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Show EXPERTS COME HIGH, BUT THE DEFENSE REALLY NEEDED THEM NEW YORK, March 9. Attorney Del-mas Del-mas went to New Jersey last night and . will be the guest of Dr. Brltton D. Evans, one of the alienists, over Sunday. He is particularly fond of sleighing and will devote de-vote most of his time to that sport. The other counsel for the defense will also go to the country. District Attorney Jerome will not leave the city, but It was announced that neither Jerome nor his assistant. Garvan, will have anything to say about the rase during the adjournment. ad-journment. When the trial Is resumed - -Mondav morning It will be Ave weeks since the actual taking of testimony be-. be-. gan, and seven weeks since the case was ftret called in court. The expense both to the State and the defense lias been very heavy, particularly particular-ly to the defense. An an Instance, It may be mentioned that Dr. Brltton IJ. Evans, the principal alienist is reported as receiving re-ceiving $200 a day. Dr. Charles Ci. Wag-, ner $lo0 a day, and Dr; Graeme M. Hammond Ham-mond and Densmith Ely Jcliiffe $100 a day each. |