Show DENOMINATIONS GIVE IV BEST T SERVICES 10 UI 1 I 1 Help in Work for Country Replaces Usual Activity in the Various Houses of Worship in This City By Rev P. P A. A Simpkin TIB HP year 1918 in the denominational denominational denom- denom T religious life of Salt Lake City was deeply scored as were all other peace activities by the war and in the closing quarter by the influenza which utterly suspended church activities Only one hit of construction was realized realized re- re in buIldIngs that of the new rectory and parIsh house of St. St Pauls Paul's church the church buIlding awaIting the coming of peace and the resumption resumption tion of normal life The parish house has been adapted for worship purposes pending tho erection of the church building METHODIST The Methodist churches saw some change in leaders and also the unIfying of the Miff r. M. E E. church with First parIsh under Dr Williams Sunday school activities beIng still sUIl maintaIned at Miff Iliff BAPTIST The Baptists have held their own under Dr I J. J Sherman Wallace Vallace Emanuel church whIch mothers all the work of the Baptist denomInations moves along well and faces the new year hopefully PRESBYTERIAN The Presbyterian and Congregational churches have found a quiet but growIng growing grow grow- Ing year The sending of so much of the youth of the city to the servIce of the country country coun- coun try the fact that the women of the churches were called to the leadership in Red Cross and other war work seri serl- Continued on page 9 DENOMINATIONS I I Continued from page 7 Interfered with all the work of the churches RED CROSS Robert Shields the director of the Red fled Cross saId that the splendid work of the local chapter ha had been largely duo to the leadership of the women lent by all the churches ot of the city to that important work of mercy The minIsters also gave very much help Rev Chester Snyder of the tho Christian church gave several months of work to the Y M. M C. C A A. and later to training as a being put into the r reserve serve at the signing of the ar- ar Man Many of the other ministers gave i themselves to Red fled minute Cross minute work and other public sert service ice notably Rev George E. E Davies Rev W. W W. W i Fleetwood Rev J J. II N. N Williams Rabbi RIce and Rev Elmer I. I Goshen so that a very great contribution was made by the tha churches in the last year to national and humanitarian needs FUTURE BRIGHT The churches are an all setting their faces to the work of 1919 with slum and aU all will be joining in a great campaIgn under church federation federation federa- federa tion to put at the disposal of Protestant Christendom in America the sum of for after the tho war special religious work |