Show CLUBS SHOW LOYALTY I t Organizations Clubs and Societies Unite for Uncle Sam in Activities Incident to War Aid Sa Salt t Lake Bodies Have Found a New v Valuable able Channel of Usefulness I E uniting of efforts for patriotic purposes have marked the theu u of the clubs of Salt Lake during the year 1918 rn ably y never before have the members of the various clubs H ties s and civic bodies realized the immense power that lies unifying of the efforts of the membership of an n Mlle as they have during the last year when the war work was led ed up to such a degree that al all found a chanel of useful useful- fi In some direction the L e discovery of their power has awakened the members to toen toen en en sense of their duty with the consequent effect that the only lent great aid to to the then n Its time of need but have gyred by their own unity and have Ire o 0 a power both socially and poy poy po- po y n the community CLUB f mong the clubs of Salt Lake ot ote Its entire resources to the 4 i. i of f the war wat was the Salt Lake club The clubrooms were into a veritable office building r ous war enterprises The ex- ex secretary J. J David Larson has to service as state secre- secre the Liberty loans The Red fled the he war savings commIttee the nip mp CommunIty ServIce and va- va her patrIotic organizations have to r headquarters at the Come Com Com- e 1 club to Its war activities the man many problems handled by club were Careful In- In hl n of the U U. S. S Chamber of ofes es referendum concerning s to te bills In congress I the furthEr use of Ft on n the part of the government camp as well as th the more soldiers at that poInt of an aviation school to toP P Resident Fred C. C Richmond r f two trips to Washington In st of that proposition ren- ren Sl to the second annual ock show at the union stock stock- Indorsing the daylight 1 before It became a national action for the reduce e price of Ice which resulted w price and a change in con con- a bill for a railroad e to Lund Utah rF I In congress to work for the enactment of a bill calling for foran foran an approprIation for the building of through line national highways and worked for the Improvement of highways highways high high- ways throughout the state urging representatives representatives rep rep- to work with the proper for the deportation of alien enemies sending representatives to the war emergency and reconstruction conference at Atlantic City bringIng I back important points club luncheons and engagIng promInent speakers In- In eluding Secretary of Commerce William ViI Wil- liam C. C Redfield Lord Dunmore Dr S. S H. H Clark Cark Countess De Dryas Bryas and many other distinguished people and answering thousands of inquiries concerning concerning con con- Utah sent by residents of other states After Arter the fifth Liberty loan the club will resume more regular activIties working for a bIgger and better city and state DEPARTMENTS The club has been divided Into departments departments de- de which include the wholesale and retail departments the members of which are as follows Wholesale Department Joseph Jpseph Decker Decler chaIrman P. P L. L Doran Edward Rosenbaum A IT H. Woodruff II A. A C. C A. A Raus A A. P. P Retail Department II N. N Byrne chairman WillIam Murdoch James Jame P. P Gardner r J N. N Smith J. J E. E MCKendrick MCKend- MCKend rick W. W IL II 1 Dayton ayton These departments serve the interests Interests Inter Inter- ests of the wholesale and retail trades dealers Problems ha to do with these business men are handled by these departments department The Business Mens Men's alliance the dl- dl of which are C C. A. A Faus C. C B. B i Hawley J J. J F. F Harding H H. N. N Byrne and James P. P Casey Is a dIvision of th the wholesale and retail departments and has to do with the regulating of fake charIties ticket selling selling sell sell- ing etc It is estimated that In the thelast last year has been saved the merchants of Salt Lake City through the activities of thIs department I MEMBERSHIP COUNCIL The membership council represents the membership of the Commercial I club which membership numbers around one thousand The councIl Is made up of twenty five men and they I deal with all problems coming before the membership of the club Following are the names of the men who make makeup makeup up the membership council Freeman P. P Bassett W V T. T Benson Denson W. W G G. Burton H. H M 1 Chamberlain J. J Fred ed Daynes Joseph Decker II P. P DIcke r. 1 C. C Iverson P. P B. B Garoutte P. P P. P JEnson M. M A. A Keiser Ke ser W. W H. H Lovesy Malcolm McAllister sEcretary C. C E. E Murphy l T. T W. W NaYlor G. G It II Parrish A. A D D. Pierson W. W R. R Putnam chairman P P. r. l Randall A. A Ir II Sconberg Scon- Scon berg berA A. A C. C Sullivan A. A B. B F C. C Walker G G. G E. E Walker The names of the officers and board of governors of the Commercial club are as follows F. F C. C RIchmond president II N. N Byrne vice president Edward Rosenbaum Rosenbaum Rosen Rosen- baum treasurer J. J David Larson general general gen gen- eral secretary Board of Governors Governor Simon Bamberger Mayor W. W Mont Ferry C. C A. A Faus F. F C. C Schramm Edward Rosenbaum Ros- Ros F. F C. C Richmond W V N N. Williams VII Wil- lIams Henry Byrne James In Ingebretson Ingebret- Ingebret ebretson ebret- ebret son A. A N. N McKay C. C W. W Nibley Charles Tyng Joseph Decker R. R C. C Gemmell S. S R. R Inch C. C B. B Hawley and andI D. D Carlos Kimball J I ELKS ELKS' CLUB Not only In patriotic work but In all work for the good of Salt Lake the Elks Elks' club spent a strenuous rear ear durIng during dur- dur Ing 1918 ChIef among the endeavors of the club was its efforts in the community community com com- to prevent the spread of the Influenza epidemic and to assist the sufferers from that plague I During the worst stages of the epIdemic epidemic epI- epI demic the Elks threw the entire efforts efforts ef- ef forts of their organization into caring for the stricken to provIde for poorer familIes who were afflicted and in provIdIng providing pro pro- vIdIng medical assIstance to all who needed It The Elks Elks' club In the last year has been active In all patriotic endeavors DurIng the War Var Savings drive more than worth of Thrift stamps and Baby bonds were sold at the club In the fourth Liberty loan campaign worth of Liberty bonds were sold through the club The club has also provIded entertainments parties and dances for the soldiers who have been statIonEd in Salt Lake The local lodge of Elks have also given able assIstance assistance as- as to men disabled by the war For the year of 1919 the Elks EIls are planning even greater thin The membership of the club has g gown own so steadily during the last five years that I the present home on State street and First South has become to and larger quarters are being sought A Anew Anew new buildIng will be erected by the Elks during the coming year or a very lve addItion will he be made mad to the present building The construction plans of the Elks are In addItion to Its usual strenuous program of charity and entertaInment KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COLUMBUS Though nearly 50 per cent of Its active active ac- ac tive members were in some branch of the military service the local council Knights of Columbus also put In a strenuous year following the example set by the national council of the Knights of Columbus in War work worl The local councIl has spent the greater portion portion por- por tion of Its endeavors raIsing funds for forthe forthe the varIous war works and lookIng after the welfare of all members of the military service in Salt Lake Through the local councils council's endeavors endeavors endea- endea vors the members of the hospital force at ht Ft Douglas have ha been equipped with complete athletic outfits while other welfare work worl has been done and still sUIl more planned BONNEVILLE CLUB The Donneville Bonneville club has added to the progress and to the education of Utah hy by bringing to Its dinners some of the most brilliant men and some of the most eloquent speakers In the country The dinners of the club are among the most brilliant given In the country The last two speakers at the club were IrvIn S. S Cobb the famous hum a and nd Isaac F. F Marcosson a writer for forthe forthe the Saturday Evening Post ROTARY CLUB The Rotary club has spread Its activIties activities ac- ac over a vast area Besides beIng being be- be Ing one of the foremost clubs of the city In working for patriotic purposes like thE Commercial club it has taken take I up many city and state problems Much of the work of the club has been devoted t to the obtaining for Utah a I huge System of good roads which will afford the opportunity to display the great scenIc beauties s ot of Utah KIWANIS CLUB The Kiwanis club starting in the summer of 1918 has grown untIl It has become one of the influential clubs clubs' of the city It holds a regular weekly luncheon at which some city or state problem Is s discussed or to which some prominent speaker is invited EAGLES AND MOOSE The Eagles and Moose have turned the entire of their membership Ito I Ito to the winning of the war and have nobly assIsted In putting over some of the great war works The Eagles have donated the use of their big hall for patrIotic purposes During the next year the Moose erect a handsome new home in Salt Lake OTHER CLUBS Among the social clubs In Salt Lake the Alta club the University club and the Country club have turned from socIal activItIes to patriotic work and have ably rendered assistance to all patrIotic organizations They wIll all resume now that the war is over their usual activities in the city |