Show MICHIGAN s UTAH I IS FORGING AHEAD REPORT SHOWS Ore Sold to Smelters Brings in Three Years The Utah Michigan Utah Consolidated Mines lInes company's books show that in 1916 1917 and 1918 the ore produced sold to the smelter for the amount of This ore was mainly produced produced pro pro- from the old parts of the mine During the the lat last year shipments were made from the Copper Prince tunnel and from the Patsey Marley hill on company account When the company company com com- pany really began to produce ore la late e ein in after Its reorganization It was about in debt including interest It has never levied an assessment It sold some treasury stock in 1916 to a syndicate which paid for work done in the Copper Prince tunnel and some other ex- ex A large part of this heavy debt has been paid out ot of the net earnings from the mine min and a large arge amount of additional development work has been done on the Patsey Marley hill and In the Copper Prince tunnel by the company SNOW CAUSES DAMAGE Twice during the three years owing to heavy the company was obliged to rebuild its tramway in part In the winter ot of 1918 the greater portion ot of the tramway was thrown out of line and destroyed by es All these expenses have been met and paid for tor out of money received from working worling the mine and from no other source In 1918 the shipping season was practically confined to seven months ot of the year three months were lost early in the year by reason of the wreck of the tramway and late in inthe inthe the year poor roads and the flu prevented shipments on any scale for about two months Nevertheless during during dur- dur ing 1918 the company received from the smelter for its ore shipped principally principally prin- prin during the seven months months which is not a bad record under the circumstances The Utah Michigan Utah in 1918 had to meet the unusual high wages and high cost of material Nevertheless It kept going during the entire year It has been operated on both company company com com- pany account and through leasers This system has been found to be the most profitable as applied to conditions conditions con con- at Michigan It is probable probable able that during the year 1919 the larger part of the mine will be worked on company account There have been encountered the usual incident to winter during the season but up to date nothing serious has happened to interfere with the company's company's com com- pany's expectations so far as shipping is concerned ORE COMING DOWN Considerable ore is now coming down the tramway and more will be shipped as soon as the Little Cottonwood Cottonwood Cotton Cotton- wood railroad is placed in operation Developments during the past year nave been important The ore from the Copper Prince tunnel is copper and silver mainly A drift has been run in one direction only south It Itis Itis is the intention of the management to also drift to the north where the theore theore ore is known to go down and it unI undoubtedly un- un will be of the same variety I as that developed towards the south In the Patsey Marley hill I worth of ore was taken from fr m one I email emall in ina a a short time last autumn A sunk on this ore shows that it goes down The winter coming on prevented any further I shipments from this point owIng to weather exposure and deep snow on the mountain The tunnel Is being driven in under a body of ore from the east This will facilitate mining and cut down expenses of handling the ore Te development in the Patsey Patsey Pat Pat- sey Marley Is looked upon by all concerned as very important Considerable work has been done lately by leasers in the Solitude tunnel tunnel tun- tun nel in the Dig Big Cottonwood district A sample taken talen from a two foot strike ot of ore opened last week shows the following percentages of metals I Gold 03 ounce silver 1353 ounces I lead per cent copper per percent percent I cent per cent 55 PER TON Recent shipments from the Pioneer Leasing company netted over 55 per ton oat at the smelter at present low prices for copper and lead A recent strike by the Woodlawn Copper company operating in Dig Big Cottonwood canyon is very important to the Michigan The Woodlawn Wood Wood- lawn fissure can be traced across the Michigan property The fOllowing are the officers of the company Norman W. W Haire president H. H R R. MacMillan vice president L. L H. H Farnsworth treasurer treas- treas N N. A. A Robertson secretary These with W. W J. J Halloran Frank B. B Cook acid C. C A. A Gillette constitute the board or of directors R R. R. R Van is superintendent at the mine |