Show tT AH f F FA A dNa PERIOD OF INTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT t I ORGANIZED LABOR I EAGER TO RESPOND i I TO 10 NEED OF HOUR I Workers Who Played Great Partin Part in Winning the I War Ready to Cooperate for Reconstruction Recon Recon- t I Problems I I By R. R E. E Currie n I Representative for Salt Lake County in the Utah House of Representatives ves 11 r CLASS in America responded more readily to the call of the I No government during the great war than organized labor wj i This was true not only in volunteering for actual service at JL j. the front but in rallying to the cry of the nation for funds and I I for manpower to operate the vast machinery of war at al home 1 tV I Likewise there were no slackers in the ranks of labor in the great movement of conservation n and in the unified support of all i working classes in the determination to move all together and with a will toward the goal of vi victory to y without thought hough of personal 1 0 grIevance or o of so called class dlf- dlf dl I. Capital and labor strove side by side both with shoulders to the wheels and pushed the gigantic load up the hill of success and over the 1 crest into the valley of peace and and t prosperity STOOD WITH MASSES i With the opening ot of the war Salt Lake labor stood with the masses of j. j the nation in supporting the government govern govern- ment to the last proclamation War It if It had to come was welcome tc the laborer as a means menns for to an end the prevailing condition of terror and of bloodshed and of 01 settling once for all the old age struggles between autocracy and true democracy All this was summed up I In the opening paragraph ot of the Declaration of Principles adopted unanimously by the American Alliance Alliance Al- Al liance for Labor and Democracy at Its first annual conference at lIn- lIn September 5 to 7 1917 LABORS LABOR'S DECLARATION DECLARATION 1 1 This paragraph was as follows The Th American Alliance for Labor L LI I and Democracy In Its first t national t confer nce declares its unswerving unswerving- I adherence to the cause of democracy now assailed b by tile forces ot of au- au I and militarism A Avs labor unionists social reformers and Socialists Socialists So- So I we pledge our loyal support l land E to n the United States goy goy- c- c and its allies In the present world conflict Again aln later on in this great d c- c I the ot of union laboring la- la a- a I p. p boring boring- men everywhere as well as j i here In Salt Lalee were summed up fittingly In the following phrases WORSE THAN WARWe WAR I We Ve declare our abhorrence of WiP wa b and our devotion to the cause ot of otI I peace But we that hat there nl I are evils more Intolerable than those I Ifor 7 war 1 that war raged for evil ends mut be met b war waged for altruistic ends A peace bought by the surrender ot of every every- I 1 principle vital to Is no nope pe b but t It a shameful servility Our nation has not sought this war As al a I l people eople i we desired peace for Its own sake This In part expressed the attitude I of laboring men which was unI unswervingly un- un maintained throughout hout the I I great conflict while Uncle Sam hail had need of the brain and muscle and andI I bone and dollars of his people FIERCE FIGHTERS The army of If worl workers ers which hail had i been the greatest of the armies of I peace grimly threw aside for the time Its attitude In favor of peace for Its own sake and became I Ithe the fiercest of fighters shedding I blood ers O U in Liberty's off tr their I name a coats ts The and workers work work- rolled gl d un their sleeves for a new purpose They swung their hammers In tho tha f I shipyards and their axes In the for for- eats ests they tolled toiled incredibly hard In t I the 1 and the gigantic arsenals When the captains 7 I of Industry turned over their plants plant Sand and their ma machinery to the nation the themen men who operated those machines m and T forges and furnaces ces cheerfully started making new things things-things to kill lill hut but things In the glorious service of Liberty Libert and Justice and Peace is t ACTIVITY REMEMBERED ca c It Is not necessary to recall to the v people of Salt Lake and Utah the glorious g part tal taken en by organized labor R iT In the local campaigns for furthering It the success of the allies Their noble i 4 demonstrations are too fresh In th the v memory to require Never ras a request for funds never nf II a plea for unselfish devotion df de- of time and manpower and Continued on page 4 J n ORGANIZED LABOR C d from page 3 brains but was met with hearty acclaim acclaim ac- ac claim and joy in service se The poorer among the working classes as well as the highly paid skilled craftsmen responded to the calls without a whimper or complaint It is to be repeated with pride There were no slackers in the ranks of organized labor and so it will always be PREDICTION MADE A review is incomplete without a forecast Therefore It is proper to state that the period of reconstruction will be featured d by the same unselfish support ot of justice and liberty on the part of organized labor as characterized characterized charac- charac I its efforts during the war Where privileges are not assailed where opportunities for tor growth and development of the people are not I stifled stifled by selfish considerations where ends as great and glorious as the ends attained by victory in i Erance ranee are not the endangered American merican nation an and the world at large has no cause to fear that I I organized labor will not respond and I respond nobly to the needs ot of the I hour lOur whatever they may be |