Show I I J 1 I J L mJ I E Eq J I J I J rn I IR 1 q N H I W t B w R HP o a o. o a. a zo 0 0 a o a a I Ia r a t i iI I If It I f Fos I f L u I I President Accepts I an I Invitation to Give an Address on Eve of His I P Dea li ure re f F France r By Associated Press j J Feb Feu 2 I W Pre President J ent Wilson V f ai 1 i an an invitation to speak in N New e York next Tuesday night on the eve ve or of lis sailing ailing gain again ti for fOI France rance I Former President Taft Is expected expect d to be a special speaker at the same sameI I meeting which will wil be held under I the auspices of a nonpartisan committee committee com com- of representatives of various societies advocating formation of a league of nations President Wilson Vilson Is said to be very anxious to to have Mr 11 Taft on the program with him The Invitation to the president was extended by Governor Smith in a telegram from Albany Secretary said the president dent expected to leave Washington I for New Kew York YOlk about 2 p. p m. m after the adjournment of congress at March 4 tIe He will sail from New NewYork York for or France th the following day By BI Associated Press W Feb Washing ton gave President Wilson its formal welcome home today by turning out In thousands to cheer a parade down I Pennsylvania avenue headed by the I president in honor of homecoming I soldiers of the capital Marching with a swinging stride the president took the lead as the procession started from Peace monument monti- monti ment at the capital grounds Army airplanes and dirigibles hovered overhead SHOW ENTHUSIASM It was the presidents president's first public appearance here since his return I from France He was given an enthusiastic en- en greeting b by the lining the broad avenue as he marched behind the band shouldering a big flag a and d escorted by a committee of oC cItizens The line began to move promptly at 1 o'clock and five minutes I later Mr fr Wilson had hl marched nearly I a mile and a 1 and was tatting his seat with p Mrs Vilson In a are I reviewing re- re I viewing st Et P before the White WhiteHouse House PAY TRIBUTE I I Four Fo 11 r hundred wounded soldiers and sai Ors rs occupying a place of honor the president across the avenue from i removed mo ed their hats In lieu of II a t salute as he passed A big army dirigible No 3 startled everybody by flying fling low over the l heads of oC I marchers and spectators i I I II I |