Show EDUCATIONAL IDEALS 1 thI n. n t J i hoofs Must Muse Practice ce a as as' Well as Teach It Gowans Says r B By Dr E. E G. G Gowans State Superintendent of Public Instruction has now declared declared that life I f r. r and the pursuit p ot of happl- happl among the inalienable rights i d. d I rind Roughly there are In the o differing dominant types ot of ne type holds that these In- In rights can be best guaranteed hg the sacredness ot of property d ted interest while the other ll 41 3 jUst as tenaciously and sin sin- I at these rights can be guaran- guaran by insuring the sacredness ot of Ite ife and safeguarding I i J At 1 a action lon to any set of social inor in- in in-I in ll llor or or other stimuli will depend on our type ot of mind It if we I type and there arises I n in which there is conflict rights and human ese we will sacrifice but It if I the latter type of mind and andt t situation arises we will safe safe- guard and protect human life and welfare welfare wel- wel I fare even een at the expense of all we possess possess pos pos- I sess of material things The war has ben been won We Ve say that democracy has demonstrated its superiority superiority supe- supe I over autocracy and It has But has democracy yet been put to the supreme supreme su- su preme test Are we not just now entering entering en- en upon the period that will furnish furnish fur fur- nish that test We Ve are all agreed that we must now preserve to ourselves and those who come after us the fruits of the mighty conflict First let us realize fUll fully that the prime reason why democracy has been victorious is because because be- be cause in the great democracies of the world the vast majority of the people were of the type of mind which holds human above material things MUST LIVE DEMOCRACY To preserve the fruits of victory we who profess democracy must take our democracy more seriously Indeed must live it To have havo the right of self self-gov- does not constitute our order ordera a democracy We Ve are a democracy only as we exercise ercle the rights an and per per- form the duties of self There is grave danger that we will perpetuate the of autocracy under a covering of democratic semblances sem- sem instead of insisting on the legitimate legitimate legi- legi extension of democracy Into an all phases of our living To come directly to the point In order to preserve the fruits of victory we the must democratize Industry and education Demo government Is a a. government not alone of majorities but of lIb lIberty liberty lib lib- erty and justice Majorities may sometimes sometimes some some- times be as autocratic as those who claim divine right BOLSHEVISM AUTOCRATIC What has gro grown to be and has hasI shown Itself to be the greatest menace I to human welfare next to autocracy Bolshevism undoubtedly indeed Bolshevism Bol- Bol is the n w form In which autocracy present Itself Every citizen citizen citi- citi zen must concern himself or herself with the means ot of protecting the American nation aye the world from Bolshevism Two things stand out as worthy of f earnest consideration in and education The workers nf America through their organization n have made remarkable progress durIng during dur- dur Ing the last four years O Our r government government govern govern- ment has earned and undoubtedly has the confidence of the workers The distinct advances are recognition of organized labor In administration work worl recognition of the righteousness of the hour eight day ay and a raise of wages that more than offsets the Increase increase In- In crease In the cost of living These 1 concessions are a virtual acknowledgment ment that prewar conditions were not I just to the workers The greatest I safeguard against the menace of Bolshevism Bolshevism Bol- Bol will be a determination on the part of America not to attempt to return re- re rua ee f Ju turn to prewar Industrial conditions o These concessions have been made because because be- be cause ours Is a government of justice and ar while the themselves m may y not think or of It In this T. T n any attempt at- at I tempt to supplant present justice with witha a wil lead nJ direct encouragement to the dl de- r loment of the menace c o o DoJ- DoJ This means that capital must adjust itself to a smaller part of the luct of labor and capital st admit organized labor to a proper I hare in administrative control of industry In- In and must concede the right right- sS of the principle of collective bargaining EDUCATIONAL FIELD In III education we are still clinging to some Ideals inherited from autocracy What is really needed is more and hett het- het t tet r education for a larger number of people Whatever may be our opinIon cf public Its education efficiency or lack of it Its co cost its Its place In a ad demo demo- mo- mo cratic or order r or the CharaCter Ot of those I engaged i in It we shall not escape the conclusion that It is the bulwark of i lour our liberty The evidence of this is cumulatively conclusive The extent to which America has shown faith In democratic ideals and the extent to which democracy as a living principle of IndIvidual liberation has contributed t t. t national unity is due almost whollY to the Influence of the schools Now ow however as we contemplate the extension extension exten- exten sion to other peoples and recognize that as a nation we are In the vanI vanguard van van- guard of progress the obligation to I extend Its prInciples to all alJ of 11 0 act ncI nc- nc that Is those activIties not I t I already touched by it becomes impera- impera tive It Is just for this reason that w the must democratize education itself and in the process we shall find tt it nn an lent eric means for the accomplishment or of our larger purposes COMPULSORY SCHOOLING More education can be brought about I by IncreasIng the length of time for compulsory attendance The proposal to require between the end of the sixteenth sixteenth six six- year and the end of the eighteenth eighteenth eight eight- year of life ife at last a minimum of hours of school attendance per year Is directly to the purpose Not only Irly will It react favorably upon indu in- in du try if those of these ages who are engaged in industrial work are required required re- re to attend a time part or continuation continuation con con- school but It will very definItely definitely make malce for enlightened citizen citizen- hip and eventually let us hO hope e lead to toI time full education for all up to the I end n of of the th eighteenth ht VP year of 01 life 0 w Better education will result from the almost universal efforts now beIng 1 made to set up definite concrete attainable attaInable at- at objectives not only In the ordinary ordinary or- or studies of the currl curriculum but butIn butin In health education vocational education education tion and education in the duties and obligations ot of citizenship Education must be looked upon as a process of training an Individual who Is one of a group of same ame age and capability capability capa- capa with whom he will associate more or less intimatelY throughout life This training Is accomplished through the acquIsItion of knowledge the development development de- de of skill the formation of habits and the Inculcation of permanent permanent perma- perma nent interests The objects of the training are to make this IndivIdual intellectually alert to Insure that ho he hoshall shall be a clean healthy vigorous capable animal to make him i Industrially efficIent to make him not onlY willing and able but anxious to serve his fellows in a democratic state and finally to make him capable of noble enjoyment and the intelligent use of his leisure time The practical means of bringing these things about are the extension of school supervision supervision sion so as to Include the whole calendar calendar calen- calen dar year In each year of school life lite and the introduction into the lives of school children through the course of study of the specific activities which I will result In health Industrial or voca- voca efficiency and civic righteous righteous- ness SCHOOL IS LIFE Under suc such a scheme schem as this school schoolwork work is not thought of as a preparation preparation tion for life It Is life Itself The young are actually launched upon the voyage charged with responsIbility and learn to do by doing things that actually need to be done either for the benefit of the indIvidual himself or of the group to v Ich he belongs All kinds of desirable activity are seen to be possessed of 01 educational values All inherently attractive and Interesting types ot of youthful activity are harnessed anI brought Into the and made to make 1 their con con- trl And when we add to this program the universal requirement of military or other national training and servIce after atter the age ot of 18 or better 19 9 we have a plan that to some of us appears to be worthy of our att attention and ot of general support as we enter the great period ot of world reconstruction |