Show 45 DAY Y EXTENSION I GIVEN ON INCOME TAXi TAX By Associated Press Prell WASHINGTON Feb Income taxpayers both corporation and Individual In- In will be ranted granted forty fIve days from March 16 15 for filing their complete tax lax returns If they notify collectors In wrIting that they cannot complete their returns by that date In makIng thIs announcement the tho Internal revenue bureau reiterated however that 25 per cent of the estimated estimated esti- esti mated total tax must be paId by March 16 15 It was announced that collectors or of internal revenue would supply all IndivIduals In- In requesting the forty five da days s 's extension wIth a form on which to make tentative returns as a basis for tax estimates A form for tentative tentative tenta- tenta tive corporation returns will be mailed by revenue collectors to all corporations on their lists I Il l |