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Show Stops Lameness Much o( the chronic lamenessj in horses is due to neglect. See that your horse is not allowed al-lowed to go lame. Keep Sloan's Liniment on hand and apply at the first sign of stiffness. It's wonderfully penetrating g0Cs right to the spot relieves the soreness limbers up the joints and makes the muscles elastic and pliant, Here's the Proof. Mr. G. T. Roberts of Resaca, Ga., R.F.D. No. t, Uox 43, writes: " 1 have used your Liniment on a horao for swee-ncy swee-ncy and effected a thorough cure. I al- so removed a spavin on a mule. This spavin was as large as a guinea egg. In my estimation thebest remedy for lameness lame-ness and soreness Is Liniment Mr. H.M QibbJjOf Lawrence, Kans., R.F.D. No. 3. writes: "Your Liniment Lini-ment is the best that I have ever used. 1 had a mare with an abscess on her neck and one 50c. bottle of Sloan's Liniment entirely cured her. I keep it around all the time for galls and small swellings and for everything about the stock." Sloan's Liniment Mwill kill a . spavin, curb or splint, reduce re-duce wind puffs and gVpasfc, swollen joints, and is a sure and speedy remedy for fistula, gTa swecney, founder 2 4$&j$C? II Pricc 50c. and $1.00 W ' li Slotiu'ft hnntt on rt t'lHlfl-Mlt hi borc, cattle, liTi jj LUiaiiUJ nn(1 poultry sent u ' -' -'" Cl free. Adilrcii IjSfc B Dr. Earl S. Sloan, 8SSffis3a Boston, Mans., TJ. S. A. iffrT7Jfr,--r-rwYV";-frJ 'iV'i' 1 1 'nWft,ji' l'I More peoplo aro takine Foloj-'s Kidney Kid-ney Remedy every year. It is considered con-sidered tho most effective Tcmedy for all kidney nnd bladder troubles that medical science can doviso. Foley's Kidnoy Remedy corrects irregularities, builds up the system, and restores lost vitality. Schramm-Johnson, Drugs. WH3N TYPE WEAKS OUT ' We sell it to the type foundrj- and buy new, That keeps our typo styles up to late. Century. 55-57 Postoffice place. NOTICE. Hay and Grain. To my many friends nnd customers: I am again in business at 110 West First South, under tho heading of C. IT. Miller Grain company, and assure the same ;ourteous treatment as in tho past. AUTOMOBILE SHOW Salt Lake City, February 10 to 27. Reduced rates via Orogon Short Lino from Utah and .Idaho points. See agents for particulars. particu-lars. Harry .1. Kobinson. attorney at law. .104-.') Judge 13ldt; Phoros "270 and 1000 AT COST la order to prepare for several additional carloads of l i QgeB now on the way, we are going to sell a limited iber of our best ones at special low prices, to save mov- it I thom to another warehouse. Those who expect to install J thia year should . . i BUY NOW itis "will be the only bargain sale of the year, We havo ny bargains, such as a few j P Gas luges si SS7.77 If with a 10 per cent additional discount for cash. ' t sale will last only a short time until the bargains !, all be snapped up. Do not delay making your selec- : 8JJ 0n-r representative will call on request .to give you r per particulars. I , OTAM GAS & COKE COo Main Street. Phones 4321. j l"'""''"' Tin 'am t irr riT-' 1 1 ' '" " " " - .... jj i,ia"BiBHilBaBuaaWHI!BaiB"BBi'"aDHw ; nj "Ifcwatw9- conBtant "Wpjtfng the ; OUB, FEEE INSURANCE POLICY. If IS fbat wears away tho stono. ' ' ' tho breadwinner meets with death we 1 ltIl,cS.Pg?gtmo." ' WW mark the acoomit PAID. . I i f ( S s,. I STORES CO j . , I AN I X L OUTF IT . g ROOMS SiSIS " : MEANS P- A. Qoronsan, Pren. and Treas. Da,y, Vlco PreB, ) 1 j The I X L 3-room I I outfits have forced up- FWffillDmOT $1,50 per mSyfW) f l h ' $1,5 Weekly 1 1 rmVhbLo8sr SKs Wt 1 PaymentsBuys I I SJlZTto 1 1 i Completely 1 1 foible home, 'fit for ( ' r Dining Room Si WHAT IS INCLUDED-IN THIS OUTFIT ' DINING ROOM. , KITCHEN. . BEDROOM, ffl 1 beautiful weathored oak bulTot ,with largo Fronch S 1 large nlckol trimmed cook stove has regular range .J . 1 full aizo hoautifuliy enameled iron bed, 1 spring 1 IP plate mirror. ) fircbos. mattress n S i lSeoxSiifn0 t?Sl oThed six fcrt i 1 lnrgc table with drawer. 1 largo golden oa& drossor with fine bevel plate mirror, P I sotgt0abCfo KsT&lerSg0 2 kitchen chairs. . go&Sa"? ta 1 36-plcco set dishes. Linoleum for the floor. i 1 beSm chnlrT loonf ru. 1 JSm LANDAU DRAPERY DEPT. SPECIALS I !p Jj 1 g BEAUTIFUIi DESIGNS . 4$T ' IK tt CAB1METS ' 3 1 ftSlil iingPinitS plLoMeclianlc deems cuIn special- W 1 W it very necessar3' to have a place for aU ZT XfWmm 1 IK! - II , , his tools and a bench at which to do his 16 111 S fHrWf lfir ! IK S S ' SBi kitchen work fastor and hotter if sho Regular 20-cont Swiss f iSSRW lSBS 111 PH Spfr'l 81 .cveryi,lg witllin 03f? reach. curtain special j 1 fig WM IHg jJM IS P $m pElff 12 cents 'iWBliH Slii' iil aionts for cooking utensils and a place f WwnpmtC- W'W Wxi I S ' ilP .j.'lpj for everything a complete work bench crtopedal0 ll'ySvi'i' and gfvyou allHhc" 19 CSIUftS J j TI jjay rorliom. AU Cabinets made of so- A7 ituaa ' ' X Regular $20.00 Kitchen Cabinet, : ' l&b j Ruiar 25,00 s'itchen 'cabinet, ' " :. ' gigoo BI Saving 2rom omf Esdclieg DepaFfincnt j-J ESi$3 ' cSSfS $2o55 60?pceff& $2.85. Regular $35.00 Kitchen Cabinet, Qtyfa iftft Regular $3,75 Couch Cover, JQ ff A special SicjiWV oo inches vridc, special A-JLu 1 6r ' - Cleaa-H3 a andEnds 0a Stock of Medium-Priced and Fancy Three and Fonr-Bar j jj; V The list Includes all kinds In floldcn oak and can alwa ysu sc jjJ" jm Mli ll X j! ' i iTWM ln"thc8on vacant' pTacecln youhomcwfui Vock- one purposes. Our prices for jjfjjJi JSOT HWI BwB lr ! ti f!' iWlrvwl 61-3 f1 nihSt half prlcc' and p,cnty of tlme t0 olnoVoursf'annJusce IwB lflllCTwll OkaM )C7) ' 0l' aC' rl"' ,""t9at,na of ll p ( 1 BeauflfiV Golden ' Oak ' HockVr) ' wUh" 'r"oH Mat, rco? $V.00,C s"5clal -. $2.50 llS ArtHim- W'M&y regular price S9.00, S aft , , , . If , 5 a1 special qo.OJ - Golden oak and mahogany 3-pane screens, Japanese acroeni, regular Jo grt ) jj- , Beautiful Golden Oak Rocker, with Roll seat, Beautiful Mahogany finished Rockor, C7 7S Hri!?'50' $2.25 5'00, Peclal ' I h- i E regular price 57.50, CA o regular price $13.50, special $t.LJ ac cnui ''""'"' Japanese screono, rogular ;1 7i ll Ik'; t gDcclal ptf.XJ u Golden oak and mahogany 3-panel screens, $3,50, opeclal 3l.tO li ! ' P H , Beautiful Mahonany finished Rocker, C f rcg. $2.75, 1 QfJ . I Ul : t Beautiful Golden Oak Rocker, with Roll seat, regular price C0.00, special '. . .. 3'fa'v-' special 'P-I--7U Weathered oak 3-panol screens, 5o oil W , regular price $5.25, $3.50 Beautiful Golden Oak finished Rocker, oc; Golden oak and mahogany 3-panel screens, regular $5.00, opeclal u.sJ .... special v regular prlco S0.00, special .fxJ.X-u rcg. 52.00, ttl OQ Golden oak 1-panol screens, grt li I Beautiful Golden Oak Rocker, with Cobbler Seat, Beautiful Goldon Oak finished Rocker, Roll Seat. special PX.x regular 51.00, special u I I I regular price $5.50, M 7 regular prlcc 5S.50, QLAT Japanese screons, regular in nri Golden oak 3-panel screens, a m a ' I R special., apecfn , ,4.1D $4,60, special 3Z.UU regular $2,00, special OJC j i, b Beautiful Golden Oak Rocker, with Cobbler Seat, Beautiful Golden Oak finished Rocker, Roll Seat, . 1 f f. regular price $3,50, g tin- regular prlcc $0.50, A 7 w . I special iDZ.JU SpCCa $hr.LJ fe . , IBx. B3sr ..TZVs Our Second Hana Store I m Arm Chairs lov ln Dining Room, Library or Office ss w sj, 55 f 90 Ct of Sf I !W Large Arm Chair with genuine leather slip seat, Early English finish, regular $15.00,. jjQ dn Ji3 JUtLflLCaL t.'-UE CHI. 'ICllV kl I i 'i ' special q).JU B H i. - Larne Arm Chair with genuine leather seat, Early English finish, regular $11.50, r 'tcl .... , , . , , . , , , . I f special . ' vPb.iJ At tlmos wo aro obliged to tako back goods and in this event thoy axe sent I rt 5,,; 1 S Large Arm'chalV with genuine leather scat. Golden Oak finish, regular $12.50. $3 qq d j d gtoro ther(J tQ gold fflr what th bringp0SI- 1 J t special n 1; t , . . . . $525 TIVELT NO SECOND HAND OR RETURNED FURNITURE SOLD IN 1 '! Large Arm Chair, Golden Oak finish, wood seat, regular $9.00, special j.u " B u ... '549') OUR BIG STORE ON EAST THIRD SOUTH. I lh " Large Arm Chair, Early English finish, wood seat, regular $7.50, special vt.. n , S CROCKERY BEF'T. . CAMPET DEPT. 1 ill This department is located on our 6th floor our Don't miss the opportunitj' to secure one of these I fr I unlimited buying power enables us to save you consul- M ' lf?ps beautiful Wilton rugs at way below market priccs J$jj erablc money on anything in this line. M SSS' 6 ft. by 9 ft. Wilton rug, regular $21.00 $14.00 ,i SpcM F fiSlS Week. Tla')Sadasiactwy,Es 8 ft. 3 by 10 ft. 6 Wilton rug, regular $30.00. . . $19.85 I ':J Water bottle and six tumblers to match. Qftf "We have been advertising for an - j lijy. 1 Regular $2.00 Special ; old Monarch range, but cannot get ' Toilet FrcpaFSJlOlS Wholesale Prices I M't Z ' ' ' OI1C why? Because once 3rOU have Seo display windows for these soods. 1 fiv GRIN1DING EFT. lurZJ2oV'uIo Tc:T.t?:. so. I m G . With It. ICS gUaiailteOCl . lor 1U Oriental Massage Cream, large S-oz. Jar, otf 1 bifjl I Just call us, Ex. 13, both phones, when yorn' lemves, ycars nnd 110 repairs $1.00 per "f"1'11, --, I f "i uuov j - 4 , ... , i Williams' Talcum Povder, regular 25c size. - or ffl ; '1 " shears etc.. ueed "sharp" edges 1-rices: week will buy a Monarch range. 2 cans for oUc i k' ' . . - e - ,, . Somothlno new, shaving powder; try n can, -it; I H l a RTHchen and corvmcr kiuves, loc; shears, jloc up, . special for tho week JLOc 1 ff. I WICflOn miu wwviub , , r)i EAST THIRD SOUTH. infcnts' toilet and bath powder, largecans, 1 6 J 9 razors, 25o up. ' (5S2P "SWff SP Sc spccTa'wiiiiams'-'shavi B i; li I !: "SVo grind Surgical Instruments. f -Ssw4as per cake Oc N S 5-.l I L I STORES daj J J p esIfs Easy to Fsy ) The I X L Way" I a i |