Show Gives Up Time to Aid Uncle Sam 4 t x I y I i I I r Y ii J v. v rj r ft i a 4 g K eJ ro j 9 FRO FROM I HISTORY STUDY SHE GOES TO MAKING h HISTORY Miss Jeanne Rodgers one of unsung workers in defense U IT History Major Maior Does Her Part To Help Defense Efforts Editors Editor's Note This Is one of 0 a series of 0 articles on persons who give time to the civilian defense effort In little heard Jobs lobs that dont don't make the headlines One aim of the civilian defense program in Utah has been to function function function tion as much as possible on a volunteer volunteer volunteer vol vol- basis and keep to a minimum minimum minimum mini mini- mum the number of paid workers All of which means a big task for the volun volun- Behind t tee e e r s because the civilian de de- Defense Scenes ing is a vast one At the state defense office at atthe atthe atthe the chamber of commerce are rows of filing cabinets containing council coun council coun- coun cil records They must be kept constantly up to date Filing is a job anything but glamorous and its it's tiresome as aswell aswell well as it means hours of work on ones one's feet constantly bending over cases and trudging back and forth But Miss Jeanne Rodgers one of the volunteer defense workers who gives her time to the effort unstintingly giving up other engagements engagements engagements en en- when her services are requested doesn't mind the arduous arduous arduous ar ar- ar- ar unsung work Daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Robert Robert Rob Rob- ert Rodgers 25 S street Miss Rodgers is a University of Utah student and reports at 2 p. p m m. at defense council headquarters Her job principally is filing Im majoring in history at the university she explained Im learning about what happened in past periods but down here at the defense office well were we're making making making mak mak- ing history |