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Show k iTCRfibiirf WhEskBg of EKqssisMe FtiavQg j 2pL2(0g Qnakcr Maid Rye tempts tho taste. It is nn aged, smooth, l yET. rffa-. - p.tjt mellow whiskey that wins your favor by Its flavor. Tho 1$ BiwmP H6w3 Prst drlnlt will convince you of Kb great merit. "Quaker II MlBfl'Iff 1 Maid" Is tho origlnal'-puro" food" wlilskoy, complying m wftU tuo National I'ura i'ood Law. U SBHPfSSj Ask far Quaker MaSc! Rye at any First" jj jraiwwL Glass Bar, Oafo Oluh or Drug Store If BgaattSaMMaBirlii 11 your dealer cannot supply yon, or It you nro In 2lluBKflW0i Vi a dT7" territory, write to us direct and we f Wg&g&Rfpjm "VTlll boo that you aro promptly supplied. Jv TffiiBSllnSr HSRSGH DISTILLING GO4r Thero is nothing that causes more vorr'- and discomfort than a chronic, festering ulcer. As it lingers, slowly oating into tho tissues and surrdundlng flesh, and by its tendoncy to grow worse in every way, it suggosts the possibility possi-bility of bolng cancerous in its nature. Efforts to heal the ulcer by moans of salvos, washes, lotions, etc., always result in failure, because such treatment treat-ment can havo 210 possible effect on tho blood where tho impurities and morbid matters form, and are carriod thorugh tho circulation to tho place, to keep it op:n, irritatod and disoasod. Tho impurities in tho blood must bo romovod before the hoallng process can begin. S. S. S. goes to the fountain-head of the trouble, and drives out tho gorm-produclng poisons and morbid impuritios which keep tho ulcer open. Thon as tlm rich, purified blood is ca'rriod to tho disoasod place the healing commences, the inflammation inflam-mation gradually oave3, tho discharge ceases, new tissue and healthy flesh aro formed, and soon the sore is permanentlj' cured because the source has boon destroyed. S. S. S. doos not make a surface cure, but by supplying tho blood with healthful, tissuo-building properties it begins at tho bottom and causes the flesh at tho disoasod spot to firmly and permanently knit together, and the place is left sound and well. Book on Soros and Ulcers and any medical advice free to all who writo. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Of Skin, Hands anc Jj Preserved by, j CUT1CU1 For preserving and jj the skin, scalp, hair anj S for allaying minor irritj the skin and scalp andj ing a velvety softness ,j tive, antiseptic cleansi j! in short, for every ubj moting skin health ad purity, Cuticura SoaP jS cura Ointment are unstj Sold tlirouebout thn world. 552!SBl!j COarterhouee 8a,: PwU. ,Wf d-Antla. Australia. R. Towns B. K. Pul. Calcutu: CblD. UoW Japan. Maruyn. Ltd. ToSlor Ltd.. Capo Town. elr-,U S AsP0fBt-Con! AsP0fBt-Con! Sole lTopa., 13b Coluablu MMg.' oj-32-iiacc (Mtlcura DooX jf lho Br; Care and Treatment 1$ |