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Show t OLD PALESTINE :j: Wk I IS BEING FILLED X IB J UP WITH JEWS :: H Special Cable to The Tribune. v" BH 4- JERUSALEM. Feb. . 10. Qulctlv y flHH 4- old Palest Ino . is being tilled up with v. MmTn Jewish colonists and it Is not im- y BHI 4. possible that the. next generation -J flHtti A- will seo tho Zionist movement sue- Bflul i. cessful to the extent . at least that -i' J HUH 4. tho great majority of tho lnhabl- j HKg 4. tauts of Palestine wUl be Jews, v , Ml 4- Thousands and tens of. thousands of ; j HM 4. Jewish colonists, aro already set- v 'BHB 4- tied hi tho country. Helped by y iMni rich capitalists In Europe, they v j 9jB9! 4- build comfortahlo homes and cstab- y ' BBI 4. llsh nourishing colonies. Large..,. WfHJI . portions of land round Lako 11- y llUtj A b?rlas have been bought up from y HiiBllI 4. poor natives and converted into v , BHjj 4. prosperous domains. Tho Plain of i MBiM J. Sharon, between Jaffa nnd Lydda, v ffltgnf 4. Is one vast garden, owned and tend- y 1 HDI J. ed by Jewish skill and labor. The y RW ?t. Hauran. ono of tho most fertile y BIBM 4. wheat districts In the world. 13 bo- v 1 ,u ms -raduallv sold to Jewish syn- ; nUHji 4. dlcates. The Ghor (Valley of the ; WfmM 4. Jordan), which belonged to Abdul y UM 4. Ilamld. Is now being bargained for j Bflffl 4. and will soon become Jewish prop- y BBwI 4. ortv. To sav that Jaffo. and Jcru- i 1 MB 4. arm aro Jewish towns is only v , BBfli 4- saying the bare truth. Towns like y flBHI 4-Ramoth-Gllead, Bethlehem, Naza- y Bfllfl S reth and Gasn. whovo a . few years y I BBBB 4. ago no Jew dared show his face, v 1 BBDffl have now their Jewish quarters and j BfljJ i-'I'it-H"M'M"r,IiHH4',H'' ' |