Show i Henry Mclemore 1 DALLAS Texas Texas Texas-It If I were 1 suddenly sworn into the F FBI B I 1 Uncle Edgar Hoover were and nd I to to shy uP me JIle and give r choice ve JIle my of cases to work on I think Id I'd answer an- an this thi s sway way Uncle Edgar Edgar Edgar Ed Ed- gar as SOO soon as you ou pin my badge on me and nd give me memy personal k kId JIl my y v b i o 0 Id I'd Me like to take sake a look at t the dollar- dollar men McLemore l year a-year in jn Washington This may sound like treason to you If it does I understand why Since World war I the year dollar-a-year man has occupied a unique place in the public heart He is looked upon by the citizenry as a combination Paul Revere ere without a horse Patrick Henry without a hall hail Betsy ROSS without a thimble well thimble well he be is looked upon as the man who laid aside all personal business business business busi busi- ness abandoned all thought of ot monetary gain hurriedly kissed his wife and kiddies good-by good and hastened to Washington to wear out his two-pants two suit inthe in inthe inthe the service of Uncle Sam from sunup to sundown sundown strictly strictly for free That's a lovely picture I hope its it's true I do not want I to be branded as a double- double chinned iconoclast For my I do not want them to scrawl these words on the imitation imitation imitation imi imi- tation marble which will serve for my headstone H McLemore Destroyer of Lovely Illusions But since this country went to war I have traveled some 20 states Eastern states Southern Southern South South- em ern states Midwestern states Pacific coast states You know the biggest beef I have heard It didn't concern the negligence at Pearl Harbor or the lenient treat treatment ent of enemy enemy enemy ene ene- my aliens or congressional pensions or Mrs Roosevelt's daily busybody activities No it concerned the dollar- dollar year a-year men In every town Ive I've been to citizens like you and me have told me that the year dollar-a-year men are nothing but watchdogs for the great industrial interests of this country They are pic- pic Lured as nothing but lobbyists with the power to hand out government government government gov gov- contracts The government pays them only a dollar a But so this country feels they are drawing tremendous salaries from the large interests they represent It is generally conceded conceded conceded con con- ceded that these men are of great ability But here there and everywhere citizens are questioning their allegiance Poes loes it belong to the United States or to the powerful companies companies com corn panics with which they have definite ties Manufacturers of motors have told me that the small manufacturer manufacturer manufacturer of motors has no chance to get a contract The same goes for the men who are able and willing to manufacture high test aviation gasoline light metals metals metals met met- als and almost anything else you can name I am not calling any names at the moment I I. I realize that I am only a few months removed from being a sports writer whose chief interests interests interests in in- were DiMaggio's throwIng throwing throwing throw throw- ing arm Ted Williams' Williams batting stance and Fellers Feller's curve I dont don't want to try to be a smart f fellow all of a sudden but Brother I have the names and the dope and the facts I haven't been a reporter for 12 years for nothing Youre You're not going to catch me throwing libel around like it was a biscuit for papa at the end of the table It wont won't be long until Ill I'll getto get getto getto to Washington I want to talk to a few fellows who so I have been told are kicking that gong around for their own interests and to hell with MacArthur and his boys Maybe they are not kicking it around But a lot of people think they are and the people who think they are are pretty substantial citizens Well We'll find out all we can on this If it requires a congressional investigation lets let's have it My guess is and is-and and its it's strictly a guess that guess that where there is so much smoke there must be some fi fire i |