Show P PA A 7 WOOED B Y KINGS II I I IS MARRIED 70 NAVAL HERO I I Wedding Is Brilliant Aff Affair air airI I I By Associated Press Feb Princess Patricia Pa- Pa I tricia or of Conn Connaught and Commander Com Com- mander Alexander R R. R M. M Ram Ham Ramsay HamI say R R. N. N were married at est at Westminster West West- Westi i I minster abbey at noon today No other social event ent since the outbreak of the will war hat created such I Crowds assembled early in the day along the route over which the princess i drove with her father the Duke Duce of I Connaught from St. St James palace to Westminster abbey about bout which throngs waited patiently for a glimpse of oC the popular bride The ceremony was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury Canterb rt assisted by the dean of Westminster a other noted eCclesiastics in th the presence of King George and Queen Mary lary and a great assemblage of members of the I royal fam family 11 distinguished offIcials of j th the British and foreign governments and friends and visitors from a abroad road Ambassador and Mrs 1 John W. W Davis I were present The Prince of Wales Vales made a special visit from the contine conti- conti ne non n t t oaten Uon t d th O oo on BEAUTIFULLY UT LL a GOWNED ceremony I IThe I The bride entered the abbey b by the I west door which is used only on occasions occasions oc- oc of Importance Her gown was of oC white brocaded panne over silver sliver sli- sli ver lace the outer gown being caught up with silver lovers lovers' knots She carried carried car car- ried a bouquet presented by the PrinI Princess Prin I cess Pat Canadian regiment and tied with the regimental colors The procession was led by a choir I singing Praise My Soul Sou the King of Heaven Th The gentlemen ushers Colonel Colonel Colo- Colo nel Sir Douglas Frederick Dawson Sir Derrick William Keppel Viscount Sandhurst and Viscount Farquhar followed and then came Princess Pati Patricia Pa- Pa ti tricia icia with her father They rheY were followed fol- fol lowed by the Earl of Macduff eldest son or of the Duchess of Fife FiCe and the I Honorable Simon as pages bearing the princess princess' train Then came I Lady Jean Tean Ramsay with Princess Ingrid Ingrid In- In grid of oC Swe Sweden en Lady Ira Ramsay with Lad Lady May Cambridge Princess Maud with Princess Mary and Lady Helena Cambridge e with Lady Victoria Cam Cam- bridge CEREMONY PERFORMED The bride was nas given away by her fa- fa ather a- a ther During the service the choir sang the sixty seventh psalm the hymn 0 0 Perfect Love and the anthem Who Vho Is Like Unto Thee 0 Lord After the ceremony the register was signed In the chapel of Edward the Confessor Then as 1111 the bridal co couple proceeded toward the door the Men Men- wedding march was playe ren I A procession of oC the royal roal family and peers and peeresses followed led by the Duke of Connaught and Queen Mary lary King George and Queen Mother Moth Moth- lother er Alexandra and former King Manuel lanuel of oC Portugal and his wife who w nos s formerly formerly for for- merly Princess AugustIne Victoria or of orI I SOLDIERS ON GUARD A guard of honor of oC the Princess Pat regiment was stationed at the door sharIng honors with seamen from Crom II r. M. S S. S George V. V Court mourning over the death of Prince John was waived for the occasion occa occa- slon sion and the elegant gowns of the ladies ladies la- la dies lent a festal all air to the assemblage The wedding presents which are still arriving number nearly and range from homely home market baskets to priceless priceless price price- less dIamonds Princess Patricia presented presented pre pre- Commander Ramsay with a bust of herself while his gift to the bride was a Chinese lacquered lacquer d cabinet I d J w y F s f u rr F Y 3 n Y |