Show II I I DRAMA AND VAUDEVILLE ORPHEUM bill with Stella Mayhew Caroline Kohl In No Sabe Leo Beers and Elsa headliners ers now playing MatInee and evening eve eve- ning I New PANTAGES-New bill tOd today y headed by The Cannibal Maids Six other acts Three shows dally WILKES Florence Roberts In Carmen I with J. J Anthony Smythe and the Wilkes players Every night Matinees Mati Mati- nees today and Saturday SALT LAKE Farewell week of Audra Alden Ralph Cloninger and associate players Stop Thief Every night except Saturday ENTERTAINMENT AND DANCING Snyder NEWHOUSE-Snyder Sisters musIcal comedy artists Bob Robison and Evelyn Evelyn Eve Eve- lyn Francoeur Bromley Sisters and Florence Hill Hili In specialties MOTION PICTURES PARAMOUNT PARAMOUNT EMPRESS EMPRESS Elsie Ferguson son In her new production His Parisian lie V Eurton Curton Holmes I travels Pictograph Pauline AMERICAN Frederick and Willard Wil- Wil lard Mack In The rhe Woman on an the Index Index In In- dex Topics of the Day reel one comedy and special Instrumental tal solos BROADWAY Theda Bara In William Foxs Fox's Cleopatra All week Seven shows dally Special music HIPPODROME THEATRE Dorothy Phillips In The Heart of Humanity STRAND Alma Rubens in The Ghost Flower Charles Richman and Anna Q Q Nilsson In Over There Robert LIBERTY Warwick In Man of the Hour with a rousing comedy and scenic RIAL RIALTO Fatty Fatty TO-Fatty Arbuckle Mabel Normand Nor Nor- mand Smiling Bill Parsons L. L L-Ko L Ko Lyons and Moran and Mutt and Jeff day AT THE ORPHEUM With ith the exception ot of No o Sabe lar lartin tin Becks Beck's dramatic the Orpheum this week presents a a. bill of at entertainers practically every act being musical or dance offerings Stella Mayhew l who holds her place as the greatest of coon song singers despite the numerous entries in this broad field Is the headliner in the th song department with her Inimitable renditions of some of the latest effects in ragtime Iler singing of The Doggone Blues II and nd Feet Do Your Duty along with her impersonation of a young woman who has had her first drink or of champagne feature her offerings Mess Iss Caroline Kohl ably assisted by four other players appears in No Sabe a dramatic based on police pollee po- po lice procedure employing the old familiar third degree methods The play is based on the sacrifice of a Chinese servant ser ser- vant who kills his old master that the masters master's daughter may be happy ThE part ot of Vo No the Chinese is excellently played by John Hendricks Just why 1 Miss Kohl should be featured when Mr 11 Hendricks does all the heavy work Is not clear Maurice Brierre and Grace King in songs and s. s open Olen the bill Miss KIngs KIng's spinster song was the only particularly particularly par par- bright feature of this act which could be greatly Improved b by more devotion to dancing and less to toI I singing ln Their first fon song just a a. plain mad p num leasing numb I Orr old tl and I killS are the there wIh 1 h I their he l' l ta lI other actors r 1 lire fo usual quota of laughter I by hl serrations The nce to o wished wished wished-fer arother song or two Harkins A I assisted b by Jr i icia cia Lewis soprano presents treat Ireat ot of the bill celebrated as an our our- or of the wand cellists played thre solo r two duets ducts with 1 ns ss Lewis 1 is a charming singer It Is h. whatever for he her She simp mouth glances calmly at the theand theand and sends forth a powerful sound found The orchestra is skilful by Edmund Lichtenstein Leo Beers long celebrate the best entertainers on this stage is a feal featured player playe thi th delightful little song ong usual pleasure to the audien the fact that the spotlight op Mr 11 Beers submerged In a p po light which annoyed him as a did the audience Miss Maz dance jingles aSSisted by Mar lar closes the show Miss King King- j ful ul exponent of the toe da date ic and with Mr Hall staged sot sor sorI fur fut numbers the most pleasing was the Jacl Frost dance I AT THE Instilling a great deal of cO I the character of a South Se who cannot and does not speak EngliSh may seem a hard last tas Elmore with the Cannibal M 1 I headliner on the new bill bill ad ae takes theatre does it character one of the most pIe tures of an excellent bill i I Maids is full of excellent song ly Iy comedy and clever dances dances' a big hit with the first nights night i Pantages missionary t y Walter and ll the he Tr Terry as ag ti both made plea pleasing mg Impression If pretentiousness becomes a awarding second place on the then the Act Beautiful mi an a a act with the novel actor accor of motion pictures takes th tb place But if downright met mer then Stephens and Brunelle Brune I talking and singing Ing romp if i second honors Both the mar manla maraIn I. I In ht the act present an ante ance especially I the he young wet WOI I pleasing voices and a diver i clean comedy chatter The Th Thet t right to the hearty heany at the hands of the fl flu last night S 1 j i Jones and Syl Sy-l ester ster In T TI Tilt I and the Actor present a no noI no- no I I comedy ed chatter and a few W corn ig with a s aging i number n e ml I 1 and refreshing hid E Ilow low and and- Eldredge appear try I Delivery a good hick com come j I The sketch on account of ow I previous appearances here ht h little old but its comedy line lover over and a long lean I young woman still makes a a. freak dancing I June Mills and company cot cotan an overgenerous portion or of a c cand I and a man In the orchestra pi bIg hit with some boisterous CC awkward dancing The Pant and Eddie Fitzpatrick s the list of attractIOns ot ant finest bills seen at the Pat pail w weeks eks |