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Show I WEDDINGS. A quiet wedding on Wednesday was that ofMiss Florence L. Rossbcrg and W. ;L. Richardson of Seattle, Wash. The ceremony was performed at noon at tho home of Hew William Thurston Brown in 1 lie presence of the immediate family. Miss Possberg wore a stylish' traveling dress of navy blue broadcloth with hat and gloves to match. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson left, later for Seat tie, Wash., where they will be at homo r their friends after March 20. A wedding for Tuesday evening will bo that of Miss Lena 11. Rochclcau and Mclvin L. Grow. Tho ci-romony will be pcrformod at thn Grow home at 7:i!') and a rcccptiou will follow. Miss Koch-clean Koch-clean will be attended ,by Miss Jennie Pochcleau, and Lawrence Grow will act as best man. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Prank IT. .Tames was tho scene of a pretty wedding wed-ding Saturday afternoon, when their daughter, Nellie Eben .Tames, became tho bride of Lewis George Evans. The coremonj' was performed at 2:'AQ by Rev. P. A. Simpkin in the presence of the families and a few close Xrienda. The bride wore a dainty gown of wjitc laco over silk and carried white ros'. She was attended by Miss Pearl Lowcn-stcin Lowcn-stcin of Ogden. The rooms were prettily pret-tily decorated for the occasion in roses and carnations. A wedding luncheon followed. Mr. nd Mrs. Evans left Inter for a. trip to Colorado Springs and Denver, Den-ver, Colo., and will later return hero to mnke their home. Mrs. lOvaus wore a stA'lish traveling dress of blue broadcloth broad-cloth with hat and gloves to match. |