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Show I I Most Popular Music of the Dav- ,:v- .....Give a q00(j cigar , - Jk -V"THE BOYS OF Co. B3':S ;' : By RIDA JOHNSON YOUNG - ' tfscff? Numbers Inj EDWARD LASKA D7 LASIfA & KELLY FMgiziz3?sj jg ,zzj!lr $l? 1 rt 1 W & L0-" 1 ; r Sf 1. When I pet in - to trouble, when this world seems full of care, ami I'm fcel-ing ,hv-f 'ly hlnc...; TThenr 2. Some peo-nlc savlhnt mnrrir.d life is trou-ble all the lime, billscomc in with cr - 'ry mail To f i1" f S4sp Qgt a 4 ! j j :- g- -j --g- J--j- -J gg: .jfL- r-f&, s N - S s 1 i . I j I Nl t " V I ev-'ry-thing's a-gninsf, me and the fn -lure looVs so "black, that I don't know what to do, When walk the floor at midnight with a ycll-ing lit - tic brat, is but one mere de - tail Your I 8-, f-r-t j I 1 1 l S I !J ) JLJJ J i ft, 1 j -gg3z: rzd I all ray good friends leave me, bnt they never leave'nie much, and I see my hard luck star; Then there's wife has got a moth-er who wonid turn you upside-down, 'till -ou don't know who vou are But should. i fry ' 1 Li? ' L-e f 1 rjji 'P5 r--N bnt one tiling I know That will make tbose troubles go, I lake a match and light a good ci - gar. my wife's mother call, I would not mind that at all, for I'd take a match and light a good ci - gar c -9- -3T 7. 1 - $V i - I- -j Used by permission, THE TREBUHS PUB. Co., Inc., 141 6 Broadway, New York. EDWARD LASKA, General Manager. MURRAY MUSIC Co.. New York. JVo. 205. ay ,j a chorus. wv t All I want to have is just a good ci gar, When T smoke I don't care what my tron - blcj rTJTOi VJZh'JlA "1 r , ( :-,-az&.rg& w zz :nE3ESz-gEl v " - s - Zir --f7-7 --Zrr-T t. mWr ff I mEEE niB gfc 155 g gg- ' j xJ '&J w rf-li- j- I S n v N . s 1 l -! , , . -yt , W 1 " i-- b Fgg bJ arc, There's no kind of wor-ry thai, can wor - ry me, Et - 'ry - thing looks just as Q Vcif T,ja Si TTOf us k - 5g - r l ,firek-4r $,t s - c o 5 a 5- -h-k ao 'Ao o i C a ,Lt at 5 P 1 cy 1 ! g y ft kw m bright a3 can he? Ton can take my mon - ey, you can leave me broko, But you've got to ( K gp &E1 Sg! gESE g-ire me something good lo smoko, I don't care what happens, all this world is & dream, If you jZ jTi j 1 1 'liii!'jrlJr "T"i , ) & - gf JJ s2 i--f p 'CtT l. t jj 0- e e (p gt o a f" 0. t a -j cj -Aft , J 1 , V-- , ( five me a good ci gar " gar P": -K-t rt .J i j 1 ? ni t ' -trf i- ,. . o r-r v? w " gEg j 1 gEEp -gL" jztE3Jzl - - !r p 1 j vb ggtrrrpflaa I pcxsuoaci i1- Cj- T -J- -t, , Give Mc x Good Cigar. 205t The Sat Lake Tribune has arranged with the Trcbuh's Publishing company, New York, to print every Sunday a piece of music that is tho popular music of the day favorites not only in New York, but likewise favorites everywhere else. The first of this sorics appears above. |