Show AA Classified Di Display pJ y SPECIAL 30 DAYS CASH and CARRY Any Ladys Lady's Dress Any Lady's Ladys Coat 3 5 Any Ladys Lady's Suit 1 Cleaned and spotted without press press- pres- pres ing In Our cleaning does doe not wrinkle your our garments Pioneer Cleaners Edison Edion Street 4 FLORISTS COLONIAL FLOWER HOUSE FUNERAL FLOWERS OUR SPECIALTY E C South Phone 5 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and relatives for their kindness sympathy and beautiful floral offerings during i our bereavement In the loss of our baby Mr and Mrs Thomas Toma urn CALL AN EXPERT BRICI CEMENT WORK PLASTERING MASTERING cement bricK work remodeling re re- modeling patch work Guar 6 BUTTONS BUTTONS- BUCKLES BUCKLES BUTTO BUTTONHOLES eyelets eyelet KI ds KIds KId's Specialty Specially Shop 4 E C 4 CONT RS P or Job CARPENTER wants remodeling or buIlding building build buIld- ing by day or contract contract Fret Free Fre estimates esti ut mates male 4 DOOR CHECKS REPAIRING CHECKS REPAIRING REFILLED new springs all pans C. C A al Fowler Fowier 13 H E 3rd So So 5 FLOOR FINISHING ELECTRIC sanding machine machIs for foi rent ana asa I polisher So Stale State 4 2988 CALL AN EXPERT IRON WORK-ORNAMENTAL WORK PORCH railings sinS and ala columns columna We have the matr mar ralls Cragel Wire 4 A 4 Iron 3 PATENT ATTORNEYS THO THOMAS THOMAS U U. S. S Reg Trade Trademarks marks kS dri drawings P IBe Season 5 PRINTERS BOOKBINDING FOR G. G private Dust ag and Co p public e Edison library r c ci binding nd 3 5 PAl PAINTING PAPERING PAINTING NT P NG-P PAPERING CLEN CLEANING I NG Wall Wal Tex remnants yd 29 cents cent cleaner 3 cans 19 cents Johnsons Johnson's varnish Vj I gal Ial 35 Blue Star enamel at Qt 79 cents Papering Pain Painting EVERETS EVERET'S EVERETT'S EVERETTS WALLPAPER PAINT CO 10 Regent Relent St St. st 4 PAPERING 3 rm mm 1942 sun Bun tested Da- Da va oem pers work guar Iuar paint 3 WALLACE Contracting Co Ct Remodeling paint papering o. o payments payment 4 1274 LOW LOWEST prices e expert papering rl n t II cleaning nl Call a f Pearson l 6 2 FREE FREH estimates mate on expert epert painting and papering Terms II U desired 4 PAPERING PAINTING CLEANING I sEt Et h Best s work Lowest prices 4 SECIL SPECIAL prices price this week Papering paintIng paint paint- Ing samps furn furs W. W R. R Duke 7 EXPERT papering 3 rooms s 10 PaInting PaInt PaInt- Ing cleaning I work guar 4 iH PAPERING cleaning washing painting Carrigan 5 PAINT now before rush rush By Job or con tract 5 SUR SURGICAL CAL BELTS BELTS TRUSSES CORSET SERVICE SERVICE Only OnlY SERVIE-OnlY Only foundation foun bun dation daton garments garment boned bond with wih the famous woven wire stay Mrs Mr Egan 3 SURGICAL stockings belts belt trusses FITTED BY EXPERT S South Main Salt Sai Lake City WI WINDOW DOW SHADES WINDOW and Venetian blinds In Inwood Inwood Inwood wood or steel slats slats made made by oy Co C. C Free brn samples mple and estimates SANDERS South ul State Stale 5 2395 LETS LET'S GO PLACES t Where to Dance Dance- Dance 1 Where to Dine Dine Dine- Dine ot What to Take Take Take- Take r 11 Rain Ran or Shine Shine Shine- Shine k ATTRACTIONS S I and Suggestions for r t I Your Pleasure ANDYS ANDY'S CAFE CAFE SUGARHOUSE Spec Spee prices Breakfast lunch dinners dinner Banquets bridge parties parte Opposite South East t Theater fter GYM GYM 3 Enroll Enrol now Enjoy better betler hal health 2 AUCTION 2 SALES THALES M M. DERRICK auctioneer High class clas auction service Ph Ph 7 2 7 28 3 LOST 3 LOST AND FOUND WRIST watch Ids Westfield Main bt bt 2nd So and So Temple 5 STRAYED or stolen brown and whIte Boston Bos Bos- ton terrier Reward 3 TOOLBOX electricians electrician's lost Friday Feb 13 Reward 3 LOST LOST Brindle Brindle Boston bull bul Mate Male Sammy Sammy Sammy Sam my Blvd Service Serice Sta 6 nie white gold wrist watch West field feld make 5 ONE aluminum delivery book with delivery de de' delivery livery Ivry tickets Return to Packing Co Reward Call Cal 3 WATCH WATCH WATCH-Lady's Lady's Ladys gold sOd Bulova Marie Cummings on back lost Sat night Reward 6 3 LIVE PIGS PIGS Thur sIte bet bl Soldier Summit and S. S L. L L C. C Rew Hew N. N O. O Anderson Huntington Utah Uta PURSE PURSE Petite Petite Point bag with wf watch and accessories lost Sat Sa 5 Reward Lent DOG DOG Lost t or stolen Bl Bi and white cocker coker cock cok- cok er spaniel 6 old female Reward Re Re- ward No 5 Amos Villa Via 5 5 SCOTTIE TERRI TERRIER TERRIER R Female Childs Child's pet pe strayed Sunday from 1379 Westminster ster ave License on collar colar Call Cal 6 Reward DOG Large DOG Large t tan St n-St St St. Bernard and d police Missing since Feb 16 Neighborhood of E. E and S. S S Temple Reward Rard Call Cal 4 DOG Strayed DOG Strayed or stolen thoroughbred Boston Bos Hon tot ton bull bul terrier male childs child's pet pet lost from K st st. 3 Reward CURRENCY 35 CURRENCY lost lost lost-In in Gi Grand d Central Central market a So O. O and Main Sat p. p m rn et il Money n needed badly il attl Liberal i a reward 3 MALE MALE white lIver Ivr spots lost loot from 2220 K E. So Reward 6 PURSE lost by boy about 6 N News carrier car car- ca ncr rier east ast side 6 Reward LOST mans man's Bulova Bulova- Bulova watch engraved G Gold Garold Oar Gar old Larson near Wooleys Wooley's rink Reward Re- Re Re ward 4 LOST LOST Light Light meter Sunday Wasatch Wasatch- blvd d bl 5 35 reward 3 Sunday or 6 6 FOUND purse containing mo money In downtown downtown down down- town furse store Owner may have by Iden Iden- 7 4 PERSONALS 4 DR DR LEVI LEV J root rOOI specialist corns cors calluses Ingrown club nails bunions bunions flat fiat feet fet weak arches corrected Complete Com Corn treatment both bt feet feet 1 SI 50 5 2991 Felt building Yel NEW Interesting unique J Joyful surprises sue sur prison FREE FIlER f. f i Mail hall lOc bc b handling dl now Sego Sega ave are SPECIALIST FOR MEN Dr Griffith So Main Ph Ph 4 1717 4 SWIM SWIM Reduce Warm 1 lesson Prof Thornton Was Wa Springs 3 SHEL-MER SHEL convalescent home Best Bent Bet ret ref No mental Reas 3 92 Apricot MASSAGE 5 AND BATH SCIENTIFIC i Swedish contouring i r ii relaxes SENT your our mind nerve soothing Nurse Nurs Daily Atlas Alas 4 MASSAGE 5 AND BATH BATH lf TI I A S S A G E. E shoW f f Graduate nurse nure Mi South Main I suite Dial Dal 4 25 25 E. E Had 2nd So 80 cab Bath Swedish massage Bat malle rub Mrs Hrs Hr 18 11 8 Sun SUI G 10 Nurse Nure LEAPt LEA 2 HANSON I Atlas id bid s Hours l massage 5 21 g GOOD GOO massage vapor bath oil alcohol rub b OPEN ps Sun Hrs l 6 10 aJ Atlas EXP massage s ham France American n Rm Em B 23 3 E H. 1st S. S t Marie J Ctr Morres Morren I VERY YER best massage oil and alcohol rut rut- rut Hrs firs r e 11 11 1 i Atlas t MASSAGE SI 1 st st. bath hath Miss Lane st Bd 1 4 Mrs Hrs Hrs 9 10 6 TRAVEL 6 TRAVE b-TRAVE TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES SALT LAKE BUS EPO Serves Seres National T railways Air Conditioned Lines BURLINGTON SANTA FE FERI FERIO FERIO RIO RI GRANDE DENVER- DENVER SALT LAKE PACIFIC LAKE PACIFIC STAGES STAGE ALSO Lewis Lewk Bros Stages to PARK CITY ELY NEV BINGHAM CANYON B INSUlIN 60 East 2nd South 3 S 63 SA SAVE VE MONET HONE MONE i iLo I LAS VEGAS Lo LOS ANGELES L 5 7 st 75 75 SAN DIEGO SO 9 bo 50 SO Bonded Insured Reclining Chair Bus PONY EXPRESS PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS 40 EAST 2ND SOUTH SOUTI DIAL DIL 4 HElP 7 WOMEN WANTED WOMEN STENOGRAPHER E In own own hand own hand handwriting handwriting writing stating age experience and lowest B salary willing n to start t with Address Js Box iY H H 15 iM rl ie iet wih STENOGRAPHER fairly expert and experIenced experienced ex ex- In general genral office work State age give references qualifications and salary expected Reply In own handwriting Address Box K 35 Trib EXCELLENT place tor lee girl gin between 3 Jo and 40 yrs old Must understand cookIng cokIng cook cook- cok- cok Ing lug ref rd No laundry laundr Two adults aduJa Dial Dia 4 mornings EXPERT typist age between 30 Wages Wage Judge Judg 5 EXPERIENCED fountain girl girt Wages Wage East lit lt South GIRL Bd So East Eat 6 STENOGRAPHER with legal experience State age experience and salary de de- sired Box K 25 Trib FOR pressing spotting If not exper we will teach h. h sW Wages f Ik Myers Myer's s Cleaners n. n s 14 E. E 3rd So for GIRL for cafe over 18 exper not ei s- s re sary Wages Ranche Cafe Mur 21 21 W WANTED Young WANTED A ir Young ne neat at li Intelligent t lady l f for all around o work In cleaning plant Wasatch Clean Cleaning In and Dyeing East So STENOGRAPHER Insurance e experience preferred Reply in own handwriting stating age experience qualifications references salary expected Box H 20 Trib COMPETENT GIRL GIL FOR GEN HOUSEWORK MOUSE HOUSE WORK AND COOKING STAY NIGHTS GOOD GOD WAGES 3 GIRL to tend child and ad clean small smal apt Wages Wage D st sL MIDDLE age woman to care for elderly lady In Sm wages 3 W WANTED WANTED ANTEI Experienced waitresses top wagon wages Fred and Kely's Kellys Kelly's 1084 So State 4 WANTED WANTED Woman Woman experienced hotel hote desk dek clerk town out-of-town position must operate op op crate erate switchboard Wages Wales Box H 60 Trib GIRL care of child housework evenings Sat Sat afternoons afternoon Sundays off of 30 month 1449 Richards street RELIABLE woman over 25 for cooking Some hsk Go home hoe nights High wages wags 4 4 GIRL to tend e 2 children e private room jl wages e ee vie Vic E 15 7 So 6 07 EXPERIENCED fount fountain n girl wanted wages wa E. E So Temple 3 WOMEN 8 WANT WORK BLUEBIRD n IRD n 5 CURTAIN CLEANERS Rs' Rs Mod lod equipment no PIN PI HOLES or SCALloped loped edges Send your suIt silk curtains curtaIn W Work guaranteed 1 nt 2 ave 3 CURTAINS to SOc rues to 2 13 yes exp exo Call Cal del 7 7 COMPETENT nursemaid wants want position Will go out of town tows Refs 3 2776 rm rio 12 I II I HAVE A SPECIALTY In covered buttons and buckles Attached snap fasteners and eyelets rhinestones metal and enamel trimmings Dial 4 9 MEN 9 MEN WANT ANT WORK CARPENTER l A-l l work by day or Job Bess Rea A. A A. A A Armstrong 5 SINGLE man wants work on on f farm or dairy dair Experienced 6 TRAINING SCHOOLS MEN 18 TO 50 If I you are bodied able and Inter Inter- ested In a salary I of 35 to 50 per wk Investigate e la Frye r training Men nl In InAi InAl A I class cass not accepted In only 6 weeks you will wi be qualified for work In any major factory Already more than than- Frye graduates are earnIng earning earning earn earn- ing big pay in major maor plants plant plant from coast to coast coat See or write our Salt Lake school schol today FRYE AIRCRAFT CO OF UTAH Motor ave av Ph Ph 5 WOMAN 18 WOMAN WOMAN 18 18 TO 40 YEARS OLD WANTED IMMEDIATELY Urgently needed for aircraft work Southern California Four weeks weeks' course Trains you for defense work a at paid high out t wo wages of ge wages ag Tuition after erco cost employed f partly Call gal at Bosto Bonto after 4 f p. p m. m for tor appointment Sunday Phone 4 INSTRUCTION In French Spanish Italian German Latin Dr Francis Fancis Golffing First Firt avenue 4 I 11 MALE II-MALE MALE HELP WANTED N lubricating ln a man 1 expert ip t car a aw w washer expert g Apply Leo Hansen Streator Smith Inc tty 4 46 65 65 t So aMr Main It EXP man manfor an for lunch counter 4 p. p m. m to 1 a. a m. m m Sundays off oU 25 week and eats eal Refs Res Age Ale Box 34 MAlE rI-MAlE I 11 MALE I-MALE MALE HELP WANTED WANTED I THE TIlE Nl NIJ ND TELEGRAM to 10 protect their readers against fraud deception or Injustice Readers Headers are r 01 0 oica tu Is m IL moM Ac NO so O payment Header to get a position advertised in te the Help wanted columns Ads In other oter columns which require Investment In stocks samples sampes sample equipment or a cash bond should be thoroughly investigated before before be be- be fore paying out any aDY money All Al help wanted ads MUST specify the nature of the work ork Sales Sale help wanted ads must mention menton the article artcle or service to be aol soli and state stat If it the le pay Is In la the te form for of ot salary commission or both Only bona fide tide offers of ot in m pl Help e Wanted with l columns pay ml belong Kindly In t the thi report re report re- re port any exception to this thin rule to th the j i classified advertising manager 3 I 1 BOYS WANTED 1 Full Ful time work wages wage Postal Telegraph i i So Main MaIl Telegraph WANTED WANTED One One 1st class clans carpenter and paperhanger paper By contract or wages 1 E. E Wallace al 4 b Contracting Co 21 80 So wage EXPERIENCED dental laboratory tech tech- Good wages wage Painless Wi Withers Dental Laboratory S. S Slain Main I W WANTED WANTED ANT Mn D-Mn Man experienced hotel desk clerk town Out position I Stunt Must de op i J W crate erate s switchboard Wages Box H 31 I DELIVERY boy with wih bicycle full ful time day work good goo wages chance for tor ad- ad Drug Co 63 South West Temple Tempi Apply mornings I WANTED WANT WANTED WANTED-An An n experienced will I pay good wages Phone Bingham j A 63 Wells ll r 10 DUMP trucks c for work Ogden supply depotS depot See Walter lt Dastrup 8 Brown g hotel f I o Ogden n or Bothwell W Const Co Kearns S. S L. L C. C PRESSMAN wanted wanted Experience Experience on verU cal and n Kelly y presses and job presses r Good o wages a 1 Apply iao ia o or write t to Paragon Para Para- gon Printing Co W. W 2nd So 2 EXPERIENCED auto up tune-up men Good opportunity for for advancement Guar Guaranteed Guar Go d salary and nd commission Box 1 r K 1533 DELIVERY boy Must hav hay bicycle Out of school Perm Pen Pr for advance advance- advance men mont ment salary age ae 16 1618 1618 55 W. W 3 So BARBER wasted wanted guarantee and commIs sion slon Walker Bank Barber Shop EXPERIENCED route delivery man manAj Apply Delivery Service Co 44 4 Richards st it It HOFFMAN presser must be go good steady 2nd work So Wages Wags Union Tailors goo East 2 EXPERIENCED lubrication men me mei who j understand late auto lubrication g Guaranteed r salary f and nd commission Box h T 2 EXPERIENCED auto wash wah men GuarT d d salary and nd commission Guar Box r 1132 1 Tf Tele le I H Salesmen la-Salesmen Agents Agent Wanted Wand REAL opportunity for salesman with na sa- sa lonal office equipment concern Sal Sal- I and aid Sa ary commission whIte learning f our Ut In line Box K 12 BUSINESS 12 BUSINESS Opportunities GOI GOING G SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE GOOD EAST SIDE LOCATION CALL CAtl 3 WILL sell sel all al or part par of my cleaning and pressing I gr Ss shop hop 10 yrs Good rca reas for selling Box Jt l. H-l. Trib b GEN GENERAL RAT merchandise fh s store s southern g Utah Will consider trade grocery store or house In Salt wu Lake Lake e- e Box ox H 14 1 Trib Trib Tele MODERN date up-to-date service serIce station for lease i good location will wi stalon handle 3 West Wet So WILL sell sl for cash cah established cafe doing good business In ln defense city cae of 50 Seating gating capacity of 18 stools and 13 H booths Write box K E GO In business In your home Items i w We IVe stake take you Exp you Call Call- write Sego Sega W. W of Calwrie Cal Cal- E H. H m iio HOTEL PEt K bar br and cafe cae furniture iture for cash Box E 41 Tele BEER DRIVE IN STAND best South 15 East beB Soul Eat location Business good Other Inter Inter- Inter ests reason for selling For appointment appoint appoint- J moot ment phone Slot Hoi Hol W. W HALF Interest In well wel e tab mfg traffic signal business to reliable party with servIces Major st st. 5 SCHOOL Lt of dressmaking g es est f returns on small sma smal Inv mv nv a all al equipment god terms to responsible party paty 4 business in Idaho Falls Write Idaho Nit Nite hawk Hawk N North rth Fals Idaho Falls Fals SALE or rent full ful equipment for bath or masage parlor Templeton bah 50 PER CENT Interest for OO-ln OO ment In cafe and manage manale same sam Real opportunity for a capable man or orv woman who Is w willing K to work Box K 36 v Tete H Stores Offices for Rent STORE SPACE FEET FEE OFF MAIN ST. ST WILL REMODEL TO SUIT TE TEN TEN- |