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Show BIRTHS GREATLY KX('BEI) DEATHS DURING WKKK The loport of the city board of health for tho week ended February 17, shows forly-hcvcn blrthi; and twenty-nine deaths during the weolc. Of the Mrthn, nineteen v.'cro boys and twenty-eight were girls. Of the dcattiH, fifteen wcro mitlca and eleven feninlcs. Thorn were ten bodies shinned hither for burial duiinp the week. There wcro thirty-nine cases of contagious con-tagious and infectious dlnca:icK reported during the week and at tho close of tho wool: there wore, seventy-one hoiiBoa under un-der quarantine on account of contagion and seven peronM romnlnwl In quarantine quaran-tine at the tholallon hospital. |