Show Postal Receipts I Accurate Index Of 01 Good Times i iBy By Noble Warrum Salt Lake City Postmaster I It is generally conceded that postal receipts indicate the business conditions conditions conditions' condi- condi of a community to a greater extent ex- ex tent than an any other one feature I eX-I ot of business life Tal Taking ing these receipts I as a basis the year 1918 1918 in Salt ait Lake I I City must have been a n prosperous one I In fact it would appear to have been i imore more than 16 per cent more pr prosperous l I Ithan than 1917 from the records of the local I postoffice I IThe The figures for tor 1918 were compared with fog fol 1917 an I Increase of The Increase alone was greater than the total business busl- busl i ness transacted at most first class class' The money order business also showed Increase during the year ear In the amount of orders Issued issued Is- Is sued and the amount paid The figures figures fig fig- ures for fOI the two years follow 1918 Money 1918 Ioney orders issued 1277 I money orders paid Ioney 1917 orders Issued 1160 9 money orders 3 Orders Increase s Issued orders paid 2 It will be noted that the amount of oC I orders paid here is nearl nearly double I amount issued This means a balance ot of trade In favor of Salt Lake to theester the tho tent ester tt ot of That this prosperity pros pros- pros pros-I was not confined to this city is evi evidenced by bv the fact that the local i postoffice r received surplus money mone order or- or I del der funds from the cities and towns ot of which It is the business center to the I amount ot of during 1918 I In spite of all the thc demands Incident I to the war the amount on deposit In inthe I Ithe the postal postal savings bank bani Increased by byl I leaps and hounds bounds durIng tile year ear On I December 31 there were 0 depositors with the sum ot of to their credIt cred- cred It ali Increase of over oel per p r cent during the year War Val Savings stamps the lithe sisters to the Liberty bonds Were In ht great demand demand de- de mand the sales at this office amounting amounting amount amount- ing to The accumulation ot of these desirable little securities seems to have become a fixed habit with t the he pe People of Salt Lal Lake e and the demand th 1919 issue Isue bids lair fair to surpass the war year ear of 1918 |