Show r ra j a rv H Ht i t w v v r Give Your Furnace t I a Chance Perhaps you are having t trouble in heating your house and are blaming it 1 4 onto the furnace Give your t. t a I furnace a chance to show p. p what it can do in the way j of providing a steady comfortable corn com t Portable warmth by filling it with one of those clean even burning heat giving coals CASTLE GATE or CLEAR CREEK 17 Castle Gate and Clear Creek Nut Coals l I are just the coals to burn in your stove or orrange lh h range because they are specially prepared for fors s this use and do not have haye to be broken up i They have the famous CASTLE GATE and andi i CLEAR CREEK s superiority r T A i MJ i i Q T I 1 TODAY'S BEAUTY Ed TALK I You can enjoy jOY a delightful l t ul u with very little effort and for a very trifling cost if you get from your druggists druggist's drug drug- gist's a package of and dissolve dissolve dis- dis I solve a teaspoonful in a cup of of hot water This makes a full cup of shampoo sham sham- poo liquid enough so so it is easy to apply apply ap- ap f ply it to all the hair instead ot of lust Just of the head Your shampoo is I now ready Just pour a little at a time timen ion n the scalp and hair until both are I entirely co covered ered bY the daintily per per- I 1 fumed preparation that thoroughly dissolves dis dis- I solves and removes every bit of dandruff dan dan- I druff excess oil and dirt After rinsing ing the hair dries quickly with a finess that makes it seem heavier than it is is and takes on a rich luster and a I softness that makes arranging Jt It a pleasure l J j. j 1 t and even today I while v ile this terrible epidemic is on We Ve have prevented it from entering II our home and helped others in their homes We would not leave leav the house without a bottle of lentho l Mentho handy If we ve can be of help to the poor by explaining what Mentho mean mear to our family we ve are willing villi g to tell any anyone one I I We Ve have given other families to try Some we have sent to Newport R. R I. I I and some to New Hampshire and I We vc feel quite efficient in o our r work vork F. F L. L Beatti Beatti'S S I 5 Note The above is quoted as part ot of a wonderful 3 n nI I I F. F letter tt L. L written Beattie m to GS the Pearl editor street of h Cambridge the em Boston t American Mass by 8 M I I who know the great medicinal properties in the 1 essence Mentho have bave found It seemingly a I T of It the dreadful epidemic and to In the treatment I i coughs colds hoarseness s. catarrh etc Every bottlE Is gnarr gnarl teed satisfactory by the manufacturer or money back Ft F E directions with each ellch bottle I t Sold d b by nn everywhere h J J J J r r r r I I r. r I I 1 I I 1 I |