Show rl MIN f T I I HT Prince Consolidated Is in Pest Best Condition of i 1 History Payment of Dividends Held Near NearS NearS S made by disinterested disinterested visitors to Salt Lake from Pioche Nev indicate that the Prince Consolidated is in the of entering what confidently con con- Is expected to prove the most us era In the history or of this famous mining property With the final and complete elimination elimination nation of legal contests which have had a deterrent effect ith the purchase purchase pur- pur chase of the t remaining remaining- one fourth Interest In the adjoining Davidson I claim with a new shaft and new equipment with t an n Immense amount of development work completed and with lower cost of labor and materials ma- ma belief Is expressed that all records ot of production soon will be surpassed and that during the present present pres- pres ent year there will be a long step tal taken en toward the zenith ot of the mines mine's prosperity which would seem still to tobe be many years ears away I PAYMENT P OF OF DIVIDENDS As 8 a result or of the splendid physical condition in which the property has I been placed and the increasing richness rich rich- ness of tile the ore being developed Inthe in I the recently acquired Davidson claim there is a 11 splendid prospect that the I company whose headquarters are located lo- lo In Salt Lake Lale will resume the 10 1 payment of luring during th l conning summer The possibility of such disbursements disburse disburse- ments was admitted today by Murray C. C Godbe secretary and manager of th the company who stated Ita tel that he could not say for a certainty that such would ue be the east as hF h felt confident confident con con- by reason rason of the highly gratifying gratify gratify- I I Ing c condition prevailing not only at atthe i the mine Lit throughout the country countr generally that the company would l I I resume the 1 payment a ment of dividends during the present year and perhaps I after the first six months l I FUTURE IS BRIGHTEST Godbe declared that in so faras far faras I as the physical ph conditions of the mine were concerned the they could not well be Improved upon end Ind that there i could be no question that the future was brighter than at any time In Inthe I the history of the company compall II lie stated that because of the I higher cost of labor with Its efficiency and the higher cost caRt ot of I m mining the earnings dm Ing I 1911 naturally were reduced r but that when the figures for lor the three pre pre- pre pre-I ceding years were taken Into consideration con con- together with the greatly i n Improved conditions prevailing now i the figures for last year would not I appear so discouraging and reason I seen for the con confidence expressed for forr the future i DETERRENT INFLUENCES I In addition to the deterrent I already recited It will be re- re reI re-l I i that last September there was a serious o on the compan con com pan pany's s and that shipments were suspended until four bridges could be constructed and In common will all industries mining and otherwise other other- wise the plans of the company were Interfered with by the epidemic of Influenza In In Inthe the acquisition or of the remaining one fourth Interest In the Davidson claim the company made a cash payment payment pay pay- ment of which added materially materially ma- ma to to the financial outlay last year eal In the sinking of a new shaft the Installation of new hoisting equip equip- ment the construction of a number of cottages for tor workmen and lute e improvements improvements im- im all of which have placed the property in first elas shapes shape INCREASE SMELTING I Confidence Is expressed In by the J management that th the contract with the smelter now limited to tons is a day da soon will be Increased because of the desirability of the ore as a I flux and It is also anticipated that a splendid profit soon will begin to be n I realized front from the mill work on the tailings which are estimated to com com- corn e prise about tons and fr m which both gold and silver in considerable con con- quantities can he be extracted by the grinding and cyaniding I process Inv In view of the Improved conditions j i It t is stated that stockholders holders are n more n oro than usually Interested in the tIre annual annual I report which It Is stated soon will willbe willi willibe be ready leadY for distribution i |