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Show MfotabiImplement- Vehicle Co. Jfcl for the Columbus Bujrcy 'jMf Columbus. 0.. (o put the ty'jBc urrey on (ho auto uiar- t!Blra p,iotcra,)i1 " wi,ici1 is ijjWlierevviMi. is a ncu- dcjiar-Brlc dcjiar-Brlc vehicles and may bo le-Kcar le-Kcar at Ilia Victoria phuc-ifWh'th phuc-ifWh'th scats for livo persons. dSfcliS when fully equipped i fKtban 2200 pounds. The nia-IIKpabio nia-IIKpabio of a speed of sixteen iKour and is intended primar-oKily primar-oKily use. It is clean, prnett-UKms prnett-UKms and an idcnl town ear. 'SKmbus Electrics are hahdled Kkoby the Utah Implcment-ipspanv. Implcment-ipspanv. one of the largest cs- of its kind in the west. iMtes for electricity per month Bjlectric than it docs to keep MfcoinE on a larcc touring cur, lHTyonr house. This ma- seepi. nnj; statement, and it's truo IjKlic nchincss of the car aud jjjEce the motor, differential, IEsd hand brake in one unit 4Ef,oa a sub-frame which can laway from the chassis in a 9m, b' simplv loosening four JKtMtically all of the mcchan-'removed, mcchan-'removed, inspected, tested Kd'ia Ji short, time without ear at any other point. jHpknc will effect a saving fHs during tho life of the aHf'simply raising the hoods, the battery can be tested ffd another saving in time i and expense, and is also a great convenience. con-venience. The splendid balance in the Columbus and its light weight (100 io '100 pounds less lhan other cars) are great factors in keeping' down the running expense. The batle'ry is divided, with equal weight on both axles. "Willi tlio added advantage advan-tage of light weight, this means longer life to tires and less tire trouble; also greater mileage on one charge, less work for the motor and longer battery life. Convenience, after all, is the real charm of an automobile, and genuine usefulness, conplod with safety, determines deter-mines its net worth to the owner, Jn the Columbus these points of merit arc strongly featured: Jt starts off at the first touch without with-out any troublesome routine to go through. It is equally useful winter or cummer cum-mer knows no senson. Any womau or child can run it, thereby there-by more than doubling the pleasure most cars afford. Lt is always ready insuring constant service and avoiding aunoyiug delays. Tt has no complicated machinery to get out of order and run up repair bills. Tt is free from grease, dirt and bad odors: the ideal car for the theater, for shopping or for any social function. Tt is the most; practical car made for city or suburban use; ready to go anywhere. any-where. an3' time, with anybody. It fills tho bill exactly for a phj'si-cian phj'si-cian because it is cheaper to maintain than horses, and gives much better and quicker service. |