Show f 11 11 11 11 III United Filters CORPORATION r il Kelly and Sweetland Pressure Filters I Amel Continuous Vacuum Filters i Sweetland's Patent Metallic Filter Cloth I 1 I I If r i Our engineering staff is at your service to as assist you in solving your filtration problems E II j f I OFFICES i II E Felt Building Salt Lake City Utah i t 65 Broadway New York City Peoples People's Gas Building E Chicago Ill III Foreign Trade Agents for Sugar Industry ALLIED SUGAR MACHINERY CORPORATION I ice III i New IIII York IIII City I i t c 1 i I. I United States States' Smelting Smelling Refining Refining and Compary s 6 J. J E E 1 1 BUYERS OF s I Ii Ores ures and an Concentrates I MATTE AND FURNACE PRODUCTS Terms quoted for smelting ores also for far concentrating ores containing low percentages per per- J of both lead and zinc on to the United States Smelting Refining Re- Re Reit it fining and Mining Company Newhouse Salt Lake City Utah Smelter and andi lead rand and zinc concentrating and separating mills at Midvale Utah copper smelter at i Kennett California zinc smelter at Checotah Oklahoma lead and zinc concentrator concentrator concen- concen at Needles California Copper and lead refineries at Chrome New Jersey and at Indiana I 10 x III 1 1 I T w Salt l Lake Live Stock Ul i Commission Company YS Yi c. c H. H STEWART Manager Oldest Livestock C Commission House in the S S' INTELLIGENT SERVICE PROMPT Phone Wasatch 1128 l L i 1 Automobile i I Insurance i There are in Salt Lake City an County about automobile automobile We h have ve over of these iz WE ADJUST AND PAY CLAIM IMMEDIATELY FROM THIS OFFICE I Thomas Insurance ance y Investment Co 1 J t Auto Insurance Specialists Was j i 1 mt e I. I i at j Zions Zion's f s Savings Vin 0 s Ban Dan T rust pus Company Nos 1 5 South Main Street Salt Lake City Utah s Capital Surplus 1 Resources J The year 1918 just past has been fraught with tremendous II to each citizen of our nation The dawn da of a I Year however is pregnant with peace progress progress prosperity I We Cordially Extend to You the Seasons Season's Greetin Creech and al d heartily extend the wish vish that 1919 may bring to yol Health Prosperity and Happiness YOI q We Ve appreciate the patronage of our customers custo- custo mers whose name js is legion during the OFFICERS pre present ent year year-we trust that relationship relation relation- ship during during- the New Year will be just as HEBER J. J GRANT PresIdent pleasant and just as profitable ANTHON H. H LU LUND LUD D Vice President o. o C. C BEEB E Cashier I R Cashier GE GEO s. s S SPENCER ENCE Our endeavor will be to merit a ance anc of your your business by giving prompt polite painstaking service jn whatever DIRECTORS capacity we may serve you HEBER J. J GRANT JOHN F. F BENN BENNET T ANTHON H. H LUND WILLARD T. T CANN Nor CAN THOMAS G. G WEBBER PAID ON A. A H. H WOODRUFF ARTHUR WINTE WINTER JLEWIS J I LEWIS TELLE CAN CAN- F. F 4 SAVINGS NON c. c W. W NIBLEY SMITH I J DEPOSITS o. o C. C BEEBE WILLARD R. R J m. m n 7 J 1 |