Show i Padres May Pull PuI Upset in 42 I I This is In another in a baseball series dealing with 1942 prospects of Pacific Coast league clubs dubs By RUSSELL NEWLAND 1 SAN FRANCISCO Feb 24 UP San UP-San San Diego's Padres figure to come com up tip with a hustling baseball outfit again this season and onto the prediction is tagged moral never moral never waste words of sympathy on Manager Cedric Durst or his club I He proved it in 1941 Last spring Durst was given a squad of players many nany of whom were unknown to Coast fans or had failed in previous ous trials in the league What happened The team was in the pennant race all the way and finished finished fin fin- shed third Most of the pickers had tabbed it for the second divi divi- sion Two vo important cogs in last years year's ears machinery are gone Yank Terry the leagues league's premier pitcher pitch pitch- er returns to the Boston Red Sox for another major league whirl Shortstop Eddie Pellegrini also gained another trial with the same club r Boots Comes Back To compensate in part for these losses San Diego has added Cletus Boots and Frank Dasso to the mound corps r an eccentric diamond character has had big league trials with ith Detroit and Brooklyn If able to win he should become become become be be- come a genuine attraction in the Coast circuit Two years ago he heWon hewon hewon Won won 25 games in the Southern association association as as- but he was on the suspended suspended suspended sus sus- list most of last season after ter getting in bad early in the campaign I Dasso acquired from the Red Sox is a fast ball specialist who has been not overly successful on onI I the coast the last two seasons r He Jie may find himself under Durst Between and Dasso they should come close to equaling t Terrys Terry's game 26 victory string of last year Other hurling support will come I I from Wally Hebert Bill Thomas Al Olsen Herman Charley I Eisenman Isenman Rex Dilbeck Gus Hall- Hall 1 I bourg Winlow Johnson A couple of youngsters may sprout in trainIng training train train- ing camp Few Vacancies Except for Pellegrini's shor shortstop top position all other departments appear appear appear ap ap- ap- ap pear to be filled by capable men Joe Gedzius purchased from Spokane Spokane Spokane kane is expected to plug the shortstop shortstop shortstop short short- stop gap He marked up an Impressive impressive impressive im im- Im- Im season in the Western International International In In- league in 1941 and was among the leaders in runs batted batted batted bat bat- ted in George McDonald will be back at first base Stan Sperry and Art will battle for second and Veteran Mickey Haslin will cover third third Manager Manager Durst hopes There is some doubt about Haslin's return He lives in the east and would prefer playing closer to his home Efforts to arrange a deal for him have failed thus far because because because be be- cause the club has not been offered offered offered of of- anything near his worth George Detore and Bill Salkeld sound reliable catchers form the backstopping strength with Del Ballenger a San Diego youth slated for third string duties In the outfield regulars Hal and John Jensen will be beon beon beon on hand but the status of Mel Mazzera is still in doubt Mazzera may wind up on the Stockton police police police po po- po- po lice force if he passes civil service examinations in his home town Fighting for the extra fly chasIng chasing chasing chas chas- ing berth will be Jack Whipple a California State league product Mack Short from the West Texas league and Veteran Art Garibaldi trying his luck in the outfield after a long career In summation the San Diego makeup is not imposing but Manager Manager Manager Man Man- ager Durst proved last year he is isa isa isa a wizard at baseball alchemy I |