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Show Sl LIRE ILL IE OPERATED IY AUGUST Utali Light and Power Company to Begin Work as Soon as ' Weather Permits. A visit to tho car sheds and material ma-terial yards of tho Utah Light & Bail-way Bail-way at the present time-is of great interest to thoso who follow railroad construction and development. Tho equipment and tools for the summer campaign are being thoroughly overhauled over-hauled and put in readiness "so that immediately upon tho breaking of the weather tho work can bo commenced. Tho most important feature of tho extensions ex-tensions this summer will be the now lino to Sandy aud Midvalc (Bingham Junction), and this will bo vigorously pushed. The official announcement is mado thnt tho Imc will bo in operation opera-tion by August 1, according to the franchise granted bv Salt Lake county. Tho material and equipment are m readiness for this extension and the actual work will begin the moment tho weather permits'. Tho ties and rails aro all in Salt Lake City so there will be no delav in waiting for track material. ma-terial. The lino will be a single-track single-track with many turnouts. Tt will bo laid with now ifo-pound id eel .rails and strung with the uncst grade of No. -I copper wire. The ties have been treated treat-ed with several applications of wood preservative and as the lino will bo ballasted it will, on completion, be ono of tho best pieces of olectno lino in the state. The lino runs down Stale street from Murray to Sandy, and trom Sandy turns duo west to Midvalc along highwav .No. SS. These two points are among tho most thriving of the industrial suburbs of the city and the importance of this initial step towards the building up of an interurban system bv the pioneer pio-neer olectrii; lino of tho city cannoi bq well underestimated, as these towns with all the intermediate territory -will at onco bo thrown into direct touch with the capital. Heretofore tho people peo-ple havo had to bo contented with infrequent in-frequent trains or their own conveyances. convey-ances. Anticipating the extension, the line down tho Slato road to Murray has been entirely rebuilt and within six months tho company will havo tho first interurban service "to the south, in Salt Lako county. As many cars will be operated daily as the traffic will warrant but just what tho service will require cannot be foretold. Tt has been demonstrated, however, in the past that electric service serv-ice to small hamlets or towns, has, in from three to six mouths developed such passenger traffic that additional servico to that originally planned has been established. The Murray line operates op-erates a car every hour. "While local railroaders see in this move but the natural expansion of the Utah Light & Bailway company, yet those who look to tllo future arguo that the quick assembling of all tho material and tho great activity now going go-ing on to finish tho oxtonsioa by August Aug-ust 1 is evidenco that tho pioneer system sys-tem is not asleep and that ny tho time its now competitors are in the field with franchises tho strategic line through Salt. Lako county will bo in full operation. It is further pointed out. that this line will have its terminus at Midvalc but a fow miles from Bingham, Bing-ham, one of the world's greatest copper cop-per camps, aud likewiso it will be that much nearor to Draper; also thut its trunk will be of such strength that branches can sprout to the east or tho west, as circumstances may require. Tho local system is all ready for tho work and it will bo finished on time, and it is the first step in far more important expansion and development devel-opment southward. At this time tho shops of the company com-pany urn busy with the usual amount of repair anil overhauling of -equipment, and during .the summer much betterment work will bo dono on the city lines nlroady built. |