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Show 5TE?;;aiS TALKS ' T0CLUBV70noI :.. , ,y , '- ,. . . .t 7 ell-Known Lawyer Discusses Dis-cusses the Galveston Idea . Cefore the Ladies' Literary Liter-ary Club, 'Advantages and benefits of the GalvesV ton idea oX city government war presented pre-sented In an admirable manner yesterday -afternoon by Frank B. Stephena to tnem-bers tnem-bers of the Ladles' Literary club. "The Galveston Idea." said he. "Is that' 1 w should elect at large, by the whole city, a small body of men who are well paid and who are expected to devote their entire time. If necessary, to the work. ' "They can then make a study of the conditions, and they will be In a position, to do Just such efficient work as Is done by the managers of industrial and rcer- , cantile corporations. "We would have them In session- at, least fiveXdays and two evenings in a week. Being themselves personally responsible re-sponsible for the wellbelng of the city, and not being able to throw the tesponsi-bllity tesponsi-bllity upon someone else, they will have a pride In making a good record. k "In the discussion of the measures the , . public has considered generally the nnan-; ' cial end of the proposition, but I think you will agree with me that the direct financial saving- under a cleaner and more efficient system - of city government will be the smallest benefit derived. i "Undoubtedly, without considering the' wall of the broken-hearted. . who follow their dear ones called to the tomb by the' . untimely summons of the messenger of. filth and dirt, we could compute; I aup-j , pose, upon the cold basis of so much cash, saved, the value to our city in a better administration of its afairs, In that: cleanliness which Is next to Godliness,, and without which- true civic Improvement Improve-ment Is never attained." Together with other Interesting features fea-tures of the program, Miss Elisabeth M. Qualtrough, principal of the Oqulrrn -school, delivered an address In behalf of teachers In the State, and advocated the levying of an additional mill to Increase the school fund. i Her address was s convincing that ' a: motion was unanimously passed In sup- ; port of the movement, and Instructions were given the secretary to advise both houses that the society js In favor of Increasing In-creasing teachers' salaries by the method proposed, ........... .. |