Show ws 4 t x g H I 1 nom I A I town Down Dinner for the Family Is an enjoyable affair when eaten at the Royal Cafeteria It is n. n special delight to the children to choose their favorite dishes from such a tempting array array ar- ar ray of good things to eat f And mother always the particular particular par par- housewife is more than J pleased with the excellence of the food the service the pre pre- 1 cleanliness As for fOI father he l fats eats lunch here everyday every d day y and his hs smile of genuine satisfaction tells better than words what he thinks r I i is yr 1 w L ai L. L a I I I Before or After Influenza I n BY LIE HERBERT SMITH M. M D. D L. L 4 These minute germs enter the I i iJ I I t I I body thru nose throat and lungs a t J t i and the fi first noses symptoms develop T 1 al e f in from two to our four days It s si is 1 i j 1 important to practise personal i y r. r 0 01 1 J cleanliness cleanliness-a clean skin mou mouth th t Y 1 d ry i J and nose clean bowels Avoid I i t I l j the person who coughs and andr nd Mo si r f sneezes Sleep well eat well a II play well Drink plenty of I t J j pater water hot or cold lemonade lemonade t a I l y 1 f Za Then keep the bowels active t I silo Every other day take castor oil w if S 1 J t l t r I jf or a purgative made of May May- C apple leaves of aloe jalap and Influenza Bacilli magnified and rolled into a tiny sugar sugar- n over tines times coated pill sold by druggist as 1 r Dr Pierces Pierce's Pleasant Pellets r Inthe In attack of Influenza natures nature's effort to remove the poisons from often results in inflammation of the kidneys eys a and d so it ite e its is well to help natures nature's effort by inducing perspIratIon WIth hot I lemonade and hot mustard foot baths and hot water bottles Obtain of your druggist a kidney and backache remedy known as acid uric tablets These help flush the bladder kidneys and n the intestines and act as an antiseptic and if taken either before or during the attack lessen the pain and the danger to the kidneys When the attack is over and it leases you in a weakened pale anemic condition it would be well to obtain in n iron tonic at the drug st store re A good one is Tablets or if you prefer an herbal tonic tonic a good one is Dr Pierces Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery made from wild roots and barks of forest trees and without alcohol For IFor those past middle life for thoSe easily recognized symptoms of inflammation as backache scalding water water or if uric acid in the has caused rusty joints stiffness get list at the drug store or send Dr Pierce Invalids Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute Buffalo N. N Y 10 cents for trial package of which you will find many times more potent than lithia and eliminates uric uric acid as hot tea melts sugar A short trial will convince your you yours s z i iThe The Questions answered below are diseases ls in l character la i r the symptoms t P or s are r given a and the answers e will apply In any case of similar na- na ture Those wishing further advice free may address Dr Lewis Baker Daker College B dg College Elwood streets Dayton I 0 enclosing addressed self stamped envelope for Cor reply hull Full name and address must be given g but onlY Initials or 01 fictitious names will be used In my I answers The prescriptions cnn can bt be tilled filled at any well wel stocked drug store Any druggist can order of wholesaler I now Use It regularly as a halland hall hair and scalp tonic r r Grace writes Two years yean ago I used your great prescription for kidney trouble trouble trou- trou ble and it wholly overcame the trouble I 1 want medicIne now constipation and Impure blood for I am a sight with pimples pimples pim pim- ples that make big lumpy sores Answer I would advise the taking ot of Three Grain Tablets not sulphur sulphur sul- sul for several months to purify the system Mother l writes write Can a sufferer from bronchial 01 trouble be ed D Doctors ila 10 that e r do not seem ee to help me l What would I you IAnswer I IAnswer Answer To relieve chronic cold sore I II throat bronchitis r I would advise the use of Concentrated Essence Mentho l I Purchase this at any drug store In 2 I oz Os packages and mix according to directions di- di given on bottle al sad d you will very i-I i shortly be relieved of all bronchial trou- trou ble This will not only relieve but will correct and Is very pleasant to take NOTE r For many years ears Dr Baker has been foe foes f giving vl free e advice ean an and prescriptions pre pre- ti s to millions o of people e through ro the press columns and doubtless has helped In relieving illness and distress more than any single individual in the worlds words history Thousands have written written writ writ- ten him expressions of gratitude and confidence similar to the following Dr Lewis Baler Baker Dear I Sir am glad gladI I was recommended to your prescription for medicine I was wag pretty well run rundown rundown down nervous and loss of ambition felt tired all the time not sleep loss of r dlo appetite t felt weak and trembled from o weakness I find Three Grain Tablets are helping me very much I Iwas Iwas was writing to my sister about my rundown rundown run run- down condition and she advised me to take your prescription ot of medicine for she I was as bad as I was and the built her nerves up and also restored her herI health I am more than thankful etc Yours truly I GEORGE Pear Ave Cleveland Cleveand Ohio I IAd ment 1 J a 1 ti 1 M J fl II J a aA 1 For 0 I A little Hottle each each 1 1 wee week k 0 or r Down month mont t and andI we will send I 1 you a a- anew new V J and beautiful r II Down x 11 I Columbia jb D I I 1 C f elf J Down I r This is a wonderful wonder wonder- e I 1 ful opportunity yr S Special pec al 0 offer f fer 7 i i Down dont don't hesitate come at once make selection I Down P 1 Not ti I i m i t e d t o Daynes-Beebe Daynes Mw c Co any s t y l e. e i Q Gentlemen En D o vy n down delivers it Please cata catalogs I Columbia G nolas and Record look Book to home your j Your friends Name Name L 0 0 0 0 have music D Down o w n why not you 1 SHIT I tAKE a ai to Down i A Simple Way to I I Remove Dandruff There is one sure way that has never failed to remOVe dandruff at once and that is to dissolve it then you destroy it entirely it To do this just get about four ounces of plain common liquid anon arvon from from from- any drug store this is all you will ne need d apply it at night when retiring use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger finger fin fin- ger tips By morning most If not all alJ of your dandruff will be gone and three or four more applications will wil completely dissolve and nd entirely destroy every singe single sin sin- gle ge sign and trace of it it no matter how much dandruff you may have You will find all itching and digging digging dig dig- ging of the scalp will stop instantly and your hair will be fluffy lustrous glossy silky and soft and look 00 and feel fee feela a hundred times Ads Ads' Reduce Weight ei it If you wish to reduce steadily yet fat eat candy ice cream etc get a small box of oil of korein at the druggists druggist's Follow directions korein system Absolutely Ab- Ab safe method ot of becoming thin No starving become slender gracefullY gracefully grace grace- fullY mentallY and physically alert alert- glad youre you're alive Reduction Redl guaranteed 30 10 to 60 pounds or no c cost st to youl Sharpens Vision Soothe and heels heal the eyes eye and strengthen eyesight quickly relieve inflammation In eyes and lids lad sharpens harpen vision and mIke makes glase unnecessary In Inmany n many Instances Y Doctor Druggists refund your money If It fd ITS IT'S NOT YOUR HEART ITS IT'S YOUR KIDNEYS Ij I j i Kidney disease is no respecter of per per- signals that th the kidneys n need d help Sons lIOns A mu ut thu c ills IIi of ii tug You should use GOLD MEDAL DAL people ople to today ay can an be traced LacK tu pl km hm Oil Capsules immediately The I kidney Y trouble soothing healing oil stimulates the The kidnaps are arc the most important kidneys relieves inflammation and de- de organs of the body are the inn hI- strays the germs which have caused It terera teren of your Y blood If 11 th the poisons Go io to to yo your ur druggist t today antI and get II a which are arc swept the ti by the thc box of GOLD MEDAL DAL Oil blood are arc nut the In twenty four hours you kidneys disease e of L unc f It r should bould feel health and vigor returning will claim yu U as 11 It a jt After you feel somewhat improved I Kidney WS II 1 is indicated by continue to take one or two capsules I t ea weariness rin IS each cath day so as to keep the first class I Y U condition anti ward oil off the danger danser ot of ble bE vain pairs in bums and burr other attacks I gall stones gravel gran m sciatica Ask for the original imported GOLD I and lumbago l brand Three sizes Money loney re- re ill All these derangements are natures nature's if l y do not help you I Hour Heur Sales Friday and Saturday Sale tats l' l I at l 10 B Be on Time m I NOTE NOT OPENING HOUR U SALE ALE ALEI 10 to 11 Crystal White Soap 10 bars I 11 to Palm 12 Olive Soap 5 bars t. t I I 12 to Lighthouse I-Lighthouse Cleanser 4 cans 1 Ito to Lux 2 2 packages e I 2 Jap to Jap 3 Rose Bath Soap 3 J i 3 to Shelf 4 Oil Cloth yard I 5 to 6 Ladles Hose SpecIal 2 pair u e I 4 Creme to Creme 5 Oil Soap a bar 6 to Crystal 7 White Soap 10 bats bars I 7 to 8 Toilet Paper Special 6 rolls i 8 to Ivory 9 Soap extra special 4 bars j Ye We reserve the right to limit quantities None or of these s e items which to dealers See our special window for other I special during this sale Come early cut this out and bring hying it itI iti i I Metropolitan c to SOc StI Sty St SOUTH MAIN STREET I I 1 t i I i PEERLESS S SI I COAL Mined by Peerless Coal Company I EZRA THOMPSON THO IPSON 1 t J JAMES A IES D. D MURDOCH SecretarY TP JESSE II WHITE Sales Sale M bi I PEERLESS is Utah's newest and best coal E low in soot Ind nd ashes free from rock hI in heat units an ideal coal for home use I Ithe Ithe the name implies ITry I ITry Try a ton or a load aI and d you will be a constan ORDER FROM Marsh C Coal al Exclusive Distributors for Salt Lal Lake e City t 1 Phones W Phones Wasatch satch 15 Exchange B l lJ L TELEGRAM WANT ADS ADS- ARE RESULT 5 i 1 |