Show J JESSE KNIGHTS KNIGHT'S SPRING GANYO I COv A rl L EGG 1 t 7 tS S l' l L' L f. f Just Listen to This J I ry J. J i j We take particular pride in delivering f v f Jesse Knights Knight's a Spring Canyon Egg Coal When customers look us in the eye and say Believe me that's some coal your youre pushing we feel good all over i ti t- t i We dont don't worry a minute when our friends friend specify Jesse Jessy Knights Knight's S Spring ring Ca Canyon yon We We know they'll come back again agam WIth repeat orders Besides we make certain that our service is just as good as this famous fuel which we we admit keeps us going some But if theres there's anything we like its it's to keep j f going Arent Aren't you about ready to let us us' us fill fillup up your bin JE EmY FUEL GRAIN CO Ira 76 N. N VEtT TELEPHONE WAr Alii r c r cob r ri i i Now About 1 t Alibi Alibi- t 1 I C J WHERE was Mooney at P M. M on the day F of the bomb explosion He has a perfect alibi I i twenty minutes before and twenty minutes minutes- aft after r f this critical moment Where was he het To find out U I read the masterly unbiased analysis of the l f Mooney oney I Case by Walter V. V 1 t t- t 4 Dont Don't buy a Home It does not pay Its It's Its cheaper II to rent they say But if you are determined to tor r r buy read first the experiences and advice of a man mant t t who has bought and sold twelve homes all at a I 1 profit What William H H. Hamby has to say on k house buying is worth real money to you J 1 A live Jive Yankee salesman went to the Orient full or of 7 pep and ginger to sell a good line In a year he came home discouraged a failure Why William Williamw Williaml l w Dudley Pelley tells you the reason in Hustling r i the Far East t 1 Those These are three of tha twelve big features In SUNSET MAGAZINE for Marsh March Get Cot of SUNSET from our news new dealer end and become a copy your a regular reader t Subscription price Iso per year r. r Special Sp ial trial llon price Ice eight montha fr Fill out anti and mail th the attached ana h coupon today 1 f t USE THIS COUPON t 1 SUNSET San SaD MAGAZINE California Incorporated S. S L. L T. T t i 1 8 month ye r to SUNSET 1 with the number 4 t Ne i ir N. r r City j 1 l. l 1 t a i STRONG DRINK i ROBS A MAN AN OF F ENERGY 1 1 Tablets Afford ReM Relief Re- Re M lief to the Shattered Nerves 1 t 1 the of Drinker b eIo 11 11 Many m men n soldiers and sailors have have stated that when they were denied their liquor their nerves became shattered shat- shat until the wonderful tonic effects effects ef- ef of Tablets restored them to normal health The man who swears liquor or tobacco will find his task easier and will regain his normal normal nor nor- mal poise and control quicker by takIng taking tak- tak Ing Tablets The man or woman the nervous and sleep seep sleepless less find Ind a boon In Tablets whIch are guaranteed safe harmless and effective always or money back Get a tube today from your our druggist and help yourself to get right right-right CURED HER FITS lira Mr Paul Gram resIdIng at Fourth Street Milwaukee Vise recently recently re- re gave out the following statement statement state state- ment I I had suffered with Fits Epilepsy for over 14 years Doctors and medicine did me no good It seemed that I was beyond aU all hope of relief at last I secured a that cured me sound and wen well Ovet 30 10 years have passed and the attack have not returned i wish every ohe who suffers from this terrible terrible ter- ter disc dise se would write R. R P P. N. N 12 Island Avenue Milwaukee Vise a d ask for a bottle ot of the same Id hi of medicine whIch he gave o me lIe has generously promised to send It postpaid free to anyone who writes h m. tt t H 1 f 1 t tot t y yi i A Stubborn Cough t i Loosens Right Up T f I II f I This made borne remedy is I. a wonder f t for quid quick result Easily Elly end endt made 3 t cheaply t et-t M a H Here is a made homemade syrup which of people have found to be bethe bethe the most dependable means mans of breaking up stubborn coughs 1 It t is cheap and le but very cry prompt in action Under Under Un- Un der its i s healing soothing influence chest soreness goes phlegm loosens breathing becomes become easier tickling in throat stops and you get a good ni nights night's ht's restful sleep The leho usual throat and chest colds are conquered by it in 24 hours or less Nothing better for bronchitis hoarseness croup whooping whoop whoop- in ing cough bronchial asthma or winter l cou coughs hs To ID make this splendid cough syrup pour 2 Y ounces of into a a. pint bottle ottle and fill the bottle with plain lain sll ar syrup and shake thoroughly If you prefer use clarified clan clari- fled fied molasses honey or corn syrup instead of sugar syrup Either way way full supply supply- you get a pint a family of much better cough syrup than than you could buy ready ready made made for three times the mon money y K Keeps eps perfectly and children children chil- chil dren love its pleasant taste tut is a a. special and hj highly concentrated concentrated con con- compound of genuine Norway Nor Nor- way pine extract known the world o over or r for its prompt healing effect upon the membranes To avoid disappointment ask your druggist for ounces of with full directions and dont don't accept anything hin else Guaranteed to give absolute ab solute satisfaction or of money mone promptly refunded The Co Ft Wayne Ind I i EDISON'S Blue i Records i You can canI always I get the Blue Cylinder Records i you Yu want N at Keith OBrien C Co I I i i v J I Iv t I I 5 s ti o 0 ev Iii o oi i FRIDAY I S SATURDAY BEAUTY BEAUTY r SALE e. e They say that beauty is only skin slin deep if so how easy it si to be for beautiful with a few moments moments' care each day V lines theres no excuse for every woman not I and the wonderful helps from rom Schramm Johnsons Beauty possessing i a soft clear youthful skin glowing with the vigor and aud vitality of perfect health These wonderful Friday and Saturday Satur- Satur I beauty not only but inexpensive to acquIre make will Vim very easy V A day specials Mum Ium I Face 4 Viall's Te Qu dainty d t I Powder SO AND g I f Ji effective deodorant 5 Mavis Face Powder SO for 53 Orchid Beauty kace III Spiro Powder 19 Powder Hudnut's I lle B 39 89 nut Gardenia Face Powder r Palmers Palmer's Almond Meal 27 Melba nice oc pe Cold ream Cream 33 Powder e Malvina Cream 42 I Rice Bourjois Powder Germaine 39 t tI 19 I 8 Dora Rice nice Powder 37 Tooth PastE 43 I 5 Face Powder Annette 34 III II I Paste Forhans Forhan's Pyorrhoea 52 D j re ki s Face Powder 97 I i Tooth Powder 79 1 i I A. A D D. S. S PeroxIde Tooth I Mary Garden Face f l Powder Paste 25 I flyers Ayers Face 1 Tooth Paste Pash 27 1 Powder 9 30 p Tooth Paste 23 I 5 Melbaline l Face Powder 25 c Arnica Tooth 26 Tetlow's Gossamer I Face ce Yankee I Powder 19 Talcum Powder Clover t 5 Face Powder Colgate's Talcum Powder In White Java Rice Face Floramye Toilet 35 3 ac Nail the following odors Powder Face Powder 39 La Fee Nail Polish La France Rose Cash Cash- Toilet 39 mere e Louquet luet s an and Water n Palm Olive Olivo Face Powder 39 Visits Visit's Toilet Water Boudoir Set ri Baby y 60 c D Dorius or I us C Compact om pact I face ace Set Contains r nJ S Powder 43 Soap Violet Sec Cuticle Compact Remover Cake Polish Powder Johnsons Johnson's Baby Bab BabS Bab'S Y 21 Face Liquid Powder 42 Packers Packer's Tar Nail Paste White Nail FIle rink PInk Orange Polishing Wood Williams Williams' Rose Talcum T Powder Powder- e Carnation arnat on Violet iolet and Azurea Face Olive Sticks s and Emery L Lilac Powder Mary Fuller Rouge P Nail a II P Polish 0 11 s h 1 le 38 Powder 33 c Riveris yer s Talcum a cum Melba l Rose Toilet 47 C Rosaline 23 Mennen's Talcum i IJ Water Cuticle Amolin Powder 24 I C r 1 5 I Get G Massage of the a he D Daily Habit With il it t ARMANDS ARMAND'S POWDER POWDER COMPLEXION 50 C WHY GRAY BE 1 No 0 matter how the day 1 Hillrose Armands Armand's Cold Cream Powder will an d LOOK I Velvet clin cling to your protecting it YOUNG I 0 J against sun wind and du dust t. t r Cream All in n th the l little l le pink and white 1 00 GIVE YOUR r boxes t e i HAI R j J Farrs Farr's Gray GrayHair a 50 Hair Color C Restorer 25 C S. S Size 30 C S. S Size Ize 10 lOc C Size S' S Ize 25 c S. S Size Ize ti A NO ONE CAN TELL YOU is massage Too er perfectly glorious glorious-a wonder wonder- C. C POIsoned d ARE USING IT IT-it Your rut ful skin food and a great Secret Renews natural I Cleaning Wh Wheat eat gloss bringing back that aid in maintaining a cleat cleal Friday and Friday and youthful luster and life and youthful complexion Used after traveling motoring Fluid Satur Saturday ay Saturday for rats leaving It soft and fluffy I Its use Is delightful Is clear 5 bathing or exposure to the specIal specIal special and mice as s water will sun wind and dust it is not stain stam the most ost delightful A splendid Q fJ scalp and a d is free from odor fr at night a cre cream m. m l In artistic jars U iJ 2 U e II ra I U ness or 1 00 modest price r- r J J Jr r f Why not look and feel your best Eliminate the waste of the system 1 USSEL'S RUSSELS EMULSION and h your problem is solved Use Anti I SpecIal c a I the septic dusting powder for at 1 19 dressing I Anu wounds wounds- GREAT NATURE odorless n 3 33 I ca CURE FOR FOR KEPLER'S MALT EXTRACT a sp 3 p CONSTIPATION PENCIL WYETH'S AND H S MENTHOL 31 Ii INHALER Special Professor P to f Chas Ch as A A. T Tyrell's 11 s Wonderful S LILLYS LILLY'S DIAMOND tonic PHO and A tissue nerve e Universal J B L ANTISEPTIC TABLETS TABLETS- Bernays Bernay's white formula or I special builder LUNCH BOXES C- C D- D special l 23 CA- CA C CAC C CD A E EA r. r WYETH'S 4 to 5 aa I A soothing eye 59 I They brIng borring your luncheon to the For the of health healt and LILLYS LILLY'S LIME Each vial LILLYS preservation lotion lotion-A- special lotion special office or ship with all the fresh fresh- less and appetizing flavor as cure of dIsease you need this re- re I sufficient to make one gal gal- though you were eating at home nature treatment Know Ion of lime Durable light weight sanitary more of its marvelous merits water 21 5 pF- pF easily cleaned Come let in-let us explain to you in inU full detail Special U Universal I CASTOR OIL CAPSULES W c. c VACUUM r I 2 dozen CAPSULES I fO r d M BOTTLE Theres There's Only L COUGH REM V PINT SIZES SIZES- E I f to 0 One W I I QUART SIZES SIZES- ne a ay 19 Q C 76 l to j PLUTO WATER For 0 day veery-day a use In to secure a sa satin tin he O office f or home o f for rh o S kt n nurs skin skill r Sa Satin tin LIMESTONE LI cry on fishing auto APply I pf Q and hunting trips It e 39 5 J to skin cream 2 Serves beverages hot or cold and Special Is Instantly ready at any time Satin Sat skin k d. d In s In powder el U UNIVERSAL ciu tS L BOTTLE FILLERS pow JOHNSONS JOHNSON'S Quarts s FILLER J CRE CREAM M SOAP SOAP- 23 I III HUSBANDS HUSBAND'S Special MAGNESIA MAGNESIA- 34 II FRIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Regularly g I I KIT RAT BIS BIS- 21 2 IMPERIAL the pound d GRANUM- GRANUM a 6 6 I PETERMAN'S ROUGH ON Special RATS DISCOVERY J I T STEARNS STEARN'S Bouillon Cubes 25 35 40 o KIDDERS KIDDER'S PASTILLES ELECTRIC A cube makes a sImply cup by DALMATIAN R I for Asthma Asthma- I addIng boiling water whole Special 39 PASTE PASTE PASTE- some and oh so 60 delicious I INSECT I tips tips- p- p 20 i iA 12 cubes in in a a aS A 27 POWDER POWDER- clot mI box for i S 50 cubes in In Special Special- BEECHAM'S EEC AMS AM'S PILLS g c 3 S box for 97 QUICK LOADER IN IN- 18 Oc b I I cubes 26 25 Special Special in box for for I SECT POWDER 10 I E y Special GUNS c m Colds Grip Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO IO QUININE Tablets remove the cause There Is only one Bromo Quinine E. E W. W GROVES GROVE'S signature on the box FOR FORThe The Original r r- r No Cooking r 1 a r ue Grain Extract The Original Food Drink For All Ages OTHERS are IMITATIONS |