Show Wh When The Telegrams Telegram's weather r editor first started this business of letting his readers write the weather for him he warned that any similarity between the jingles submitted by readers and the actual state of the weather would result in the writer being penalized half the distance to the the goal line Apparently Mrs Frank Meyers S South mth McCall street took him seriously ly for she writes The sun out here is shining And its it's s swell to o be alive If we hant used our rubber rubber rubber rub rub- T h ber We would take a little drive qI eath er The air is full of springtime springtime spring- spring I i time Our hearts are full of glee Theres There's lots of gladness coming I In a land that's pure and free I. I When the rising sun starts sinking i In a land that's far away Weve We've won another victory And its it's time to say good day There was but little sunshine and no sign of springtime springtime springtime spring spring- time Monday in Salt Lake City when the merc mercury ry sank to a alow alow low of 12 degrees and climbed to a high of only 33 degrees The mean was 22 degrees 14 below normal N Nor or was there any sign of spring at Alta where the snow was inches deep or Brighton where there was 87 inches L |