Show INTERMEDIATES CAPTURE FIRST ClASS ClASS' EVENT I I Tho intermediates of the Deseret gymnasium won the first swimming match matches s or of the tho Interclass series from I the tho Seniors yesterday by a 32 to 21 I score Both oth teams were very verr evenly matched and the Seniors made the I winners work hard for the victory Summaries I Sixty yards free style Jensen Intermediate In- In InI I first SenIor eec eec- ond Jones Senior third sec sec-I Forty yards brEt breast stroke Jones I Senior first Sanders IntermedIate second Eddington Senior third Forty yards ards back bacle stroke Sloan Intermediate Intermediate In- In first Senior second sec sec- ond Service IntermEdiate third Plunge for distance Young Intermediate Inter Inter- mediate first Jones Senior second Ross noss Senior third Fancy Ross diving Senior first Sloan Intermediate second Service Intermediate third Relay race Won by Intermediates Intermediate team Jensen Young Service Iverson Ashton Senior team Jones Ross Woolley Eddington Ed- Ed |