Show s sp p 0 Or r t s Mirror By JOHN MOONEY I 1 Telegram Sports Editor Within the next two weeks sports scribes are going to release their annual best nominations for Zor the college basketball season which will be about washed up by that time Without waiting for the completion completion com corn of the season this writer intends to go out on the limb right now flow with his selection naming Bob Burnett of Utah State as the coach who has done the most to improve his schools school's basketball for tor the season Burnett gets our nomination over Floyd Millet of B BY BYU Y U who developed a strong Cougar squad Frosty Cox whose Buffaloes Buffaloes Buffaloes are about to win sin another Big Dig Seven Senn title and Vadal ad a 1 Peterson Peter Peter- son lIon whose Utes are still fighting fighting fight fight- ing for second place We favor faor Burnett because he started absolutely from scratch where his rival coaches had something to work vork with Burnett arrived on the Aggie campus about a. a week before the basketball season opened ing Bebe Lee who was was as called called- into the naval service He hadn't the time to size up his material or develop his offense and defense to tofit tofit tofit fit his players yet today the Ag Ag- gies are re still sWI in there fighting winning ball games and displayIng displaying displaying display display- ing some of the best coaching I work in the intermountain area Burnetts Burnett's feat w wouldn't be so remarkable if he had had thema the material ma ma- to work with in the first place but at best the Aggles arent aren't in the class with B BY BYU Y U Utah Wyoming or Colorado Only two Aggles Captain Keith Trane and Verne Hoffman hoffman Hoff hoff- 1 man are as tall as the average Big Se Seven Sen n eagers and both Trane and Hoffman are dwarfed by almost all their rival eagers Guard Mel Briggs and Forwards Forwards Forwards For For- wards Grant Cullimore and andE Evan E n Baugh are three of the smaller men In the league Since the cant can't hope to control the they have to make their shots count which Is why the U US USA S A AC C offense resembles resembles resembles re re- re- re the Colorado passing attack attack attack at at- tack at times tunes The Aggles could well have beaten B BY BYU Y U Saturday night Inthe in inthe inthe the Provo gym except for some sens sensational shooting on the part of cf Dean Gardner who broke the I Aggles hearts hearth with his unorthodox unorthodox unorthodox I dox sniping Time and time again the set up their plays worked th the ball in and scored le legitimate legitimate le- le baskets only to have Gardner let fly from some half- half falling position to nullify the good work It is possible that the Utes will Trill handle the Aggles quite easily when then they meet tonight In the field house but we doubt It The will be ready for this game and may well trip the Utahn who have hav not pl played up to expectation in all their games this year Whoever wins the game it Is our belief that the fans will admit C Coach a h Bob Burnetts Burnett's little kids are a plenty fair ball bali club Give Burnett the advantage antage of working with his boys this sp spring and and next fall a and d Utah State maybe once again will be beat beat beat at the top in basketball Center Verne Hoffman of the Aggles is tied with Milo Komenich of Wyoming for the honors of being the outstanding sophomore eager cager in the circuit in this writers writer's opinion I Verne although several inches shorter than the towering Komenich Komenich Kome Kome- nich is a great faker a cau capable able shooter and a nifty tip-in tip artist despite his stature Keep your eye on this boy hes he's one to bear watching And a cage fan who hasn't seen the since B BYU Y U walloped them convincingly in the first game of the season at Logan will swear this this' is a a. different ball club dub thanks t to Coach Burnett |