Show D o n IE li 0 li w 1 N Nv w a A o C o D o JF o oCE D o a o i. i CE o o 00 SU lU AN ll o o. o 00 Il IF aa o A ACREAGE CI EA GIE oco EASY JS MS A dI word ord a day cost t 15 per line I q hardwood floors full t new garage all 5 the theW W 1000 cash e x ePt heat fruit trees etc owner make sacrifice 2500 SOO cash I Ir r Jar large lot Jot 2500 or oro o lots up to 1200 ow sleeping porch all I In built tea tea- wak walk from heart of ofu u beast location ThIs d can be purchased for fore e easy terms Dont Don't p SPECIAL t. 4 1 CASH id tree chicken eMr terms term even less rent rent 5 AST ST SIDE home 11 i e on So paved ments paid foot 37 hade trees features See us for Cor Z I- I furnace furnace room 5 brick 1 Just of ort NInth nap at 2800 T Terms I ESTMENT CO I g 68 S So Mal Main e ms 1943 r INS IN NG G LOTS it ever Be Lower h frontage 7 building Emerson near paved ward vard near East v venue nue located on Herbert d East ion on 3rd East street I l 1 on West Vest Temple Tempe ne D R. R shops West and South J It will pay to In- In hese fine build building In lots Will 1 sell lell sellon lellon on easy terms i UGH PLACE e C Ion of the city ion io- io n block fro from In i f d streets Special ons who will w build A. A AN TRUST CO East First South I ll PARTIES R IES d to build hl high class h-cla h s or Wasatch n l J K streets north or but buyers for high high- Or wll sell two located on I street Inquire of S III II ri ns s BuildIng 2471 71 home T A A BARGAIN well known Douglas f to 1 sale at a a. bargain description applY de ders Kearns modern brick fun full cea ceo ce- F garage a r a c lot nd f S. S TAYLOR K J R it equity for house southeast Call STATE STAT THAT'S ALL LO O. O tit Malt Sj Sf Ito to Lorn Loia loans oane eee cee Tuttle Urea Uro Lin In true AN ON ESTATE r No o dela delay LIberal options TRUST CO l AltI Mato Street Streit City Bargains Watch Salt Lake Boom Large home east st side cost Never before in the history of the city or state were condi- condi Lot I c a 4 acre Logan f floe n 0 n i t 2 2 g g more favorable for an active reel real estate market Home 4 4 modern home sleeping porch Roosevelt Poosevelt avenue 2 evidence modern Seventh avenue 2275 buyers are in e. e The home building pro pro- rm 6 bungalow walking distance nc O. O S S. L L. yards yards' ards 2500 gram for tIe the I. I spring has I as reached d s stupendous t up en d ous proportions t. t IOns b t modern R I f modern brick lot 0 hot air afu furnace East Seventh e ti S 'S South ti- ti and Third d East t 2 2850 D Demands mands for cultivated fart farm lands were we e never greater The 7 modern Forest ForestDale Dale first payment 2550 2900 wIse buyer wIll not hesItate but make a home or fIn farm purchase purt pur- pur t ngu a V g chase before the present market advances the price of realty 5 bungalow hot rater he heat t near Ninth East 36 0 holdings New 5 rm bungalow i block off Ninth East a t v We f Have ko Others All f On Easy rr Terms T RICHEY RICHEl COMPANY RICHEY COMPANY REAL D D. C C. Roberts B. B C. C Palmer TORS Vas Wasatch 4 41 Ness 34 Ness Building Wasatch LE GRAND RICHARDS REALTY CO We try not to overestimate the merits of the places paces we offer and we say frankly that thIs Is one of the best bargains bar bar- gains we have lord had on our list for some sometime time lime but owner has only given us until next lext Tuesday morning to make the deal fore before the price Is raised This Is on a I. I ft lot with lawn awn cement walks garage and the house houi e has five nice rooms with hardwood floors In bunt features sleeping porch Inlaid linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors window V shades The house Is only one oar ear old a and Is as n neat eat and clean as a in n. n There Is a good cement basement with Ith hot and cold water taps House Is connected to sewer and all assessments paid iId We Vo must have payment We Ve will be glad to show you this We e have a a. customer with a passenger 6 Case car 1915 model newly overhauled which he will exchange for building lots or as first payment on a home Valued t il-t A new room 6 modern modem frame house In in 1 00 good 1 location east side just beIng built This will be a nIce little home and can be had easy terms LE GRAND RICHARDS REALTY CO 75 West South Temple Was 2194 EXCEPTIONALLY t FINE HOMES FOR FORTHE FORTHE THE MONEY room 8 story 2 excellently built i Third a venue avenue close in j lar larze e lot and garage Only 2000 cash balance to suit This is a sacrifice price 5 room brick bath ce cement nent basement arranged for furnace Second East near South cash 30 per month 7 per cen cent l. l 2650 New room 4 bungalow with large sleeping p pored r h cement basement best location west side cash 20 per month 2700 Seventh South between 1 st stand and 2nd West Vest 6 room brick with large lot 1000 1000 cash 30 per month 7 per cent 2100 room 5 nearly new modern bungalow near D. D R. R G. G cash 2250 per month including interest at 7 per cent This place is a great bargain We write all kinds of ance STATE LOAN TRUST CO Phone Was 1120 30 West Broadway FARMS FARMS- EASY TERMS ACRES IN TOOELE to 40 ACRES CLEARED 10 PER ACRE AcnE FOUR 2700 ROUSE HOUSE O ON ACRE LOT O ON CLOSE TO STATE ST ST. 2750 10 27 ACRES c EAST A OF SANDY tJ orIN I ITER 0 ON COUNTY T ROAD HAS s FINE WA TER RIGHT WILL H IT City Bungalow 1500 ROOM 3 NEW LOT THIS HOUSE HAS FINE CE CEMENT l FOUNDATION TION PLASTERED AND PAINTED LOCATED JUST SOUTH OF WANDAMERE WANDA WANDA- MERE ON CAR LINE EASY TERMS ONE o E ACRE WITH SMALL LT ROOM FOUR HOUSE LOCA LOCATED TED O ON STATE ST. ST CLOSE TO HUSLER'S FLOUR MILL 2500 ROOM 6 MODERN NEW BRICK RENTS FOR 25 ON STATE ST. ST CLOSE TO G. G A. A FRICKBERG The Realty Exchange We Buy Sell Rent and Exchange Real Estate Constitution Was WaI I 3 IN W g Gl d a Sll kc e P JP ch Q TIlls This horne home has all the latest In built features finished In gumwood oak floors selected Indirect lighting fixtures sewer connections in In drain In basement which Is cemented concrete driveway on carline with all assessments assessment paid located l southeast st st. 00 down balance easy monthly payments IA COo Coe 9 1207 Walker Wallter Bank Phone Was as 1623 A lf lW W n SQ n i e e eU U WI dl Jr IN 0 W Sl t th ce l Lw Pt G Ci 14 J Al NS 12 acres all to In cultivation In heart of Holliday 2 2 shares of water to the acre PrIce an acre acro If taken at once Easy terms We Ve have several acres and acre half tracts In Holliday that can be purchased very reasonably and terms to suit 2 acres wIth house Ii 5 rooms and outbuildings outbuildings out out- buildings near So and East suitable for chicken ranch T Is an at Think unusually good buy at 2500 of the prIce act quickly Moderate monthly Instalments I M. M M. M LONG CO I So Slate Siale Was f ir ii BARGAINS THAT ARE RE BARGAINS INQUIRE TOMORROW REGARDING the FOLLOWING Bu s 's this nearly new room 4 room bungalow easy walking tance southeast just off paved street best car service good neighbor neighbor- hood This house Is strictly modern with all assessments paid sewer seer connected new paper of good quality on front rooms fIreplace plate rail kitchen finIshed finished fin fin- In whIte enamel special In built features good bath and lighting fixtures cement basement for coal and all provI- provI Buy this bungalow and save car car- fare room room modern brick with sleeping porch glassed in colonnade opening buffet kitchen fine bath fixtures electric lights large clothes closet porch clear across front Good lot with lawn flowers coa coal coal- house chicken coop Near Neal school good carline canine and paved street wIth splendid I I neighborhood of new homes Owner out of town hence this sacrifice Terms I down This beautiful room 5 I low Jow southeast built for a home by a man who knows and who put his best Into It Finished in gumwood gumwood gum gum- wood music room and amid large livIng room with ith opening into beautiful dining room built In buffet two good bedrooms sleeping porch convertible Into bedroom Buffet kitchen with latest Improvements fInished In five co coats ts white enamel large bath full basement with HOT WATER heating plant You cannot appreciate this home until you see It t. t We Ve have another one very sImilar but finished In OAK and close In Same price TORONTO COMPANY Was 1319 Res Ites Was Vas W The Wright Company Templeton B g. g Was 1646 as first payment and 15 IS per month for a good room 4 partly modern home near South streets A 1600 good room toom home with a lot with coops and sheds etc terms SO down and 16 15 a month cash and 2750 a a. month buys a very fine room 5 modern home with lot to alley This hone hom homIs Is near South and East 15 1200 acres of good land with a two two- room frame house at South ful Z cash balance on time 1 1 00 acre of the best land on the southeast bench with small orchard Good garden piece and a room at-room room 4 home also alo washhousE cellar ce and shed OO down and 20 per month I n 2600 acres with a good room 6 pebble peb- peb ble be dash home Good water right flowIng well sheds shed barn harn COOpS etc This place Is just east of Murray Terms 1000 cash or will take a good building lot as part payment The Thc Wright Company For Sale Ch Cheap ap IMI o d Go down yourself and look over the premises Inspect the grounds grounds- there are a three three full full lots trees shrubbery shrubbery chicken runs and plenty fruit Located near two good car lines one block from East one bloc block from Crom East car lines 2304 So East EastIs Is the address of this attractive property properly 3 la is the price SQ CC C sll U 35 per mall month h Including Including- Interest Call the Owner Was I ED D. D SMITH SONS I Realtor SALT LAKE CITY REAL ESTATE I Is cheaper today than It ever be e again no city In the UnIted States State offers offer the opportunity In Real neal Estate buys bus such as Salt Lake Iak City offer today Activities In Real Estate circles circle are greater today than It has has been for a gre great many years This Is bound to Send prIces up by br leaps and bounds It If It Is Real Iteal Estate you are thinking think think- Ing of DO IT NOW r Opportunity pocks knocks but ut once at your door The opportunity Is at hand grasp It The Greatest Bargains Shown in Salt Lake City Today Are Listed in This Ad 6 room strictly modern practically neW fire brick bungalow one of t the e finest st inthe in the city living room dining room and reception hall have fine sawed quarter white whiteoak whiter floors oak r floors there r and is a sawed quarter built in ab buffet oak in l dining finish T room all the and bedrooms e a buffet rt are kitchen rc laid l large up with cemented m maple r basement with water hot heating system everything the finest Located op 01 beautiful beau beau- c corner lot In very nice southeast district and surrounded by all new homes Price Is will accept 70 cash 50 per month 5 room strIctly modern brick cottage all rooms on one floor excellent e condition hot air heating plant located on ThIrd avenue all assessments fully paId Price or will sell completely furnished for Cor It Is a bargain 5 room modern brIck cottage built by one of the best builders In the city all large rooms complete bath kitchen fine pantry with all built In features a good garage Garnge goes with the place and is located near North and Second West Vest just the place for a railroad man Close to the shop and close to the O. O S S. S L L. L depot large lot goes with the place and the price Is only 2800 Look at this today t 4 room modern brIck bungalow on large lot excellent condition nil all newlY painted and decorated has buffet kItchen complete bath large bedroom living room dining room and sleeping porch Goes at the almost unheard of price of 2650 on easy terms Located near Eleventh East and Thirteenth South We have ha another room 4 room new modern modem brick bungalow hardwood floors semi semi- Indirect lighting system built In buffet In dining room mantel and bookcases buffet kItchen with Ironing board large In glassed plastered sleeping porch cemented basement with hot and cold water Half a block from Fifth East ast Boulevard PrIce 2350 ED D. D SMITH SONS 38 West Second South Wasatch SPECIALS IN HOMES AND BUILDING LOTS EAST SO TEMPLE TEMPIE NEAR EAST One of Salt Lakes Lates High Class Hom Homes s. s 8 cm Brick full 2 story H. H W. W flOors beautifully finished In every re- re Separate Servants Servants' room with Bath Complete In every de detail tall Josi positively nothing better on this street at atthe atthe the price asked Reasonable terms can be arranged Shown only by y appointment I Near East Boulevard Boule and So New ew beautiful mod bungalow v. H. H W. W I floors built In features cement base base- m ment nt A very attractive homo home Only cash 2700 monthly No East A 7 story 2 brick mod except heat Its It's a well web built house Doubt If anything better offered at OO Balance month monthly 30 down 35 monthly secures choice 6 5 mod brick bungalow on 21 So The very ery best that the money asked ased can pro pro- duce Mod Iod in e every ery ry way except heat which we will Install If desired at actual cost IT II W. W floors mantel and fireplace all the built In features 3 Cement basement base ment and sl sidewalks LET IET US SHOW YOU THESE and othErs R Building LOTS on Easy Terms or Cash Carh CHOICE LOCATIONS AT THE LOWEST LOWEST LOW LOW- EST PRICE IN JO 10 YEARS S. S E. E corner of t hJ E. E and n tI So lJ ft f facing I east t St St. Imp p Pd Curb b ana utter gutter sewer lIewer and sidewalks sidewalk 1075 on Terms on 3rd So bet and East Best bargain on time the East Bench at 1300 terms to suit ft Lots on nh th East or South OO and upwards upward 10 t to 50 0 down and small payment monthly ACT YOU NOW WILT WILL NJ NEVER VER BUY FOR LESS PETERSON REAL ESTATE INV CO 1 fi 54 East ast South St. St Was 20 UNUSUAL ACREAGE OFFERING For easy terms we will build for Cor you ou on one of our acre I-acre lots a strictly modern modem room 4 bungalow or we will cut these acre I-acre lots In half and will sell wIth above mentioned improvement for or 2500 This acreage Is located one mile mUe from city limits has bearIng peach cherry and apple trees also grapevInes These grap took Sat 1st prize at state fair 1918 1913 If you ou do not care to have us build for Cor you ou we will Sell you one of these acre lacre lots for tor 1000 1000 pr pe acre terms Come early and make your selection as these acres will sell fast Cast Liberty bonds accepted UNIVERSAL INVESTMENT CO 1 So MaIn lit st Was WAIl n Suburban Bargains II 9 acres South nice house barn stock and Implements 35 acres So Holliday Cat Cal bungalow coops granary straw strawberries fruit 2 acres I Hh Fa East st st. 7 house graIn alfalfa alfafa orchard 3 acres Bountiful irrigated 4 house 2 50 15 acres Granger Irrigated beets alfalfa or grain 17 acres s So 6 house beets alfalfa stock and ts 21 g 25 acres acres g tt So So i irrigated irrigated t ed 1 all and in pasture cultivation ma j S 50 shares share's jl j water i 1 n 40 acres cultivated to be Irrigated 2750 f 15 acres house and barn garage coops Irrigated 2 acres Highland Dr 6 house flowing well barn coops coop 2900 East 4 rm house coops far fare IS 1550 O MANY TERMS OTHERS EASY i. i RICHEY CO COMPANY r 1 Wasatch UI 3 34 33 U 3 Ness C. C W. W Frees E. E M. M Smith FARM SPECIAL zoo acres ot of the very choIcest Irrigated land In southern Idaho This land has a paid up water right and lies perfectly for Irrigation Located near TwIn Falls Idaho one of the most successful irrigation projects In the WHOLE STATES acres In alfalfa balance of land Is Isas isas as level as a plank floor and lI has s all been under PlOW Two nice nearly new flew bungalows s 's on the tract two g good ocl wells for c u e all kinds of electric power er now on the place This Is one of the most Ideal Propositions for Cor say 3 or a 6 families The Tho writer has personally this nd and you OU will 11 SAY WHEN WUEN YOU see fee It as did I that It Is the |