Show GIRLS MOISTEN A Ai i CLOTH AND DRAW DRAM I t IT II THROUGH HAIR I i It becomes beautifully soft wavy abundant and i glossy at once i I II Save your hair All dandruff I goes and hair stops I I coming out I Surely try a Dal lair Hair Cleanse It if you oU wish to immediately I double the beauty ot of your our hall hair Ju Just t moisten a cloth with and draw It carefully through h your rOUl hair taking one small strand at a time timp this will cleanse the hair ot of dust dirt or any excessive oil oil-In a few minutes minutes min min- utes you will be amazed Your hair will be wavy fluffy and abundant and possess an Incomparable softness lustel lus lusI I tel ter and luxuriance I Besides beautifying the hair one application application ap- ap ot of dissolves every particle of dandruff Invigorates the scalp stopping itching arid and falling I Iball hair ball I h 1 to the hair what fresh showers ot of rain and sunshine are to vegetation It goes right to the roots I invigorates orates and strengthens them Its exhilarating stimulating and pro life properties cause the pro Ufe pair hair to grow long stron strong and beautiful I You can surely have pret pretty y soft lustrous hair and lots ot of It It if you will spend a few cents ton fort a bottle ot of i Knowltons Knowlton's at any drug drugstore store or toilet counter and try It as directed Save S1 your hair Keep It looking charming and beautiful You will sa say I this was the best money you ever r I NOTHING RELIEVES I MY RH RHEUMATISM T I That's nonsense Get a bottle of Sloans Sloan's Liniment Lini Lini- j i ment and change your tune I I It penetrates quickens the circUlation circulation J tion helps to scatter the congestion i Imparts a warmth that brings back the i feel good and promotes comfort Good I for stiff muscles too sprains and most I Iother I other external aches and pains Economical reliable clean Dont Don't ask your our druggist for just liniment say Sloans Liniment Keep It In ht your our First Aid kit Idt Get It today 0 Or 1 0 1 a by 34 i 0 G a I An Attack of Influenza Of Often ten Leaves Kidneys in Weakened Condition Doctors In all parts or of the country have ha been kept busy with the epidemic epidemic epi- epi demic or of influenza which has visited so many homes The symptoms of this disease are very distressing and leave the system In a run down condition Almost every victim complains ot of lame back and urinary troubles which should not be neglected ne as these danger signals often lead to dangerous kid kid- ne ney troubles Druggists report a large sale on Dr Kilmer's Swamp Root which so many people say Loon heals land and strengthens the kidneys after arter an attack ot of grip Swamp Root being an herbal compound has a gentle healing effect on the kidneys which Is almost immediately noticed tn in most cases by those who tr try it Dr Kilmer Kil- Kil mer Co N. N Y otter offer to send send a sample size bottle of Swamp Root on receipt ot of ten c cents to every sufferer who requests It A Atrial Atrial trial will convince anyone who ma may maybe be in need of it Regular medium and large size bottles for sale at aU all druggists De Be sure to mention this r. pape q l rm 1 1 I 0 a FRIDAY SPECIALS A Large S Shipment ment of Nice Fresh Halibut In in for Friday Fine Salmon lb c Kippered Salmon one ope ot of the finest shipments we have had lb Fancy Mackerels each NICE TENDER CHICKENS Flounders lb pound Our Downtown Fish 53 5 East 2nd South South-is In charge of an expert Fish and Poultry man Always the best service GROCERY SPECIALS PIERCES PIERCE'S OR GODDARD'S PORK AND BEANS No 3 can Oc No 0 1 can lOc No o. o 2 can Libby's Libbs Pork and No 2 0 can lac r Beans Bean The Best Meats at the Most Reasonable Prices Plenty of Fine Beef Good Lamb and Mutton and Homo home Grown Pork All our Sausage Wieners etc from our own Sanitary Daylight Factory Wieners and Frankfurters lb Fancy Head Cheese lb Hoskisson's Link Sausage lb bleat Loaf lb l J.- J. a Theres one in your neighborhood Downtown Store 55 East 2nd South St. St u Break a Cold In few Ho hours rs First dose of Cold Compound relieves the cold and grippe ippe misery misery-Don't stay stuffed up j w Y Relief Reller comes instantly u A dose taken every two hours hour until three mi rinses es ar are taken will end grippe misery and break bresk up a a. severe vere cold either In the head chest chut body or limbs It promptly opens up clogged nostrils nos- nos trUs and air passages In the head top atop nasty discharge or nose nOle running relieves sick headache dullness fever rever- ss sore throat sneezing sois soi's ness and Dont Don't stay day stuffed up Quit bio blowing blow blow- ing and snuffling Ease your our throb bing head Nothing else in the world gives such prompt relief ac 8 Pap Pape Cold Compound which costs COlit only few cents at any drug etore dore It t without assistance tastes nice no inconvenience incon Be Cure aura YOU ge c the Ad c f T TI TI Ti V i I I. I I BLACK HAWK I UTAH'S BEST COALS I NATURE MADE THEM BEST I i t 0 iJ ra y cL PANTHER ER 0 O. O s HIAWATHA KING I KING COAL LEADS ON LAND AND SEA Come to well we'll solve olve your fuel problems well we'll tell you which grad coal is is best suited for your needs i ling Lump and King 1 n Nut Properly fired will reduce your consumption and H expense one INSIST on the GENUINE KING COAL Marsh Coal Co Martin Coal Co Woodruff Alliance Coal Co Curtis Coal Produce Morris Burbidge Coal Co Co Sugarhouse Jeremy Fuel 1 Billings Coal J J. W. W Dunyon Grain Co I Lumber Co Coal Co Fischer Kittle I Central Coal E. E T. T Walton Coal Co Coke Co Federal leral Coal Co Fuel Co UNITED STATES FUEL COMPANY Kearns Building Utah Coat Coal Sales Agency Salt Lake CIty Utah I d di 1 tl i I 1 L CL t. t rI r I I r f 4 l b o ll 1 d' d fv N Ln II Mens Men's Goods facts Fc f Y t I f. f We carry the best and largest stock of neckwear neck in the city The fhe most exclusive styles i from to the same saIne qualities s sold ld elsewhere for to v J I The largest stock stoc of Lewis Union Suits in the intermountain country both in knit and atha ath ath- j. j t a letic muslins dimities and silks prices a suit to the same qualities II sold elsewhere for to 1200 a suit r The largest stock of Hosiery in in the city both in in plain AA A stock of Collars both soft and stiff styles from which h 6 and fancy patterns to a pair the same you may s secure cure any style or size you ask for sold elsewhere for 3 c to a pair A A complete stock of Furnishing Goods J Jewelry velry Hanker L' L w A tremendous stock of Shirts to 1200 sold els else else- chiefs Night Robes and Pajamas Garters s 's 3 where from to 1500 I The best makes of Gloves in all sizes from 7 to 10 R I J j MEN S HATS i t it is is generally conceded that Grays Gray's set the pace in hat styles and quality an and l. l at prices 00 to under the other stores Come in and see for yourself I 1 t 11 t i f t. t G GRAY R. R A I b OS a g CO 1 Y Ir Irb 2 SOUTH STREET f i 7 I I l 2 T 1 V oC jl t C T j JI t J w b y f f |