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Show KHplder of Many World's Records Ii JACOB DEROSIER, ON HIS INDIAN MOTOR, jnust be considered the most daring mr Inn-yrle rider of 1000. w'yor of a nimoritv 0f the world's records and last year won a ma-jtyracos ma-jtyracos in which h compiled. He rides the Indian moton vcip. h Carter hat ilio agenev of this popular motorcycle i'o- Utah M shc is doubtful whether slip will be able to secure enough ma-FPPly ma-FPPly the domand the coining season. She is also talking up a Pa riu-cs, lo )t. u.ld n hooii as the roads dry up in I he spring. S.'ll bo arranged to Ogden ennvon and return, and a series "I be held over the old Garfield road tu the Greal Salt Lake ami |