Show PLAYHOUSES U NJ JOY f DG I SUCCESS SUCCESS' UCC No Theatrical Failures Reported Here During Closing Period Now Business Is Booming By H. H W. W Pickering j THE prosperity of a community corn com A. A is reflected in the condition of its theatres and other places of amusement If the they are prosperous prosperous-dr wing w- w ing large attendance and piling money into the cash drawer it means that other business are as a rule enjoying enjoying enjoy enjoy- ing similar prosperity Inasmuch as this Is a fair barometer barometer eter ot of bu business conditions Salt Lake I d during ring the past year has enjoyed prosperity The rhe theatres with the I exception of the dreary months when they were compelled to remain dark I I because of the influenza epidemic have proved their worth not only to I i the public as places of entertainment I and recreation but to the men who I I placed confidence in them as invest invest- ments invest I There have been no theatrical failures of note in Salt Lake and this fact alone marks the city as I almost alone among the larger spots on the theatrical map Failures during during dur- dur ing the war and the influenza period I In other parts ot of the country were many while Salt Lake theatres continued con con- to hold their own I ILIST ILIST LIST OF PLAYHOUSES Twelve e motion picture houses two I vaudeville houses and three le I I mate theatres nightly and dally daily entertain en- en thousands or of theatregoers The photoplay houses in Salt Lake I at present enjoying good business are the American Paramount Empress I Broadway Isis Rialto Strand Liberty Lib LibI I erty Cosy Empire Photoplay and I 1 Princess The Wilkes Salt Lake and Hippodrome hippodrome Hippo Hippo- drome theatres have stock companies I The Salt Lake house is also the show place for the road shows The I Social Hall theatre has experienced a successful season with the Varsity I players in plays accommodating themselves to the little theatre Idea I of production The Orpheum Is now I in its year as the Salt Lal Lake e home of the Orpheum vaudeville vaudeville vaude- vaude ville while the Pantages circuit enjoys enjoys en- en joys a year round prosperity showIng showing show show- Ing Alexander Pantages' Pantages premier vaudeville acts I NEW PANTAGES I The construction tem in theatrical I circles is furnished by the building of the rew Pantages theatre on Main street the new house planned as one of the most magnificent and modern In the country rapidly nearing com com- The auditorium will be In Inthe inthe the center ot of the block below the Kearns building while a beautiful I lobby will have its entrance on Main i street through one of the stores ot of the thel I old Auerbach property Bookings for road shows and stock I productions u as well as the continuous ln il flow of tiona vaudeville e l attractions were interfered with by the rage ot of the they influenza in this city Salt Lake I however suffered no more than other I I I large cities ot of the land in which the J JI theatres churches and all other places I of public gathering were ordered I I closed by the health authorities to I Continued on page 10 I PLAYHOUSES Continued from page 8 S. S prevent the spread of the dread malady ROAD SHOWS ri Road ad shows which were to h have ve jeen been seen here in unusually attractive form m as a a rule direct from New York rand n 1 Chicago runs were held up on the road forced to turn back and r. r 0 return tu n to headquarters or were dis- dis banded Unfortunately a a. few were actually stranded in the wide stretches of the great West and h hardships were worked upon the unlucky un- un lucky lu ky Thespians These however were happily few in comparison with the attractions which weathered the closed season In the meantime though motion picture production continued at the big studios and the result has been something of a reserve stock of de deluxe deluxe productions which are now available for the motion picture houses and which will give the managements managements man man- for a long time to come practically the pick of the high class markets The outlook therefore is gratifying and the prospects pleasant The old time prestige of SnIt Salt Lake as aL' a good show town Is to be maintained |