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Show I KHEDIVE OF EGYPT IS ' VICTIM OF LAND DEAL BERLIN, March 9. The Khedive of Egypt has been victimized by the smart German business men who have taken advantage ad-vantage of the present boom in real estate. es-tate. . His Highness has bought from the German Ger-man colony near Cairo a piece of land which was given to them in by hla predecessor, the Khedive Ismail Pasha. The price was nearly $l.Ano,000 a fabulous fabu-lous sum which Is being paid in installments. install-ments. For a much larger plot of land -on which to re-erect their church and schools (which stood on the land sold to the Khedive), Khe-dive), the Germans have paid only $500,-(W0, $500,-(W0, clearing a profit of JS00.000 on the deal In land which originally cost them not a penny. |