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Show w-;'oLitjirEgg Novel Entertainments iEdited byJ.me Merrill I I Dinner Tricks, to the Ihlns to have a cr tricks "up ono's k'erc. with which to be-omcnts be-omcnts after dinner, or an opportune moment mca a lull In the con-glcry con-glcry was tho oldest of ana every one. old or crested In strange or orful feats. Io trick Is called "the Tako a holtlc. cork It. place a needle. Cut a ork so that the edge of a III fit Into It; then put lie upper cork. Place the i. which holds the upper m the point of the needle. Ivo without falling. This Idrcn. especially a chllrl rlsoner from illness, or on evolving figure is Inler-wce Inler-wce man out of a thin ako him end In ono leg make a pair of long arms. or paddles. Then place lif 111 on top of your finger antl hlow hard. The little man will go round and round. Another clover feat Is lho Spanish dnnccr. . Cut a figure from pasteboard: gum one foot on tho Inverted side of a watch crystal, then place It on a clean plate. Hold tho plate slanting and It will slide down; but drop a little water on the plate; Instead of the glass sliding, It will begin lo revolve, aud continue to revolve with Increased velocity ns the person cIiooscf. This is In consequence of the cohesion of water to the two surfaces, by which a new force Is produced. Three Choice Luncheon Menus. . Oyster Soup Cheese Straws Kscallopcd Chicken Mashed Potatoes Olives Rolls Salted Nuts Tomato Aspic Salad Charlotte Russo Bonbons Coffee Tea Cream of Celery Soup Thin Bread and Butter Oyster Croquettes. Saratoga Chips I l,arnh Loaf with Oreon Pens Potato Salad Olives Walnut Cako Macaroon Whip Grapo Juice Sherbet Ox Tall Soup Idayonnalso of Lobster, 'liiln Bread and Butter Escalloped Chicken. French Fried Potatoes Brazilian Salad Crome dc Monthc ' Sandwiches Gingered Pears Nut Cake Hermits Coffee Fudge Roman Punch Toasts for All Occasions. Here's to tho prettiest. 1 lore's to the wlitlcat, Here's to the truest of all who are true. Hero's to tho sweetest one. Mcro'u to the neatest one. Hcro'u to them all In one, Here's to you. She's beautiful, therefore to bo wood'd, She's a woman, therefore to bo won. To Friendship It Improvces happlnss and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy. and dividing our grief. Thcro Is so much good In tho worst of us, Thero is so much bad in tho best of ua, ihat It ill becomes any one of us, To talk about tho rest of us. They talk about a woman's sphcro as though It had a limit, There's not a place In cn,rth or heaven, There's not a task to mankind given, There's not a blessing or a woo, There's not a whispered yes or no, Thero's not a life or birth. That has a featner's weight of worth-Without worth-Without a woman in it. Jlay every Joy attend you. And Heaven dally send you, Jilcsslngs In heart ami home. A faithful knight to tend you, And gallantly defend you, Wherever you may roam. Here's to the man 1 love, And may that man bo he Who loves but one. and only one. And may that one bo me! Hero's to our better loving! -And here's lo our loves outgrown! Here's to the bitter whirlwind Thut reaps what our seeds have sown! Hero's to the friend that loves ua Too deep for tears or word! Arid here's to tnoso that lovo us, When only lho sense la stirred. Wedding Toast. At a very informal wedding, to which onlv relatives nnd Intimate friends were bidden, a witty young woman gave thlu sentiment at lho table occupied by the 'merry bridal party of eight: Rice and slippers- slippers and rice. I want old symbols of all thals nice In a world mado up of sugar and spice, With a honey moon always shining. A world where tho hlrds keep house by Andthe' ring dove calls nnd tho stock dovo coos, And maids arc many, nnd men mu choose. . . , . And never shall love go pining. Alphabetical Bible Characters. A Una contest for a Sunday school class, contributed by a reader, with whom It is original: A is for A , a Jewish high priest. U was a prophet who owned a queer beast, C was a Persian, great king o'or that D w'an'n propholcss, noble nnd grand. 15 went from Babylon to hlu country for- jr ti!erntrce that shall grow In place of the thorn. , , , , , , C had much cattle, ono of Jacob k twelve li King of Tyre, ao the chronicle runs. I was born when his mother was old. J was once entered by spies that wcro bold. K A terrible earthquake swallowed up K, L a physician beloved, whom 'twas wise lo obey. M was a leader who thrice struck tho rocks. N tho proudest of kings, who ale grass llko an ox. O was a glunt with bedstead Immense, P earned his living by tho making of tents. Q came from Arabia with camels and wealth. R was tho water whoro a leper found health. S sang In prison, and the doors wcro then cleft. T was the place where a cloak was once left. U being married, was in tho king s pay, V being modest. In court could not stay. W was pronounced on people that sin, X is not. found the Bible within. Y Is tho time when seldom we tire. 'A was a city that escaped rain of fire. ANSWERS TO ALPHABETICAL BIBLE CHARACTERS. Aaron. Balaam, Cyrus, Deborah. Ezra, Fir. Gad. Jllram. Isaac, Jericho. Korah, Luke, Moses, Nebuchadnezzar, Og (king of Bnsham). Paul. Queen of Sheba. River Jordan, Silas, Troas. Uriah. Vnshtl, Woe, Youth, Zoar. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Suggestions for an Evening Party. 1 apprcclalo your replies to questions asked In the Sunday paper and will take tho liberty to ask some advice of you myself. I want to glvo nn Informal party for young folko and would like a few suggestions as to the refreshments, decorations, deco-rations, games and also place cards. What should there be on them? Would hand-pnlntod hand-pnlntod ones bo suitable? This Is to bo nn evening affair. How shall I extend the Invitations? 1 cannot afford anything elaborate. Shall bo very thankful to you If you can give me some, advice. MRS. A. B. R. As it Is to be Informal, why not ask your guests verbally or over the telephone. tele-phone. I should not attempt anything elaborate In way of decora lions just a few flowers in vnsop. Place cards are laid at each place when refreshments nrc sorvod. provided the guests sit at tables. They bear tho name and sometimes the dote. Hand-pninted ones would be lovely. They are costly when purchased. At this season I think oyster patties, or escalloped oysters in ramekins, are delicious de-licious with hot buttered linger rolls or biscuit, chicken salad, coffee, salted nuts, olives, with something sweet to top off with In the way of Ico cream or charlotte russe. An Announcement Party. I am expecting to glvo an announcement announce-ment party for a dear friend. I should like some suggestions as to Invitations. I am going 10 have lho guests hem dish towels for the guest of honor. CLARA. For such affairs. If the Invitations are not given verbally or over tho 'phone, the hostess uses her visiting curd, with day. date and hour, and iu this case, as the guests are to sew, the word "thimbles "thim-bles may bo added. Two Questions. Would you please tell me the inclining of R. S. v. P.; also what are plnco cards? I find your department very useful. "ICNOUAMl.'S." R. S. V. P. means "please reply." The letters stand for the French, "ropondes sll votis plait." Place cards are cards at eacii plate bearing the name of guest who is to sit there. Jor a Martha Washington Tea. As I am to entertain tho woman's club al a Martha Washington tea In February. Febru-ary. I would like some tniggcstlons as to refreshments. Can you suggem something some-thing simple and colonial? FLORENCE M. Baked bonus In ramekins, Boston biown bread sandwiches, pickles, baked custard or frozen custard (the latter was tho Ice cream of Washington's tlmo), un-frostcd un-frostcd aponge cake. For a Lawn Party. Please help me plon a "Lcniyn" party to be given next month. 1 have a few IdeaH, hut need more, especially In way of decoration and amunemenl. NELLIE GRAY. Decorate with lemon color exclusively, using festoons of lemon-hued crepu paper or frllln of lemon paper. Then have a tree with crepe paper lemons. In which a irlllo Is concealed In the cotton filling. Blindfold each guest In jnrn, have a pair of scissors and let them clip a lemon from the tree; then try carrying a half dozen lemons, one al a time, on a fork iv'r a given course. Tho one achieving this feat In the shortest space of time lo be awardod a lemon pie. tb, one taking the longest to accomplish the task to have a lemon. Exact imitations of lemons come tilled with lemon candy Just llko lemon . quarters or sections. They would make fine favors; cost, 10 cents each. Serve lemon Ice, lemon cako and lom-oundo. lom-oundo. Celobrating tho Golden Wodding. I am to celebrate my golden wedding February 22. Will you please tell me a few things about the proper way to do? We are to have a hall, our home being to small. Will have 150 guests; will have a dance. Should wo receive lho guests ns soon as they com? What will he nlco to serve and how? My dress will be light gray, with gold trimmings. Should I wear gray gloves or white, nl60 gray shoes or black? Must I wear gloves all tho evening? MRS. C. G. You should receive the guests as they H enter, standing near the door. If you M get very tired you tuny alt down. You mm should have a number of assistants to H relievo you of all responsibility. . I should B serve chlrkon or sweetbread salad, two H kinds of sandwiches, olives, salted al- H monds and pecans. New York ice cream, H which Is yellow; sunshine cake, or whlto H cake frosted with yellow; bonbons Hj wrapped In gold foil, nnd for the dancers H have orange frappe. Either gray or white H gloves, or gray or black slippers. Gloves H are worn until you take refreshments. H Questions on any subject pertaining to fiKj thin department will cheerfully be an- H swered. A reply will be sent by mail if H stamped nnd addressed envelope is cn- HI closed: otherwise answers will apponr In Hg this column. Address Madame Mcrrl, I EH Salt Lake Tribune. II K |