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Show SHEEP DIPPING GOES WEI TILL HTIM Annuals Too Weak From Severity Se-verity of Winter lo Be Immersed Im-mersed This Spring. The state board of sheep commissioners commission-ers decided at a meeting held Saturday afternoon tliat there shall be no dipping of sheep this year, but that the process will be carried out in the fall, from September Sep-tember I to October 15. This decision was arrived at after mature consideration, considera-tion, and llio order will be sent out, because reports indicate that, on account ac-count of the severity of the winter, sheep generally arc in a weak condition, and in many places they absolutely could not be dipped this spring-. If sheep in one part of the slate were dipped and those in another part,wero not. the sheep would of course mingle and the dipping would be of no avail. The board also considered the dipping of sheep this summer, but as there are no vats on the forest reserves and some other places, this idea was abandoned for the present, but the time is coming when the dipping will be done in the summer. The sheep are troubled with what Is known as "sheep ticks'" and two dippings are necessary to kill this vermin. During Dur-ing tbis summer the sheepmen will be expected to make preparation on the range for summer dipping. Sheep found infected with scabies and sheep that have been exposed to the disease will bo dipped this spring, as usual. This course Is Imperative. Those present at tho meeting of the board wore: K. Anderson, IMantJ, president; pres-ident; J. S. Ostler. Nephl: Thomas V. Jones. Salt Lake; A. A. Callistor, secretary, sec-retary, and Dr. V. K. Murray of the bureau bu-reau of animal Industry. |