1000 at New Kew Quincy 1600 1500 at 5 c O. O K K SIlver Sil- Sil ver ITer SOO at 7 c at 1400 at iOe at The OO at The Sliver Silver King Coalition at 1 Tintic at Zuma 2500 at TOr ALS Shares sold for or NORTH SALT LAKE LIVESTOCK Cattle C I e 1 strong r demand e on fat cattle NI NIe choice ce heavy Ja v steers r rs 1350 3 5 1400 choice steers weighty 1300 fair steers choice cows and heavy heifers faix to good cows and heifers cutters canners fat bulls bologna bulls yea veal I calves Receipts Hogs strong demand on tat fat hogs choice smooth fat at hogs to pounds 15 Sheep Receipts market steady good choice lambs choice yearlings fat 1000 fat at ewes feeder ewes CHICAGO PRODUCE By Associated Press Pr ss CHICAGO Feb 27 Corn Corn 0 3 yellow yellow yel- yel low 12 No Ko 4 yellow 1284 19 No o. o 5 yellow Oats Oats-No 3 white standard stand stand- ard Rye 2 Barle 1000 Clover Pork Nominal 2515 Lard |