Show I TORPEDOES FAIL TO SINK TANKER Five Men Lost as Sub Scores Two Hits WEST PALM BEACH Fla Feb 24 UP Two UP-Two Two torpedoes crashed into the hull of the ton tanker Republic off the Atlantic Atlan Atlan- tic coast Saturday night it was revealed Tuesday but the year 22 old ship survived the blows and did not sink though five men were lost Twenty-eight Twenty survivors who reached port said the submarine attack came without warning and that three of the dead presumably were killed b by the torpedoes the Two others last were seen jumping overboard i The tanker owned by the Petroleum Petroleum Petroleum Petro Petro- leum Navigation company of Houston Texas was the third Vessel vessel ves yes sel known to have survived U-boat U attack In U. U S. S Atlantic coastal waters since January 14 Neither the Republics Republic's location nor extent of its damage was disclosed disclosed disclosed dis dis- dis- dis closed by the navy It was presumed presumed presumed pre pre- that efforts to bring the tanker to port for repairs were secret Captain Alfred H. H Andersen Houston Texas listed the missing and presumed dead as Carter Ray Ebbs third engineer Houston Ernest R. R Beverly New Orleans Jose Fernandez fireman address unknown Herman Herman Herman Her Her- man Helker messman Houston and Phil messman New Orleans |